Foretold in the Language of Dreams

Foretold in the Language of Dreams
album in studio
ArtistaNatacha Atlas, Marc Eagleton, come "The Natacha Atlas & Marc Eagleton Project"
GenereMusica d'ambiente
EtichettaMantra Recordings
Natacha Atlas - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Foretold in the Language of Dreams è un album in studio pubblicato nel 2002 da Natacha Atlas e Marc Eagleton, accreditati con il nome di "The Natacha Atlas & Marc Eagleton Project".


  1. Etheric Messages
  2. Dawn Bayati
  3. Zitherbell
  4. Sobek on the Prowl
  5. Therapeutic Space
  6. Simun
  7. Power of Vibrations
  8. Damascus
  9. Yeranos
  10. Meetings with Reconciliation
  11. Solace

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