
Urtica dioica
Vísindaleg flokkun
Ríki: Plönturíki (Plantae)
Fylking: Dulfrævingar (Magnoliophyta)
Flokkur: Tvíkímblöðungar (Magnoliopsida)
Ættbálkur: Rósabálkur (Rosales)
Ætt: Netluætt (Urticaceae)
Juss., 1789

Cecropiaceae C. C. Berg[1]

Netluætt (fræðiheiti: Urticaceae) er ætt blómstrandi plantna. Ættarheitið kemur frá ættkvíslinni Urtica. Margar tegundir netluættar hafa verið nýttar vegna trefjanna, þar á meðal netlur Urtica, Boehmeria nivea, Pipturus albidus og Debregeasia saeneb.

Til ættarinnar teljast um 2625 tegundir í 53 ættkvíslum samkvæmt Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew og Christenhusz og Byng (2016).[2] Stærsta ættkvíslin er Pilea (500 til 715 tegundir), Elatostema (300 tegundir), Urtica (80 tegundir), og Cecropia (75 tegundir). Cecropia er með margar myrmecophyte ("mauraplöntur", sem eru í sambýli við maura).[3]


Ættartré samkvæmt nýjustu erfðagreiningum:[4][5] (sjá einnig [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15])

Moraceae (outgroup)




Urera (hluti)


Urera (hluti)






Urtica (ásamt Hesperocnide)





Myriocarpa + Gyrotaenia


Pilea (ásamt Sarcopilea)












Pouzolzia (hluti)




Pouzolzia (hluti)


Pipturus (ásamt Nothocnide)

Boehmeria (hluti)




Boehmeria (hluti)





Droguetia (ásamt Australina)





Undirættir og ættkvíslir

  • Boehmerieae Gaudich. 1830
    • Archiboehmeria C.J. Chen 1980 (1 sp.)
    • Astrothalamus C.B. Rob. 1911 (1 sp.)
    • Boehmeria Jacq. 1760 (80 spp.)
    • Chamabainia Wight 1853 (1–2 spp.)
    • Cypholophus Wedd. 1854 (15 spp.)
    • Debregeasia Gaudich. 1844 (4 spp.)
    • Gibbsia Rendle 1917 (2 spp.)
    • Gonostegia Turcz. 1846 (5 spp.)
    • Hemistylus Benth. 1843 (4 spp.)
    • Neodistemon Babu & A. N. Henry 1970 (1 sp.)
    • Neraudia Gaudich. 1830 (5 spp.)
    • Nothocnide Blume 1856 (4 spp.)
    • Oreocnide Miq. 1851 (15 spp.)
    • Phenax Wedd. 1854 (12 spp.)
    • Pipturus Wedd. 1854 (30 spp.)
    • Pouzolzia Gaudich. 1826 [1830] (70 spp.)
    • Rousselia Gaudich. 1826 [1830] (3 spp.)
    • Sarcochlamys Gaudich. 1844 (1 sp.)
  • Cecropieae Gaudich. 1830
    • Cecropia Loefl. 1758 (70–80 spp.)
    • Coussapoa Aubl. 1775 (>50 spp.)
    • Leucosyke Zoll. & Moritzi 1845 (35 spp.)
    • Maoutia Wedd. 1854 (15 spp.)
    • Musanga R. Br. in Tuckey 1818 (2 spp.)
    • Myrianthus P. Beauv. 1804 [1805] (7 spp.)
    • Pourouma Aubl. 1775 (>50 spp.)
  • Elatostemateae Gaudich. 1830
    • Aboriella Bennet (1 sp.)
    • Achudemia Blume 1856
    • Elatostema J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. 1775 (300 spp.)
    • Gyrotaenia Griseb. 1861 (4 spp.)
    • Lecanthus Wedd. 1854 (1 sp.)
    • Meniscogyne Gagnep. 1928 (2 spp.)
    • Myriocarpa Benth. 1844 [1846] (18 spp.)
    • Pellionia Gaudich. 1826 (60 spp.)
    • Petelotiella Gagnep. in Lecomte 1929 (1 spp.)
    • Pilea Lindl. 1821 (250 spp.)
    • Procris Comm. ex Juss. 1789 (20 spp.)
    • Sarcopilea Urb. 1912 (1 sp.)
  • Forsskaoleeae Gaudich. 1830
    • Australina Gaudich. 1830 (2 spp.)
    • Didymodoxa E. Mey. ex Wedd. 1857 (2 spp.)
    • Droguetia Gaudich. 1830 (7 spp.)
    • Forsskaolea L. 1764 (6 spp.)
  • Parietarieae Gaudich. 1830
    • Gesnouinia Gaudich. 1830 (2 spp.)
    • Parietaria L. 1753 (20 spp.)
    • Soleirolia Gaudich. 1830 (1 sp.)
  • Urticeae Lamarck & DC. 1806
    • Dendrocnide Miq. 1851 (27 spp.)
    • Discocnide Chew 1965 (1 sp.)
    • Girardinia Gaudich. 1830 (2 spp.)
    • Hesperocnide Torr. 1857 (2 spp.)
    • Laportea Gaudich. 1826 [1830] (21 spp.)
    • Nanocnide Blume 1856 (2 spp.)
    • Obetia Gaudich. 1844 (7 spp.)
    • Poikilospermum Zipp. ex Miq. 1864 (20 spp.)
    • Touchardia Gaudich. 1847 (1–2 spp.)
    • Urera Gaudich. 1826 [1830] (35 spp.)
    • Urtica L. 1753—nettle (80 spp.)
    • Zhengyia T. Deng, D.G. Zhang & H. Sun 2013 (1 sp.)[16]
  • Incertae sedis
    • Metatrophis F. Br. 1935 (1 sp.)



  1. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) (17. janúar 2003). „Family: Urticaceae Juss., nom. cons“. Taxonomy for Plants. USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program, National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 12. október 2008. Sótt 24. apríl 2008.
  2. Christenhusz, M. J. M., and Byng, J. W. (2016). „The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase“. Phytotaxa. 261 (3): 201–217. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1.
  3. Chomicki G, Renner SS. (2015). „Phylogenetics and molecular clocks reveal the repeated evolution of ant-plants after the late Miocene in Africa and the early Miocene in Australasia and the Neotropics“. New Phytologist. 207 (2): 411–424. doi:10.1111/nph.13271. PMID 25616013.
  4. Wu Z-Y, Monro AK, Milne RI, Wang H, Liu J, Li D-Z. (2013). „Molecular phylogeny of the nettle family (Urticaceae) inferred from multiple loci of three genomes and extensive generic sampling“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 69 (3): 814–827. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.06.022. PMID 23850510.
  5. Wu Z-Y, Milne RI, Chen C-J, Liu J, Wang H, Li D-Z. (2015). „Ancestral state reconstruction reveals rampant homoplasy of diagnostic morphological characters in Urticaceae, conflicting with current classification schemes“. PLoS ONE. 10 (11): e0141821. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141821. PMC 4631448. PMID 26529598.
  6. Sytsma KJ, Morawetz J, Pires JC, Morden CW. (2000). „Phylogeny of the Urticales based on three molecular data sets, with emphasis on relationships within Urticaceae“. American Journal of Botany. 87 (6): 162.
  7. Sytsma KJ, Morawetz J, Pires C, Nepokroeff M, Conti E, Zjhra M, Hall JC, Chase MW. (2002). „Urticalean rosids: Circumscription, rosid ancestry, and phylogenetics based on rbcL, trnLF, and ndhF sequences“ (PDF). American Journal of Botany. 89 (9): 1531–1546. doi:10.3732/ajb.89.9.1531. PMID 21665755.
  8. Hadiah JT, Quinn CJ, Conn BJ. (2003). „Phylogeny of Elatostema (Urticaceae) using chloroplast DNA data“. Telopea. 10 (1): 235–246. doi:10.7751/telopea20035618.
  9. Datwyler SL, Weiblen G. (2004). „On the origin of the fig: Phylogenetic relationships of Moraceae from ndhF sequences“. American Journal of Botany. 91 (5): 767–777. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.5.767. PMID 21653431. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 13. febrúar 2021. Sótt 30. apríl 2019.
  10. Zerega NJC, Clement WL, Datwyler SL, Weiblen GD. (2005). „Biogeography and divergence times in the mulberry family (Moraceae)“. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 37 (2): 402–416. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.07.004. PMID 16112884.
  11. Monro AK. (2006). „The revision of species-rich genera: A phylogenetic framework for the strategic revision of Pilea (Urticaceae) based on cpDNA, nrDNA, and morphology“. American Journal of Botany. 93 (3): 426–441. doi:10.3732/ajb.93.3.426. PMID 21646202. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 13. febrúar 2021. Sótt 30. apríl 2019.
  12. Hadiah JT, Conn BJ, Quinn CJ (2008). „Infra-familial phylogeny of Urticaceae, using chloroplast sequence data“. Australian Systematic Botany. 21 (5): 375–385. doi:10.1071/SB08041.
  13. Conn BJ, Hadiah JT (2009). „Nomenclature of tribes within the Urticaceae“. Kew Bulletin. 64 (2): 349–352. doi:10.1007/s12225-009-9108-4. JSTOR 20649663.
  14. Kim C, Deng T, Chase M, Zhang D-G, Nie Z-L, Sun H. (2015). „Generic phylogeny and character evolution in Urticeae (Urticaceae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA regions“. Taxon. 64 (1): 65–78. doi:10.12705/641.20. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 1. júní 2018. Sótt 30. apríl 2019.
  15. Treiber EL, Gaglioti EL, Romaniuc-Neto S, Madriñán S, Weiblen GD. (2016). „Phylogeny of the Cecropieae (Urticaceae) and the evolution of an ant–plant mutualism“. Systematic Botany. 41 (1): 56–66. doi:10.1600/036364416X690633. PMC 4103470.
  16. Deng Tao, Kim C, Zhang D-G, Zhang J-W, Li Z-M, Nie Z-L, Sun H. (2013). Zhengyia shennongensis: A new bulbiliferous genus and species of the nettle family (Urticaceae) from central China exhibiting parallel evolution of the bulbil trait“. Taxon. 62 (1): 89–99. JSTOR 24389315. Afrit af upprunalegu geymt þann 20. janúar 2018. Sótt 30. apríl 2019.


  • Pignatti, Sandro (1982). Flora d'Italia (ítalska). Bologna: Edagricole. ISBN 978-88-506-2449-2.
  • Friis, Ib (1989). Urticaceae. Flora of tropical East Africa. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 978-90-6191-352-8.


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