The Relapse

John Vanbrugh, autoro de The Relapse.
Colley Cibber kom Lord Foppington, "brutala, mala, e saja."

The Relapse (retrofalo) o Virtue in Danger (vertuo en danjero) esas Angla restaureso-komedio de 1696 da John Vanbrugh, la sequo di Love's Last Shift, or, Virtue Rewarded, ploriganta verko da Colley Cibber. En Love's Last Shift da Cibber, libre-vivanta debochanto itere sukombis a la tento e komencis nova amor-afero. Lua vertuoza spozino anke renkontris sedukteso, ma elu olun rezistis kun desfacileso.

Vanbrugh projetis ke The Relapse esez por la aktori ye Drury Lane, inkluzante lia habiti, publika reputeso, e personala relati aden la texto. Un ek ta aktori esis Colley Cibber su ipsa, qua igis la rolo di la fapio Lord Foppington en amba Love's Last Shift e The Relapse. Tamen, la artala programi di Vanburgh stopesis pro la lukto inter du teatro-kompanii en London, la du "seduktante" la un la otra. The Relapse preske ne produktesis, me kun sucesoza performo ye novembro 1696, la kompanii liberesis de bankroto.

Diferanta de Love's Last Shirt, nultempe pleesis de la 1690a yari, The Relapse mantenabas sua intereso por la asistantaro. En 18ma yarcento, tamen, la pensado pri adultereso itere divenis negativa, e dum un yarcento la originala dramatio remplasesis par A Trip to Scarborough (1777). Kom moderna dramatio, The Relapse estabas restorata kom un ek la maxim populara restaureso-komedii, pro la esprito di Vanbrugh e la pleado di Lord Foppington, burleska karaktero kun tenebroza latero.


(omno en l'Angla)

  • Cibber, Colley (unesme publikigita 1740, ed. Robert Lowe, 1889). An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, vol.1, vol 2. London.
  • Faller, Lincoln B. (1974–75). "Between jest and earnest: the comedy of Sir John Vanbrugh". Modern Philology 72, 17—29.
  • Gildon, Charles (1699). The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets. London.
  • Harris, Bernard (1971). Introduction to The Relapse. London: New Mermaids, Ernest Benn.
  • Holland, Peter (1979). The Ornament of Action: Text and Performance in Restoration Comedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hume, Robert D. (1976). The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Milhous, Judith (1979). Thomas Betterton and the Management of Lincoln's Inn Fields 1695–1708. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.
  • Van Lennep, William (ed.) (1965). The London Stage 1660—1800: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces Together with Casts, Box-Receipts and Contemporary Comment Compiled from the Playbills, Newspapers and Theatrical Diaries of the Period, Part 1: 1660–1700. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.

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