James Brown Plays the Real Thing

James Brown Plays the Real Thing
album in studio
ArtistaJames Brown
EtichettaSmash Records
James Brown - cronologia
Album successivo
Live at the Garden

James Brown Plays the Real Thing è il ventesimo album in studio del cantante statunitense James Brown, pubblicato nel 1967.


  1. Jimmy Mack – 5:26
  2. What Do You Like – 7:24
  3. PeeWee's Groove in "D" (featuring Pee Wee Ellis) – 5:10
  4. Bernadette – 3:05
  5. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy – 5:01
  6. I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You – 4:35
  7. Funky Broadway – 5:43
  8. "D" Thing – 5:40

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