La Gramophone Company, fondata nel Regno Unito, fu una delle prime compagnie di registrazione, e divenne poi un'antenata dell'etichetta "His Master's Voice" (HMV). Anche se la società venne fusa con la Columbia Graphophone Company nel novembre del 1931[1] per formare la "Electric and Musical Industries Limited" (EMI), il nome dell'azienda "The Gramophone Company Limited" continuò ad essere usato in Gran Bretagna negli anni 1970, ad esempio, sull'etichetta del disco The Dark Side of the Moon dei Pink Floyd, le cui copie in vinile portavano il copyright "1973 The Gramophone Company, Ltd.").
^Bill Harry, Beatles - L'enciclopedia, Arcana, Roma 2001, pag. 11.
John R. Bennett, A catalogue of vocal recordings from the English catalogues of the Gramophone Company 1898-1899, the Gramophone Company Limited 1899 - 1900, the Gramophone & Typewriter Company Limited 1901 - 1907 and the Gramophone Company Limited 1907-1925, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1978. ISBN 0-313-20237-0
Alan Kelly, His master's voice - La voce del padrone|the Italian catalogue; a complete numerical catalogue of Italian gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in Italy and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd, New York; NY [et al.], Greenwood Press, 1988. ISBN 0-313-26498-8
Alan Kelly, His master's voice, the French catalogue; a complete numerical catalogue of French gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in France and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd, New York; NY [et al.], Greenwood Press, 1990. ISBN 0-313-27333-2
Alan Kelly, His master's voice, the German catalogue; a complete numerical catalogue of German gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere by The Gramophone Company Ltd, New York; NY [et al.], Greenwood Press, 1994. ISBN 0-313-29220-5
Alan Kelly, Jacques Klöters, His master's voice, the Dutch catalogue; a complete numerical catalogue of Dutch and Belgian gramophone recordings made from 1900 to 1929 in Holland, Belgium, and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd, Westport, Conn. [et al.], Greenwood Press, 1997. ISBN 0-313-29883-1
The voice, the magazine of the Gramophone Co. Ltd, Hayes, Middlesex, 1.1917 - 35.1954