Gothic Voices

Gothic Voices
NazioneBandiera del Regno Unito Regno Unito
DirettoreChristopher Page
Organicocoro misto
Repertoriomusica medioevale
Periodo attività1980-in attività
vedi spazio nella voce

Gothic Voices è un gruppo musicale britannico di musica antica specializzato nell'esecuzione di musica medioevale.


L'ensemble è stato fondato nel 1980 da Christopher Page.

Il suo repertorio è principalmente incentrato sulla musica polifonica a cappella di carattere profano di compositori del XIV secolo inglesi e del nord della Francia.


Fra gli artisti che hanno collaborato al gruppo in passato si ricordano Emma Kirkby, Charles Daniels, Rogers Covey-Crump, James Gilchrist, Paul Agnew, Andrew Parrott, John Mark Ainsley e Peter Harvey.


  • 1981 - A Feather on the Breath of God. Sequences and Hymns by Abbess Hildegard of Bingen (Hyperion, 66039)
  • 1983 - The Mirror of Narcissus. Songs by Machaut (Hyperion, 66087)
  • 1984 - The Garden of Zephirus. Courtly songs of the early fifteenth century (Hyperion, 66144)
  • 1985 - The Castle of Fair Welcome. Courtly songs of the later 15th century (Hyperion, 66194)
  • 1986 - The Service of Venus and Mars. Music for the Knights of the Garter, 1340-1440 (Hyperion, 66238)
  • 1987 - A Song for Francesca. Music in Italy, 1330-1430 (Hyperion, 66286)
  • 1988 - Music for the Lion-Hearted King (Hyperion, 66336)
  • 1990 - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Motets and Songs from Thirteenth Century France (Hyperion, 66423)
  • 1991 - The Medieval Romantics. French Songs and Motets, 1340-1440 (Hyperion, 66463)
  • 1991 - Lancaster and Valois. French and English music, 1350-1420 (Hyperion, 66588)
  • 1992 - The Study of Love. French Songs and Motets of the 14th Century (Hyperion, 66619)
  • 1993 - The Voice in the Garden. Spanish Songs and Motets, 1480-1550 (Hyperion, 66653)
  • 1994 - The Spirits of England and France I. Music for Court and Church from the later Middle Ages (Hyperion, 66739)
  • 1994 - The Spirits of England and France II. Songs of the Trouvères (Hyperion, 66773)
  • 1995 - The Spirits of England and France III. Binchois and his Contemporaries (Hyperion, 66783)
  • 1996 - The Spirits of England and France IV. Missa Caput. Story of the Salve Regina (Hyperion, 66857)
  • 1996 - The Spirits of England and France V. Missa Veterem hominem. An anonymous English Mass setting from c.1440 (Hyperion, 66919)
  • 1997 - La Rue. Missa de Feria. Missa Sancta Dei Genitrix (Hyperion, 67010)
  • 1998 - Jerusalem: Vision of Peace. Songs and Plainchants of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries (Hyperion, 67039)
  • 1999 - Masters of the Rolls. Music by English Composers of the Fourteenth Century (Hyperion, 67098)
  • 1999 - The Earliest Songbook in England (Hyperion, 67177)
  • 2006 - The Unknown Lover. Songs by Solage and Machaut (Avie, 2089)
  • 2008 - A Laurel for Landini. 14th Century Italy's Greatest Composer (Avie, 2151)

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN132659923 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 2161 2207 · LCCN (ENn85133774 · BNF (FRcb139037610 (data) · J9U (ENHE987007604170705171 · WorldCat Identities (ENlccn-n85133774
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