
Military handheld periscope optical design.
1 - Eyepiece
2 - Diagonal prism
3 - Handle
4 - 6 - Erecting lenses
5 - Periscope tube
7 - Field lens
8 - Lens
9 - Head diagonal prism
10 - Window
Principle of the periscope.
A - Periscope using two plane mirrors.
B - Periscope using two right–angled prisms.
1 - 2 - Plane mirrors.
3 - 4 - Right–angled prisms.
5 - 6 - Observer eye.
7 - 8 - Periscope tube.
H - Periscope optical height.
Principle of the lens periscope.
A - Periscope using a single lens (L2) to correct image.
B - Periscope which uses two lenses (L2-L3) to correct image.
1-3 - Periscope window.
2-4 - Field stop or reticle.
P - Right–angled prisms (or plane mirrors).
L1 - Objective lens.
L2 - for A - L2 - L3 - for B - Image erecting lens.
L3 - L4 -for A - L4-L5- for B - Eyepiece.
L0 - Field lens.
y - Distant object.
H - Periscope optical height.

Periskopo esas optiko-tubo, uzata dat-unesme da submarnavi, kom aparato qua posibligas vidar dum submerseso.

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