Somaliland shilling

500 Somaliland shillings notes

Somaliland shilling (Somali: , Arabic: شلن صومال sensibiliدي; mkpirisi: SLS; akara: /-, mgbe ụfọdụ prefixed Sl.Sh.) bụ ego gọọmentị nke Republic of Somaliland.[1][2][3]

Shilling abụwo ego nke akụkụ Somalia kemgbe afọ 1921, mgbe ewepụtara shilling nke East Africa na British Somaliland protectorate. Mgbe nnwere onwe na afọ 1960 na njikọta nke ókèala ndị bụbu British Somaliland na Italian Somaliland, ego ha, East African shilling na somalo (nke hà nhata na uru) ka Somali shilling dochiri na afọ 1962. Aha ndị e ji mee ihe maka okpukpe ya bụ cent (otu: centesimo; otutu: centesimi) na Stans (ọtụtụ: Stans), tinyere shilling (otu: scellino; otutu: scellini) na شلن.

N'ọnwa Septemba afọ 1994, ndị omeiwu nke Somaliland kwadoro atụmatụ President Egal iji webata ego ọhụrụ iji dochie shilling Somali.[4] E webatara Somaliland shilling na ubochi iri na asatọ nke ọnwa Ọktoba n'afo1994 na ọnụego nke Sl.So.1/- na So.Sh.100/-. A kwụsịrị ịnabata shilling Somalia dị ka ego iwu kwadoro na Somaliland na 31 Jenụwarị na afọ 1995.[5]

A na-ejikọta shilling Somaliland na dollar nke obodo United States na ọnụego nke Sl.Sh.580/12 na US $ 1. Naanị akwụkwọ ego 100/-, 500/-, 1,000/- na 5,000/- na-ekesa ugbu a.

A na-ekewa shilling Somaliland n'ime puku cents, mana enwetụbeghị mkpụrụ ego ndị a na-akpọ cents n'ihi ọnụ ahịa ha dị ala. Mkpụrụ ego nwere ọnụ ahịa kachasị ala e wepụtara bụ mkpụrụ ego 1/- nke mbụ e mepụtara na afọ 1994 na Pobjoy Mint na obodo nke England ma si otú a nwee akara PM mint. N'afọ 2002, e wepụtara mkpụrụ ego abụo/- na ise/- nke nwere ihe ngosi nke onye nchọpụta Sir Richard Burton na oke ọkụkọ, n'otu n'otu. Mkpụrụ ego ndị ọzọ e wepụtara bụ mkpụrụ ego iri/- (nke na-egosi enwe) na mkpụrụ ego iri abụo/- (nke gosipụtara greyhound). A naghị emepụta mkpụrụ ego Somaliland ma ọ bụ kesaa ya ugbu a.

Preview of references

  1. Vickery. The surprising place where cash is going extinct (en). Retrieved on 2021-12-16.
  2. Planet. Money and Costs in Somaliland (en). Lonely Planet. Retrieved on 2021-12-16.
  3. Renders (2012-01-27). Consider Somaliland: State-Building with Traditional Leaders and Institutions (in en). BRILL, 134. ISBN 978-90-04-22254-0. 
  4. Renders (2012). Consider Somaliland: State-Building with Traditional Leaders and Institutions (in en). BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-22254-0. Retrieved on 2 July 2020. 
  5. Political Settlements and State Formation: The Case of Somaliland. Retrieved on 2020-07-08.