Governo d'occupazione sionista

Il governo d'occupazione sionista (inglese: Zionist Occupation Government, abbreviato in ZOG[1]) è una teoria del complotto giudaico che accusa alcuni regimi governativi di essere in realtà Stati fantoccio sotto il controllo segreto di ipotetici poteri ebraici sionisti.[2][3][4][5][6] La teoria appare tra le più diffuse fra gruppi di estrema destra e circoli antisemiti, specie fra promotori della supremazia bianca in Europa, Russia e Stati Uniti.[7][8][9]


Questa teoria apparve per la prima volta nell'articolo Welcome to ZOG-World del 1976, attribuito al neonazista statunitense Eric Thomson.[10] Attirò comunque l'attenzione della cronaca solo con la pubblicazione di un articolo del 27 dicembre 1984 sul New York Times, riguardante una serie di rapine commesse in California e nello Stato di Washington da un gruppo suprematista bianca chiamato The Order; l'articolo riportava che i crimini "furono commessi per raccogliere fondi per una guerra contro il governo degli Stati Uniti, che il gruppo chiama "Zog" o Zionist Occupation Government (Governo d'occupazione sionista)".[11]


È parte integrante della più vasta formulazione cospirativa nota come "Nuovo ordine mondiale", avvalendosi di alcuni temi presi in prestito da essa come il presunto uso dell'ONU come forza militare dello Zog, il controllo da parte dei banchieri ebrei della finanza americana o l'inserimento di microchip nella testa per il rintracciamento delle persone.[12]

Il termine sionismo, che indica l'insieme dei movimenti che sostengono l'esistenza dello Stato ebraico di Israele, viene qui usato in un contesto fuorviante, nel quale gli ebrei sono rappresentati come cospiratori che mirano al controllo del mondo, come suggerito dai famosi Protocolli dei Savi di Sion.[13][14] Il sito web antisemita Jew Watch ha accusato l'intera sfera politica occidentale e altre nazioni vicine di essere controllate dallo "Zog".[15]


  1. ^ Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG), su
  2. ^ Chip Berlet, Zog Ate My Brains, in New Internationalist, n. 372, 2004-10. URL consultato il 9 dicembre 2010.
  3. ^ Ministro de Netanyahu pede votos para "qualquer partido sionista" - Notícias - R7 Internacional
  4. ^ (EN) Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon e Susan F. Marseken, Zionist Occupation Government: Antisemitism, Conspiracy Theory, Jew, Shadow Government, Puppet State, United States, Europe, Nationalism, Pamyat, Betascript Publishing, 6 giugno 2010, ISBN 978-613-0-33857-2. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2022.
  5. ^ (EN) Brad Steiger e Sherry Steiger, Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier, Visible Ink Press, 1º giugno 2012, ISBN 978-1-57859-385-9. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2022.
  6. ^ (EN) Leon P. Baradat, Political Ideologies: Their Origins and Impact, Prentice Hall, 1993, ISBN 978-0-13-035932-2. URL consultato il 7 marzo 2022.
  7. ^ Robert Blobaum, Antisemitism And Its Opponents In Modern Poland, Cornell University Press, 1983, ISBN 0-691-11306-8. p. 97.
  8. ^ "... the neo-Nazis have proclaimed themselves a white/Aryan resistance movement fighting the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) and racial traitors." (Fascism and Neofascism: Critical Writings on the Radical Right in Europe (Studies in European Culture and History) (2004) - Palgrave Macmillan p. 208).
  9. ^ Descriptions of ZOG allegations in the US:
    • "Conceptualizations of class and state converge in the white supremacist discourse in the characterization of the United States government as the "Zionist Occupation Government" (ZOG)... As indicated by the ubiquitous reference to the state as "ZOG" ("Zionist" is equated with "Jewish") within these publications, the state is depicted as inherently "Jewish", a racial identity within the discourse. The government, as well as the corporate elite, is supposedly "occupied" and controlled by Jews." Daniels, Jesse. White Lies: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in White Supremacist Discourse, Routledge (UK), ISBN 041591289X, p. 45.
    • "The National States Rights Party and the California Noontide Press distributed the Protocols during the 1970s and it is still hailed by representatives of right-wing militias: William Luther Pierce, author of the neofascist bestseller The Turner Diaries, for example, identifies the American state as a "Zionist Occupation Government." (A Rumor About the Jews: Reflections on Antisemitism and "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" by Stephen Eric Bronner (2000) - Palgrave Macmillan. p. 136).
    • "With the racist and anti-Semitic theology of Christian Identity as their justification, they blame the Jewish Antichrist, or the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), which rules in Washington, taking its orders from internationalist Jews in Israel, the United Nations, and the Fortune 500. Attracting old-line hate groups like the Ku-Klux-Klan and inspiring newer ones like the Aryan Nation Alliance ..., the militia and Patriot movement have helped to legitimize racist and anti-Semitic hate groups..." (Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism by Brenda Brasher (2001) - Routledge. p. 305).
    • "... vivid philosophy of White supremacy, including the belief that the United States is manipulated by foreign Jewish interests collectively known as the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG). With this conspiracy theory, the strain is "explained" (e.g., the Jews are behind multicultural curricula), and the solution is presented: hate crimes and race war." (Hate and Bias Crime by Barbara Perry (2003) - Routledge. p. 325).
    • "The importance of Christian Identity (CI) in the context of bioterrorism is that it has been openly embraced by certain U.S. right-wing "militia" and terrorist cells whose members have expressed interest in acquiring or utilizing pathogens and toxic chemical agents ... as weapons against their opponents, including representatives of the "Zionist Occupation Government" (ZOG) that they feel is controlled by "satanic" Jews." (Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense by Richard F. Pilch, Raymond A. Zilinskas (2005) - Wiley. p. 114).
    • "The Order, a faction of the Aryan Nations, seized national attention during the 1980s. The tightly organized racist and anti-Semitic group opposed the federal government, calling it the "ZOG," or Zionist Occupation Government." (Homeland Security by Mark Sauter and James Carafano (2005) - McGraw-Hill. p. 122).
  10. ^ Canadian White Nationalists use the term "ZOG" as well. Welcome to ZOG-World, by Eric Thomson Archiviato il 27 dicembre 2012 in Internet Archive..
  11. ^ Wayne King, Links of Anti-semitic Band Provoke 6-state Parley, in The New York Times, The New York Times Company, 27 dicembre 1984, p. 7.
  12. ^ Il pericolo milizie: tra Bibbia e moschetto contro il "governo d'occupazione sionista"
  13. ^ "One of the most widely distributed anti-Semitic tracts in history is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a book of canards authored in the nineteenth century that portrays Jews as conspiring to seek global dominance. Similarly, American-based racist groups in this last century have frequently leveled accusations against Jews for controlling both banks and public officials." (Judaism and Justice: The Jewish Passion to Repair the World by Rabbi Sidney Schwarz (Jewish Lights Publishing, 2006) ISBN 1580233120. and p. 96).
  14. ^ For the equation of Zionism and Jewry: Daniels, Jesse. White Lies: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in White Supremacist Discourse, Routledge (UK), ISBN 041591289X, p. 45.
  15. ^ Jewish Occupied Governments, su, Jew Watch. URL consultato il 9 gennaio 2008 (archiviato dall'url originale il 20 settembre 2012).
