John Boyd Orr

John Boyd Orr
Medaglia del Premio Nobel Premio Nobel per la pace 1949

Lord John Boyd Orr, barone Boyd-Orr[1] (23 settembre 188025 giugno 1971), è stato un politico, biologo e insegnante scozzese. Ha vinto il Premio Nobel per la Pace per la sua ricerca scientifica sulla nutrizione animale come sulla coltivazione di diverse specie di piante cereali e per il suo operato come Direttore generale della FAO.


  • (1905) Scotch Church Crisis: The Full Story of the Modern Phase of the Presbyterian Struggle, Glasgow, John M'Neilage.
  • (1929) Minerals in Pastures and Their Relation to Animal Nutrition, London, Lewis.
  • (1934) The National Food Supply and Its Influence on National Health, London, King.
  • (1936) Food, Health and Income, London, Macmillan.
  • (1937) Nutritional Science and State Planning, in John Boyd Orr et al. (eds). What Science Stands For, London, Allen & Unwin.
  • (1942) Fighting for What?, London, Macmillan.
  • (1943) Food and the People, London, Pilot Press.
  • (1946) A Charter for Health, London, Allen & Unwin.
  • (1948) Food: The Foundation of World Unity, London, National Peace Council.
  • (1950) International Liaison Committee of Organisations for Peace: A New Strategy of Peace Londo, National Peace Council.
  • (1957) Feast and famine: The wonderful world of food, London, Rathbone Books.
  • (1958) The Wonderful World of Food: The Substance of Life Garden City, NY, Garden City Books.
  • (1964) The White Man's Dilemma: Food and the Future con David Lubbock, London, Allen & Unwin.
  • (1966) As I recall: the 1880s to the 1960s introdotto da Ritchie Calder, London, MacGibbon & Kee.
  • (1970) Ethical Choice con Robert Nelson Beck, London, Free Press, ISBN 0-02-902070-0



  1. ^ (EN) The London Gazette (PDF), n. 38558, 11 March 1949, p. 1264.

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