


hinny bụ ngwakọ equine nke ụlọ, ụmụ nke ịnyịnya nwoke (agba ịnyịnya) na ịnyịnya ibu nwanyị (jenny). Ọ bụ obe na-atụgharị na inyinya mule nke na-ahụkarị, nke bụ ihe sitere n'ịnyịnya ibu (nkịta) na ịnyịnya nwanyị (nwoke). Hinny dị iche na inyinya mule ma na physiology na temperament n'ihi nbipụta mkpụrụ ndụ ihe nketa na ọ dịkwa obere.


Hinny bụ nwa nke ịnyịnya ibu na jenny ma ọ bụ ịnyịnya ibu nwanyị, ya mere ọ bụ obe na-agbanwe agbanwe na ịnyịnya ibu a na-ahụkarị nke jack (ịnyịnya ibu nwoke) si n'ụmụ ịnyịnya ibu. Dị ka ịnyịnya ibu, hinny na-egosipụta Ike ngwakọta (heterosis). [1]

N'ikwu ya n'ozuzu, n'ime ngwakọta abụọ a, akụkụ ihu na isi nke anụmanụ ahụ yiri nke nna, ebe akụkụ azụ na ọdụ yiri nke mmiri ahụ.[1]: 36 A hinny na-adịkarị obere karịa ịnyịnya ibu, nwere ntị dị mkpụmkpụ na isi dị mfe; a na-eme ka ọdụ ya dị ka nke nne ịnyịnya ibu ya.[1]

Ụdị dị iche iche nke hinny na mule bụ akụkụ ụfọdụ nke na-adabere na genomic imprinting - Ihe nketa epigenetic.[2] Hinnies na ịnyịnya ibu dị iche iche n'àgwà n'agbanyeghị ịkekọrịta nuclear genomes; a kwenyere na nke a sitere n'omume nke mkpụrụ ndụ ihe nketa.[3]

Ịmụ nwa, ịmụ nwa na ụkọ

Dị ka ọtụtụ akụkọ si kwuo, hinnies bụ ndị na-adịghị amị mkpụrụ ma ha enweghị ike ịmụ nwa.[1]: 37 Hinny nke nwoke nwere ike ịlụ, mana ikuku anaghị amụ nwa. Ọtụtụ enweghị sperm na mmepụta, ndị ọzọ nwere sperm nke na-adịghị emegharị.[4] A na-akọ n'ụzọ dịgasị iche iche na mmiri nke nwa ehi e buuru na Henan Province nke China na 1981 bụ ịnyịnya ibu ma ọ bụ hinny. [5][6]

Ebem si dee

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Cite warning: <ref> tag with name cabi cannot be previewed because it is defined outside the current section or not defined at all.
  2. Hunter (2007). "The silence of genes. Is genomic imprinting the software of evolution or just a battleground for gender conflict?". EMBO Reports 8 (5): 441–443. DOI:10.1038/sj.embor.7400965. PMID 17471258. 
  3. Wang (2013). "Paternally expressed genes predominate in the placenta". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (26): 10705–10710. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1308998110. PMID 23754418. 
  4. Zong (June 1989). "The variety of sterility and gradual progression to fertility in hybrids of the horse and donkey". Heredity 62 (3): 393–406. DOI:10.1038/hdy.1989.54. PMID 2753743. 
  5. Cite warning: <ref> tag with name rong cannot be previewed because it is defined outside the current section or not defined at all.
  6. Cite warning: <ref> tag with name er cannot be previewed because it is defined outside the current section or not defined at all.