Simpla Angla
Bazala Angliana, o Basic Angliana (Business Academic Scientific International Commercial - Afero Akademio Cienco Internaciona komercala) esas helpolinguo kreita da Charles K. Ogden. La linguo esas fondita sur Angliana, ma talias preske la tota vortaro, e nur havas 850 vorti, la majoritato esas substantivi. Ogden anke plu regulaligis la gramatiko.
Hike esas Patro nia-exemplo inter Ido, Bazala Angliana e Ordinara Angliana.
Ido | Bazala Angliana | Ordinara Angliana |
Patro nia qua esas en la cielo, | Our Father in heaven, | Our Father in heaven, |
Vua nomo esez santigata; | may your name be kept holy. | hallowed be your name. |
Vua regno arivez; | Let your kingdom come. | Your kingdom come, |
Vua volo esez obediata, | Let your pleasure be done, | your will be done, |
Quale en la cielo, tale sur la tero. | as in heaven, so on earth. | on earth, as it is in heaven. |
Nia singladi’ panon donez a ni cadie, | Give us this day bread for our needs. | Give us this day our daily bread, |
E remisez a ni nia debaji, | And make us free of our debts, | and forgive us our debts, |
Quale anke ni remisas a nia debanti, | as we have made free those who are in debt to us. | as we also have forgiven our debtors. |
E ne duktez ni aden la tenteso, | And let us not be put to the test, | And lead us not into temptation, |
Ma liberigez ni del malajo. | but keep us safe from the Evil One.[1] | but deliver us from evil. |
Extera ligili
- Ogden's Basic English