Coat of Arms (album Wishbone Ash)

Coat Of Arms
album in studio
ArtistaWishbone Ash
GenereBlues rock
Rock progressivo
Wishbone Ash - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Coat of Arms è il ventitreesimo album in studio del gruppo musicale britannico Wishbone Ash, pubblicato il 28 febbraio 2020.


  1. We Stand as One – 4:15 (Mark Abrahams, Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell)
  2. Coat of Arms – 7:55 (Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell)
  3. Empty Man – 5:16 (Mark Abrahams, Andy Powell, Pauline Powell)
  4. Floreana – 5:14 (Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell)
  5. Drive – 4:55 (Mark Abrahams, Joe Crabtree, Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)
  6. It's Only You I See – 7:35 (Mark Abrahams, Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)
  7. Too Cool for AC – 4:50 (Mark Abrahams, Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)
  8. Back in the Day – 4:46 (Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)
  9. Déjà Vu – 4:07 (Mark Abrahams, Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)
  10. When the Love Is Shared – 4:21 (Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)
  11. Personal Halloween – 5:37 (Mark Abrahams, Andy Powell, Aynsley Powell, Pauline Powell)

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