Library of America

La Library of America (LoA) è una casa editrice statunitense di autori della tradizione classica della letteratura nazionale.
Sognata a lungo dal critico Edmund Wilson e fondata ne 1979, si avvale di finanziamenti pubblici e privati per mettere sul mercato a prezzo accessibile e con buona curatela gli autori che fanno da riferimento per la storia e la letteratura degli Stati Uniti. Ospita anche una selezione dei discorsi di diversi presidenti.
Simile in qualche modo alla francese Bibliothèque de la Pléiade e all'italiana I Meridiani che però pubblicano anche autori stranieri e sono operazioni anche commerciali, la collana è non-profit.
Tra coloro che hanno lavorato per decidere quali titoli includere e a chi affidare le note e le introduzioni ci sono stati: Daniel Aaron, Lawrence Hughes, Helen Meyer, Roger W. Straus jr., Richard Poirier, Jason Epstein, Cheryl Hurley (attuale direttore, dal 2009), Max Rudin (attuale redattore) e Geoffrey O'Brien (capo redazione).
Hanno prestato la loro cultura come consiglieri della collana anche Robert Penn Warren, C. Vann Woodward, R.W.B. Lewis, Robert Coles, Irving Howe, e Eudora Welty.
I primi volumi sono usciti nel 1982, per proseguire con un ritmo da 4 a 8 volumi all'anno sempre in catalogo, e circa 250 000 copie vendute ogni anno.
Oltre a includere le opere complete o quelle più significative di importanti autori, fanno parte della collana anche delle antologie, come quella dei reporter della seconda guerra mondiale o di volumi a tema su alcune città (Writing Los Angeles o Writing New York), sport (come Baseball: a Literary Anthology), o altri temi (il cibo in American Food Writing, il cinema in American Movie Critics, la schiavitù in Slave Narratives ecc.)
Serie principale
- Herman Melville, Typee / Omoo / Mardi (a cura di G. Thomas Tanselle, 1982)
- Nathaniel Hawthorne, Tales and Sketches (a cura di Roy Harvey Pearce, 1982)
- Walt Whitman, Poetry and Prose (a cura di Justin Kaplan, 1982)
- Harriet Beecher Stowe, Three Novels: Uncle Tom's Cabin / The Minister's Wooing / Oldtown Folks (a cura di Kathryn Kish Sklar, 1982)
- Mark Twain, Mississippi Writings: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Life on the Mississippi / Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Pudd'nhead Wilson (a cura di Guy Cardwell, 1982)
- Jack London, Novels and Stories (a cura di Donald Pizer, 1982)
- Jack London, Novels and Social Writings (a cura di Donald Pizer, 1982)
- William Dean Howells, Novels 1875-1886: A Foregone Conclusion / A Modern Instance / Indian Summer / The Rise of Silas Lapham (a cura di Edwin M. Cady, 1982)
- Herman Melville, Redburn / White Jacket / Moby-Dick (a cura di G. Thomas Tanselle, 1983)
- Nathaniel Hawthorne, Collected Novels: Fanshawe / The Scarlet Letter / The House of the Seven Gables / The Blithedale Romance / The Marble Faun (a cura di Millicent Bell, 1983)
- Francis Parkman, France and England in North America, vol. I (a cura di David Levin, 1983)
- Francis Parkman, France and England in North America, vol. II (a cura di David Levin, 1983)
- Henry James, Novels 1871-1880: Watch and Ward / Roderick Hudson / The American / The Europeans / Confidence (a cura di William T. Stafford, 1983)
- Henry Adams, Novels (Democracy / Esther) / Mont Saint Michel and Chartres / The Education of Henry Adams / Poems (a cura di Ernest e Jayne N. Samuels, 1983)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays and Lectures (a cura di Joel Porte, 1983)
- Washington Irving, History, Tales, and Sketches (a cura di James W. Tuttleton, 1983)
- Thomas Jefferson, Writings (a cura di Merrill D. Peterson, 1984)
- Stephen Crane, Prose and Poetry (a cura di J.C. Levenson, 1984)
- Edgar Allan Poe, Poetry and Tales (a cura di Patrick F. Quinn, 1984)
- Edgar Allan Poe, Essays and Reviews (a cura di G.R. Thompson, 1984)
- Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad / Roughing It (a cura di Guy Cardwell, 1984)
- Henry James, Literary Criticism: Essays, American & English Writers (a cura di Leon Edel e Mark Wilson, 1984)
- Henry James, Literary Criticism: European Writers & The Prefaces (a cura di Leon Edel e Mark Wilson, 1984)
- Herman Melville, Pierre / Israel Potter / The Confidence-Man / Tales / Billy Budd (a cura di Harrison Hayford, 1985)
- William Faulkner, Novels 1930-1935: As I Lay Dying / Sanctuary / Light in August / Pylon (a cura di Joseph Blotner e Noel Polk, 1985)
- James Fenimore Cooper, The Leatherstocking Tales, vol. I (a cura di Blake Nevius, 1985)
- James Fenimore Cooper, The Leatherstocking Tales, vol. II (a cura di Blake Nevius, 1985)
- Henry David Thoreau, A Week / Walden / The Maine Woods / Cape Cod (a cura di Robert F. Sayre, 1985)
- Henry James, Novels 1881-1886: Washington Square / The Portrait of a Lady / The Bostonians (a cura di William T. Stafford, 1985)
- Edith Wharton, Novels: The House of Mirth / The Reef / The Custom of the Country / The Age of Innocence (a cura di R.W.B. Lewis, 1986)
- Henry Adams, History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson (a cura di Earl N. Harbert, 1986)
- Henry Adams, History of the United States during the Administrations of Madison (a cura di Earl N. Harbert, 1986)
- Frank Norris, Novels and Essays (a cura di Donald Pizer, 1986)
- W.E.B. Du Bois, Writings (a cura di Nathan I. Huggins, 1986)
- Willa Cather, Early Novels and Stories (a cura di Sharon O'Brien, 1987)
- Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie / Jennie Gerhardt / Twelve Men (a cura di Richard Lehan, 1987)
- Benjamin Franklin, Silence Dogood / The Busy-Body / Early Writings e Autobiography / Poor Richard / Later Writings (a cura di J.A. Leo Lemay, 2 voll., 1987)
- William James, Writings 1902-1910 (a cura di Bruce Kuklick, 1987)
- Flannery O'Connor, Collected Works (a cura di Sally Fitzgerald, 1988)
- Eugene O'Neill, Complete Plays 1913-1920 (a cura di Travis Bogard, 1988)
- Eugene O'Neill, Complete Plays 1920-1931 (a cura di Travis Bogard, 1988)
- Eugene O'Neill, Complete Plays 1932-1943 (a cura di Travis Bogard, 1988)
- Henry James, Novels 1886-1890: The Princess Casamassima / The Reverberator / The Tragic Muse (a cura di Daniel Mark Fogel, 1989)
- William Dean Howells, Novels 1886-1888: The Minister's Charge / April Hopes / Annie Kilburn (a cura di Don L. Cook, 1989)
- Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (a cura di Don E. Fehrenbacher, 1989)
- Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings 1859-1865 (a cura di Don E. Fehrenbacher, 1989)
- Edith Wharton, Novellas and Other Writings (a cura di Cynthia Griffin Wolff, 1990)
- William Faulkner, Novels 1936-1940: Absalom, Absalom! / The Unvanquished / If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem (The Wild Palms) / The Hamlet (a cura di Joseph Blotner e Noel Polk, 1990)
- Willa Cather, Later Novels (a cura di Sharon O'Brien, 1990)
- Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs and Selected Letters (a cura di Mary Drake McFeeley e William S. McFeeley, 1990)
- William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs (a cura di Charles Royster, 1990)
- Washington Irving, Bracebridge Hall / Tales of a Traveller / Tales of the Alhambra (a cura di Andrew Myers, 1991)
- Francis Parkman, The Oregon Trail / The Conspiracy of Pontiac (a cura di William R. Taylor, 1991)
- James Fenimore Cooper, Sea Tales / The Pilot / The Red Rover (a cura di Kay Seymour House e Thomas Philbrick, 1991)
- Richard Wright, Early Works (a cura di Arnold Rampersad, 1991)
- Richard Wright, Later Works (a cura di Arnold Rampersad, 1991)
- Willa Cather, Stories, Poems, and Other Writings (a cura di Sharon O'Brien, 1991)
- William James, Writings 1878-1899 (a cura di Gerald Myers, 1992)
- Sinclair Lewis, Main Street / Babbitt (a cura di John Hersey, 1992)
- Mark Twain, Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches & Essays 1852-1890 (a cura di Louis J. Budd, 1992)
- Mark Twain, Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches & Essays 1891-1910 (a cura di Louis J. Budd, 1992)
- Bernard Bailyn (a cura di), The Debate on the Constitution, part I (1993)
- Bernard Bailyn (a cura di), The Debate on the Constitution, part II (1993)
- Henry James, Collected Travel Writings: Great Britain & America (a cura di Richard Howard, 1993)
- Henry James, Collected Travel Writings: The Continent (a cura di Richard Howard, 1993)
- John Hollander (a cura di), American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century, vol. I (1993)
- John Hollander (a cura di), American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century, vol. II (1993)
- Frederick Douglass, Autobiography (a cura di Henry Louis Gates jr., 1994)
- Sarah Orne Jewett, Novels and Stories (a cura di Michael Davitt Bell, 1994)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Collected Poems and Translations (a cura di Harold Bloom e Paul Kane, 1994)
- Mark Twain, Historical Romances (a cura di Susan K. Harris, 1994)
- John Steinbeck, Novels and Stories 1932-1937 (a cura di Robert DeMott e Elaine A. Steinbeck, 1994)
- William Faulkner, Novels 1942-1954: Go Down, Moses / Intruder in the Dust / Requiem for a Nun / A Fable (a cura di Joseph Blotner e Noel Polk, 1994)
- Zora Neale Hurston, Novels and Stories (a cura di Cheryl A. Wall, 1995)
- Zora Neale Hurston, Folklore, Memoirs, and Other Writings (a cura di Cheryl A. Wall, 1995)
- Thomas Paine, Collected Writings (a cura di Eric Foner, 1995)
- Samuel Hynes, Anne Matthews e altri (a cura di), Reporting World War II: American Journalism 1938-1944 (1995)
- Samuel Hynes, Anne Matthews e altri (a cura di), Reporting World War II: American Journalism 1944-1946 (1995)
- Raymond Chandler, Stories and Early Novels (a cura di Frank MacShane, 1995)
- Raymond Chandler, Later Novels and Other Writings (a cura di Frank MacShane, 1995)
- Robert Frost, Collected Poems, Prose & Plays (a cura di Richard Poirier e Mark Richardson, 1995)
- Henry James, Complete Stories 1892-1898 (a cura di John Hollander, David Bromwich e Denis Donoghue, 1996)
- Henry James, Complete Stories 1898-1910 (a cura di John Hollander, David Bromwich e Denis Donoghue, 1996)
- William Bartram, Travels and Other Writings (a cura di Thomas Slaughter, 1996)
- John Dos Passos, U.S.A. (a cura di Townsend Ludington e Daniel Aaron, 1996)
- John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath and Other Writings 1936-1941 (a cura di Robert DeMott e Elaine A. Steinbeck, 1996)
- Vladimir Nabokov, Novels and Memoirs 1943-1951 (a cura di Brian Boyd, 1996)
- Vladimir Nabokov, Novels 1955-1962 (a cura di Brian Boyd, 1996)
- Vladimir Nabokov, Novels 1969-1974 (a cura di Brian Boyd, 1996)
- James Thurber, Writings and Drawings (a cura di Garrison Keillor, 1996)
- George Washington, Writings (a cura di John Rhodehamel, 1997)
- John Muir, Nature Writings (a cura di William Cronon, 1997)
- Nathanael West, Novels and Other Writings (a cura di Sacvan Bercovitch, 1997)
- Robert Polito (a cura di), Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s and 40s (James M. Cain, The Postman Always Rings Twice / Horace McCoy, They Shoot Horses, Don't They? / Edward Anderson, Thieves Like Us / Kenneth Fearing, The Big Clock / William Lindsay Gresham, Nightmare Alley / Cornell Woolrich, I Married a Dead Man, 1997)
- Robert Polito (a cura di), Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950s (Jim Thompson, The Killer Inside Me / Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr. Ripley / Charles Willeford, Pick-Up / David Goodis, Down There / Chester Himes, The Real Cool Killers, 1997)
- Wallace Stevens, Collected Poetry and Prose (a cura di Frank Kermode e Joan Richardson, 1997)
- James Baldwin, Early Novels and Stories (a cura di Toni Morrison, 1998)
- James Baldwin, Collected Essays (a cura di Toni Morrison, 1998)
- Gertrude Stein, Writings 1903-1932 (a cura di Harriet Chessman e Catharine R. Stimpson, 1998)
- Gertrude Stein, Writings 1932-1946 (a cura di Harriet Chessman e Catharine R. Stimpson, 1998)
- Eudora Welty, Complete Novels (a cura di Richard Ford e Michael Kreyling, 1998)
- Eudora Welty, Stories, Essays, & Memoirs (a cura di Richard Ford e Michael Kreyling, 1998)
- Charles Brockden Brown, Three Gothic Novels: Wieland / Arthur Mervyn / Edgar Huntly (a cura di Sydney J. Krause, 1998)
- Milton J. Bates, Lawrence Lichty e altri (a cura di), Reporting Vietnam: American Journalism 1959-1969 (1998)
- Milton J. Bates, Lawrence Lichty e altri (a cura di), Reporting Vietnam: American Journalism 1969-1975 (1998)
- Henry James, Complete Stories 1874-1884 (a cura di William Vance, 1999)
- Henry James, Complete Stories 1884-1891 (a cura di Edward Said, 1999)
- Michael Warner (a cura di), American Sermons: The Pilgrims to Martin Luther King Jr. (1999)
- James Madison, Writings (a cura di Jack N. Rakove, 1999)
- Dashiell Hammett, Complete Novels (a cura di Steven Marcus, 1999)
- Henry James, Complete Stories 1864-1874 (a cura di Jean Strouse, 1999)
- William Faulkner, Novels 1957-1962: The Town / The Mansion / The Reivers: A Reminiscence (a cura di Noel Polk, note di Joseph Blotner, 1999)
- John James Audubon, Writings / Drawings (a cura di Christoph Irmscher, 1999)
- William L. Andrews e Henry Louis Gates jr. (a cura di), Slave Narratives (2000)
- Robert Hass, John Hollander e altri (a cura di) American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, vol. I (2000)
- Robert Hass, John Hollander e altri (a cura di), American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, vol. II (2000)
- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Novels and Stories 1920-1922 (a cura di Jackson R. Bryer, 2000)
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Poems and Other Writings (a cura di J.D. McClatchy, 2000)
- Tennessee Williams, Plays 1937-1955 (a cura di Mel Gussow & Kenneth Holditch, 2000)
- Tennessee Williams, Plays 1957-1980 (a cura di Mel Gussow & Kenneth Holditch, 2000)
- Edith Wharton, Collected Stories 1891-1910 (a cura di Maureen Howard, 2001)
- Edith Wharton, Collected Stories 1911-1937 (a cura di Maureen Howard, 2001)
- John Rhodehamel (a cura di), The American Revolution: Writings from the War of Independence (2001)
- Henry David Thoreau, Collected Essays and Poems (a cura di Elizabeth Hall Witherell, 2001)
- Dashiell Hammett, Crime Stories and Other Writings (a cura di Steven Marcus, 2001)
- Dawn Powell, Novels 1930-1942: Dance Night / Come Back to Sorrento / Turn, Magic Wheel / Angels on Toast / A Time to Be Born (a cura di Tim Page, 2001)
- Dawn Powell, Novels 1944-1962: My Home Is Far Away / The Locusts Have No King / The Wicked Pavilion / The Golden Spur (a cura di Tim Page, 2001)
- Carson McCullers, Complete Novels: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter / Reflections in a Golden Eye / The Ballad of the Sad Café / The Member of the Wedding / Clock Without Hands (a cura di Carlos Dews, 2001)
- Alexander Hamilton, Writings (a cura di Joanne B. Freeman, 2001)
- Mark Twain, The Gilded Age / Later Novels (a cura di Hamlin L. Hill, 2002)
- Charles W. Chesnutt, Stories, Novels, and Essays (a cura di Werner Sollors, 2002)
- John Steinbeck, Novels 1942-1952 (a cura di Robert DeMott, 2002)
- Sinclair Lewis, Arrowsmith / Elmer Gantry / Dodsworth (a cura di Richard Lingeman, 2002)
- Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky / Let It Come Down / The Spider's House (a cura di Daniel Halpern, 2002)
- Paul Bowles, Complete Stories / Later Writings (a cura di Daniel Halpern, 2002)
- Kate Chopin, Complete Novels and Stories (a cura di Sandra M. Gilbert, 2002)
- Clayborne Carson, David J. Garrow, Bill Kovach e Carol Polsgrove (a cura di), Reporting Civil Rights: American Journalism 1941-1963 (2003)
- Clayborne Carson, David J. Garrow, Bill Kovach e Carol Polsgrove (a cura di), Reporting Civil Rights: American Journalism 1963-1973 (2003)
- Henry James, Novels 1896-1899: The Other House / The Spoils of Poynton / What Maisie Knew / The Awkward Age (a cura di Myra Jehlen, 2003)
- Theodore Dreiser, An American Tragedy (a cura di Thomas P. Riggio, 2003)
- Saul Bellow, Novels 1944-1953: Dangling Man / The Victim / The Adventures of Augie March (a cura di James Wood, 2003)
- John Dos Passos, Novels 1920-1925 (a cura di Townsend Ludington, 2003)
- John Dos Passos, Travel Books and Other Writings (a cura di Townsend Ludington, 2003)
- Ezra Pound, Poems and Translations (a cura di Richard Sieburth, 2003)
- James Weldon Johnson, Writings (a cura di William L. Andrews, 2004)
- Washington Irving, Three Western Narratives: A Tour on the Prairies / Astoria / The Adventures of Captain Bonneville (a cura di James P. Ronda, 2004)
- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (a cura di Olivier Zunz, 2004)
- James T. Farrell, Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy (a cura di Pete Hamill, 2004)
- Isaac Bashevis Singer, Stories, vol. I (a cura di Ilan Stavans, 2004)
- Isaac Bashevis Singer, Stories, vol. II (a cura di Ilan Stavans, 2004)
- Isaac Bashevis Singer, Stories, vol. III (a cura di Ilan Stavans, 2004)
- George S. Kaufman & Co., Broadway Comedies (a cura di Laurence Maslon, 2004)
- Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders and an Autobiography (a cura di Louis Auchincloss, 2004)
- Theodore Roosevelt, Letters and Speeches (a cura di Louis Auchincloss, 2004)
- H. P. Lovecraft, Tales (a cura di Peter Straub, 2005)
- Louisa May Alcott, Little Women, Little Men, Jo's Boys (a cura di Elaine Showalter, 2005)
- Philip Roth, Novels and Stories 1959-1962: Goodbye, Columbus / Five Short Stories / Letting Go (a cura di Ross Miller, 2005)
- Philip Roth, Novels 1967-1972: When She Was Good / Portnoy's Complaint / Our Gang / The Breast (a cura di Ross Miller, 2005)
- James Agee, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men / A Death in the Family / Shorter Fiction (a cura di Michael Sragow, 2005)
- James Agee, Film Writing and Selected Journalism (a cura di Michael Sragow, 2005)
- Richard Henry Dana Jr., Two Years Before the Mast and Other Voyages (a cura di Thomas Philbrick, 2005)
- Henry James, Novels 1901-1902: The Sacred Fount / The Wings of the Dove (a cura di Leo Bersani, 2006)
- Arthur Miller, Collected Plays 1944-1961 (a cura di Tony Kushner, 2006)
- William Faulkner, Novels 1926-1929: Soldiers' Pay / Mosquitoes / Flags in the Dust / The Sound and the Fury (a cura di Joseph Blotner e Noel Polk, 2006)
- Philip Roth, Novels 1973-1977: The Great American Novel / My Life as a Man / The Professor of Desire (a cura di Ross Miller, 2006)
- Ted Widmer (a cura di), American Speeches: Revolution to Civil War (2006)
- Ted Widmer (a cura di), American Speeches: Lincoln to Clinton (2006)
- Hart Crane, Complete Poems and Selected Letters (a cura di Langdon Hammer, 2006)
- Saul Bellow, Novels 1956-1964: Seize the Day / Henderson the Rain King / Herzog (a cura di James Wood, 2007)
- John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley and Later Novels, 1947-1962 (a cura di Robert DeMott e Brian Railsback, 2007)
- Captain John Smith, Writings, with Other Narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the English Settlement of America (a cura di James Horn, 2007)
- Thornton Wilder, Collected Plays and Writings on Theater (a cura di J. D. McClatchy, 2007)
- Philip K. Dick, Four Novels of the 1960s: The Man in the High Castle / The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch / Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / Ubik (a cura di Jonathan Lethem, 2007)
- Jack Kerouac, Road Novels: 1957-1960 (a cura di Douglas Brinkley, 2007)
- Philip Roth, Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy and Epilogue; Novels 1979-1985: The Ghost Writer / Zuckerman Unbound / The Anatomy Lesson / The Prague Orgy (a cura di Ross Miller, 2007)
- Edmund Wilson, Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1920s & 30s: The Shores of Light / Axel's Castle / Uncollected Reviews (a cura di Lewis M. Dabney, 2007)
- Edmund Wilson, Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1930s & 40s: The Triple Thinkers, The Wound and the Bow, Classics and Commercials, Uncollected Reviews (a cura di Lewis M. Dabney, 2007)
- David S. Shields (a cura di), American Poetry: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (2007)
- William Maxwell, Early Novels and Stories: Bright Center of Heaven / They Came Like Swallows / The Folded Leaf / Time Will Darken It / Stories 1938–1956 (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2008)
- Elizabeth Bishop, Poems, Prose and Letters (a cura di Robert Giroux e Lloyd Schwartz, 2008)
- A. J. Liebling, World War II Writings: The Road Back to Paris / Mollie and Other War Pieces / Uncollected War Journalism / Normandy Revisited (a cura di Pete Hamill, 2008)
- Bill McKibben (a cura di), American Earth: Environmental Writing Since Thoreau (postfazione di Al Gore, 2008)
- Philip K. Dick, Five Novels of the 1960s and 70s: Martian Time-Slip / Dr. Bloodmoney / Now Wait for Last Year / Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said / A Scanner Darkly, (a cura di Jonathan Lethem, 2008)
- William Maxwell, Later Novels and Stories: The Château / So Long, See You Tomorrow / Stories and Improvisations 1957–1999 (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2008)
- Philip Roth, Novels and Other Narratives 1986–1991: The Counterlife / The Facts / Deception / Patrimony (a cura di Ross Miller, 2008)
- Katherine Anne Porter, Collected Stories and Other Writings (a cura di Darlene Harbour Unrue, 2008)
- John Ashbery, Collected Poems 1956-1987 (a cura di Mark Ford, 2008)
- John Cheever, Collected Stories and Other Writings (a cura di Blake Bailey, 2009)
- John Cheever, Complete Novels (a cura di Blake Bailey, 2009)
- Lafcadio Hearn, American Writings: Some Chinese Ghosts / Chita / Two Years in the French West Indies / Youma / Selected Journalism and Letters (a cura di Christopher Benfey, 2009)
- A. J. Liebling, The Sweet Science and Other Writings (a cura di Pete Hamill, 2009)
- The Lincoln Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Legacy from 1860 to Now (a cura di Harold Holzer, 2009)
- Philip K. Dick, VALIS and Later Novels (a cura di Jonathan Lethem, 2009)
- Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey and Other Novels (a cura di J.D. McClatchy, 2009)
- Raymond Carver, Collected Stories (a cura di William L. Stull e Maureen P. Carroll, 2009)
- Peter Straub (a cura di), American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from Poe to the Pulps (2009)
- Peter Straub (a cura di), American Fantastic Tales: 1940s to Now (2009)
- John Marshall, Writings (a cura di Charles F. Hobson, 2010)
- The Mark Twain Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Works (a cura di Shelley Fisher Fishkin, 2010)
- Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad / Following the Equator / Other Travels (a cura di Roy Blount jr., 2010)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Selected Journals 1820-1842 (a cura di Lawrence Rosenwald, 2010)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Selected Journals 1841-1877 (a cura di Lawrence Rosenwald, 2010)
- Laurence Senelick (a cura di), The American Stage: Writing on Theater from Washington Irving to Tony Kushner (2010)
- Shirley Jackson, Novels and Stories (a cura di Joyce Carol Oates, 2010)
- Philip Roth, Novels 1993–1995: Operation Shylock / Sabbath's Theater (a cura di Ross Miller, 2010)
- Henry Louis Mencken, Prejudices: First, Second, and Third Series (a cura di Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, 2010)
- Henry Louis Mencken, Prejudices: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Series (a cura di Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, 2010)
- John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society and Other Writings 1952–1967 (2010)
- Saul Bellow, Novels 1970-1982: Mr. Sammler's Planet / Humboldt's Gift / The Dean's December (a cura di James Wood, 2010)
- Lynd Ward, Gods' Man / Madman's Drum / Wild Pilgrimage (a cura di Art Spiegelman, 2010)
- Lynd Ward, Prelude to a Million Years / Song Without Words / Vertigo (a cura di Art Spiegelman, 2010)
- The Civil War: The First Year Told by Those Who Lived It (a cura di Brooks D. Simpson, Stephen W. Sears e Aaron Sheehan-Dean, 2011)
- John Adams, Revolutionary Writings 1755-1775 (a cura di Gordon S. Wood, 2011)
- John Adams, Revolutionary Writings 1775-1783 (a cura di Gordon S. Wood, 2011)
- Henry James, Novels 1903-1911 (a cura di Ross Posnock, 2011)
- Kurt Vonnegut, Novels and Stories 1963-1973: Cat’s Cradle / God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater / Slaughterhouse-Five / Breakfast of Champions / Stories (a cura di Sidney Offit, 2011)
- Rafia Zafar (a cura di), Harlem Renaissance Novels: Five Novels of the 1920s (2011)
- Rafia Zafar (a cura di), Harlem Renaissance Novels: Five Novels of the 1930s (2011)
- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, Tales, and Memoirs (a cura di S. T. Joshi, 2011)
- Philip Roth, The American Trilogy, 1997-2000: American Pastoral / I Married a Communist / The Human Stain (a cura di Ross Miller, 2011)
- Stephen W. Sears (a cura di), The Civil War: The Second Year Told by Those Who Lived It (2012)
- Barbara Tuchman, The Guns of August / The Proud Tower (a cura di Margaret MacMillan, 2012)
- Arthur Miller, Collected Plays 1964-1982 (a cura di Tony Kushner, 2012)
- Thornton Wilder, The Eighth Day / Theophilus North / Autobiographical Writings (a cura di J. D. McClatchy, 2012)
- David Goodis, Five Noir Novels of the 1940s and 50s: Dark Passage / Nightfall / The Burglar / The Moon in the Gutter / Street of No Return (a cura di Robert Polito, 2012)
- Kurt Vonnegut, Novels and Stories 1950-1962: Player Piano / The Sirens of Titan / Mother Night / Stories (a cura di Sidney Offit, 2012)
- American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s, volume 1: 1953–1956 (Frederik Pohl e C. M. Kornbluth, The Space Merchants / Theodore Sturgeon, More Than Human / Leigh Brackett, The Long Tomorrow / Richard Matheson, The Shrinking Man, a cura di Gary K. Wolfe, 2012)
- American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s, volume 2: 1956–1958 (Robert A. Heinlein, Double Star / Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination / James Blish, A Case of Conscience / Algis Budrys, Who? / Fritz Leiber, The Big Time, a cura di Gary K. Wolfe, 2012)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Little House Books, vol. 1 (a cura di Caroline Fraser, 2012)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder, The Little House Books, vol. 2 (a cura di Caroline Fraser, 2012)
- Jack Kerouac, Collected Poems (a cura di Marilène Phipps-Kettlewell, 2012)
- Donald R. Hickey (a cura di), The War of 1812: Writings from America's Second War of Independence (2013)
- James G. Basker (a cura di), American Antislavery Writings. Colonial Beginnings to Emancipation (2012)
- Brooks D. Simpson (a cura di), The Civil War: The Third Year Told by Those Who Lived It (2013)
- Sherwood Anderson, Collected Stories (a cura di Charles Baxter, 2012)
- Philip Roth, Novels 2001-2007: The Dying Animal / The Plot Against America / Exit Ghost (a cura di Ross Miller, 2013)
- Philip Roth, Nemeses: Everyman / Indignation / The Humbling / Nemesis (a cura di Ross Miller, 2013)
- Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac and Other Writings on Conservation and Ecology (a cura di Curt Meine, 2013)
- May Swenson, Collected Poems (a cura di Langdon Hammer, 2013)
- W.S. Merwin, Collected Poems 1953-1993 (a cura di J. D. McClatchy, 2013)
- W.S. Merwin, Collected Poems 1996-2011 (a cura di J. D. McClatchy, 2013)
- John Updike, Collected Early Stories (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2013)
- John Updike, Collected Later Stories (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2013)
- Ring Lardner, Stories & Other Writings (a cura di Ian Frazier, 2013)
- Jonathan Edwards, Writings from the Great Awakening (a cura di Philip F. Gura, 2013)
- Susan Sontag, Essays of the 1960s & 70s (a cura di David Rieff, 2013)
- William Wells Brown, Clotel & Other Writings (a cura di Ezra Greenspan, 2014)
- Bernard Malamud, Novels and Stories of the 1940s and 50s (a cura di Philip Davis, 2014)
- Bernard Malamud, Novels and Stories of the 1960s (a cura di Philip Davis, 2014)
- Aaron Sheehan-Dean (a cura di), The Civil War: The Final Year Told by Those Who Lived It (2014)
- Shakespeare in America: An Anthology from the Revolution to Now (a cura di James Shapiro, 2014)
- Kurt Vonnegut, Novels 1976-1985: Slapstick / Jailbird / Deadeye Dick / Galápagos (a cura di Sidney Offit, 2014)
- American Musicals: 1927-1949 (Show Boat / As Thousands Cheer / Pal Joey / Oklahoma! / On the Town / Finian's Rainbow / Kiss Me, Kate / South Pacific, a cura di Laurence Maslon, 2014)
- American Musicals: 1950-1969 (Guys and Dolls / The Pajama Game / My Fair Lady / Gypsy / A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum / Fiddler on the Roof / Cabaret / 1776, a cura di Laurence Maslon, 2014)
- Elmore Leonard, Four Novels of the 1970s (a cura di Gregg Sutter, 2014)
- Louisa May Alcott, Work, Eight Cousins, Rose in Bloom, Stories & Other Writings (a cura di Susan Cheever, 2014)
- H. L. Mencken, The Days Trilogy, Expanded (a cura di Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, 2014)
- Virgil Thomson, Music Chronicles 1940-1954 (a cura di Tim Page, 2014)
- Art in America 1945–1970: Writings from the Age of Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Minimalism (a cura di Jed Perl, 2014)
- Saul Bellow, Novels 1984-2000: What Kind of Day Did You Have? / More Die of Heartbreak / A Theft / The Bellarosa Connection / The Actual / Ravelstein (a cura di James Wood, 2015)
- Arthur Miller, Collected Plays 1987-2004 (a cura di Tony Kushner, 2015)
- Jack Kerouac, Visions of Cody / Visions of Gerard / Big Sur (a cura di Todd Tietchen, 2015)
- Reinhold Niebuhr, Major Works on Religion and Politics (a cura di Elisabeth Sifton, 2015)
- Ross Macdonald, Four Crime Novels of the 1950s (The Way Some People Die / The Barbarous Coast / The Doomsters / The Galton Case / Other Writings, a cura di Tom Nolan, 2015)
- Gordon S. Wood (a cura di), The American Revolution: Writings from the Pamphlet Debate 1764-1772 (2015)
- Gordon S. Wood (a cura di), The American Revolution: Writings from the Pamphlet Debate 1773-1776 (2015)
- Elmore Leonard, Four Novels of the 1980s: City Primeval / LaBrava / Glitz / Freaky Deaky (a cura di Gregg Sutter, 2015)
- Women Crime Writers: Four Suspense Novels of the 1940s (Vera Caspary, Laura / Helen Eustis, The Horizontal Man / Dorothy B. Hughes, In a Lonely Place / Elisabeth Sanxay Holding, The Blank Wall, a cura di Sarah Weinman, 2015)
- Women Crime Writers: Four Suspense Novels of the 1950s (Charlotte Armstrong, Mischief / Patricia Highsmith, The Blunderer / Margaret Millar, Beast in View / Dolores Hitchens, Fools' Gold, a cura di Sarah Weinman, 2015)
- Frederick Law Olmsted, Writings on Landscape, Culture, and Society (a cura di Charles Beverage, 2015)
- Edith Wharton, Four Novels of the 1920s: The Glimpses of the Moon / A Son at the Front / Twilight Sleep / The Children (a cura di Hermione Lee, 2015)
- James Baldwin, Later Novels (a cura di Darryl Pinckney, 2015)
- Kurt Vonnegut, Novels 1987-1997 (a cura di Sidney Offit, 2016)
- Henry James, Autobiographies (a cura di Philip Horne, 2016)
- Abigail Adams, Letters (a cura di Edith Gelles, 2016)
- John Adams, Writings from the New Nation 1784-1826 (a cura di Gordon S. Wood, 2016)
- Virgil Thomson, The State of Music & Other Writings (a cura di Tim Page, 2016)
- Lawrence Rosenwald (a cura di), War No More: Three Centuries of American Antiwar & Peace Writing (2016)
- Ross Macdonald, Three Novels of the Early 1960s (a cura di Tom Nolan, 2016)
- Elmore Leonard, Four Later Novels (a cura di Gregg Sutter, 2016)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, The Complete Orsinia (a cura di Brian Attebery, 2016)
- John Henry O'Hara, Stories (a cura di Charles McGrath, 2016)
- Jack Kerouac, The Unknown Kerouac: Rare, Unpublished & Newly Translated Writings (a cura di Todd Tietchen, 2016)
- Albert Murray, Collected Essays & Memoirs (a cura di Paul Devlin e Henry Louis Gates Jr., 2016)
- Loren Eiseley, Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos: Volume 1 (a cura di William Cronon, 2016)
- Loren Eiseley, Collected Essays on Evolution, Nature, and the Cosmos: Volume 2 (a cura di William Cronon, 2016)
- Carson McCullers, Stories, Plays & Other Writings (a cura di Carlos Dews, 2017)
- Jane Bowles, Collected Writings (a cura di Millicent Dillon, 2017)
- A. Scott Berg (a cura di), World War I and America: Told by the Americans Who Lived It (2017)
- Mary McCarthy, Novels and Stories 1942-63 (a cura di Thomas Mallon, 2017)
- Mary McCarthy, Novels 1963-79 (a cura di Thomas Mallon, 2017)
- Susan Sontag, Later Essays (a cura di David Rieff, 2017)
- John Quincy Adams, Diaries 1779-1821 (a cura di David Waldstreicher, 2017)
- John Quincy Adams, Diaries 1824-1848 (a cura di David Waldstreicher, 2017)
- Ross Macdonald, Four Later Novels (a cura di Tom Nolan, 2017)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Hainish Novels & Stories: Volume 1 (a cura di Brian Attebery, 2017)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Hainish Novels & Stories: Volume 2 (a cura di Brian Attebery, 2017)
- Peter Taylor, Complete Stories 1938-1959 (a cura di Ann Beattie, 2017)
- Peter Taylor, Complete Stories 1960-1992 (a cura di Ann Beattie, 2017)
- Philip Roth, Why Write? Collected Nonfiction 1960-2013 (a cura dell'autore, 2017)
- John Ashbery, Complete Poems 1991-2000 (a cura di Mark Ford, 2017)
- Wendell Berry, Port William Novels & Stories (The Civil War to World War II) (a cura di Jack Shoemaker, 2018)
- Brooks D. Simpson (a cura di), Reconstruction: Voices from America's First Great Struggle for Racial Equality (2018)
- Albert Murray, Collected Novels & Poems (a cura di Paul Devlin e Henry Louis Gates Jr., 2018)
- Norman Mailer, Four Books of the 1960s (An American Dream / Why Are We in Vietnam? / The Armies of the Night / Miami and the Siege of Chicago, a cura di J. Michael Lennon, 2018)
- Norman Mailer, Collected Essays of the 1960s (a cura di J. Michael Lennon, 2018)
- Rachel Carson, Silent Spring & Other Writings on the Environment (a cura di Sandra Steingraber, 2018)
- Elmore Leonard, Westerns (a cura di Terrence Rafferty, 2018)
- Madeleine L'Engle, The Wrinkle in Time Quartet (a cura di Leonard S. Marcus, 2018)
- Madeleine L'Engle, The Polly O'Keefe Quartet (a cura di Leonard S. Marcus, 2018)
- John Updike, Novels 1959-1965 (The Poorhouse Fair / Rabbit, Run / The Centaur / Of the Farm, a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2018)
- James Fenimore Cooper, Two Novels of the American Revolution (The Spy: A Tale of The Neutral Ground / Lionel Lincoln; or, The Leaguer of Boston, a cura di Alan Taylor, 2018)
- John O'Hara, Four Novels of the 1930s (Appointment in Samarra / Butterfield 8 / Hope of Heaven / Pal Joey, a cura di Steven Goldleaf, 2019)
- Ann Petry, The Street / The Narrows (a cura di Farah Jasmine Griffin, 2019)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Always Coming Home (author's expanded ed., a cura di Brian Attebery, 2019)
- Wendell Berry, What I Stand On: The Collected Essays 1969-1990 (a cura di Jack Shoemaker, 2019)
- Wendell Berry, What I Stand On: The Collected Essays 1993-2017 (a cura di Jack Shoemaker, 2019)
- Cornelius Ryan, The Longest Day / A Bridge Too Far (a cura di Rick Atkinson, 2019)
- Booth Tarkington, Novels & Stories: The Magnificent Ambersons / Alice Adams / In the Arena (a cura di Thomas Mallon, 2019
- Herman Melville, Complete Poems (a cura di Hershel Parker, 2019)
- American Science Fiction: Eight Classic Novels of the 1960s, vol. 1: Four Classic Novels 1960-1966 (Poul Anderson, The High Crusade / Clifford D. Simak, Way Station / Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon / Roger Zelazny, ... And Call Me Conrad, a cura di Gary K. Wolfe, 2019)
- American Science Fiction: Eight Classic Novels of the 1960s, vol. 2: Four Classic Novels 1968-1969 (R. A. Lafferty, Past Master / Joanna Russ, Picnic on Paradise / Samuel R. Delany, Nova / Jack Vance, Emphyrio, a cura di Gary K. Wolfe, 2019)
- Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden / A Little Princess / Little Lord Fauntleroy (a cura di Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina, 2019)
- Jean Stafford, Complete Novels (Boston Adventure / The Mountain Lion / The Catherine Wheel, a cura di Kathryn Davis, 2019)
- Joan Didion, The 1960s & 70s (a cura di David Ulin, 2019)
- John Updike, Novels 1968-1975 (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2020)
- Constance Fenimore Woolson, Collected Stories (a cura di Anne Boyd Rioux, 2020)
- Robert Stone, Dog Soldiers, A Flag for Sunrise, Outerbridge Reach (a cura di Madison Smartt Bell, 2020)
- Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth, The Abolition, The Unconquerable World (a cura di Martin J. Sherwin, 2020)
- Richard Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, Uncollected Essays 1956–1965 (a cura di Sean Wilentz, 2020)
- The Western: Four Classic Novels of the 1940s & 50s (a cura di Ron Hansen, 2020)
- American Women's Suffrage: Voices from the 200-Year Struggle for the Vote (a cura di Susan Ware, 2020)
- African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song (a cura di Kevin Young, 2020)
- Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises & Other Writings 1918–1926 (a cura di Robert W. Trogdon, 2020)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Annals of the Western Shore (a cura di Brian Attebery, 2020)
- Shirley Jackson, Four Novels of the 1940s & 50s (a cura di Ruth Franklin, 2020)
- Plymouth Colony: Narratives of English-Indian Encounter from the Mayflower to King Philip's War (a cura di Lisa Brooks e Kelly Wisecup, 2020)
- Octavia E. Butler, Kindred, Fledgling, Collected Stories (a cura di Gerry Canavan e Nisi Shawl, 2021)
- John Updike, Novels 1978-1984 (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2021)
- Edward O. Wilson, Biophilia, The Diversity of Life, Naturalist (a cura di David Quammen, 2021)
- Joan Didion, The 1980s and 90s (a cura di David L. Ulin, 2021)
- Jean Stafford, Complete Stories and Other Writings (a cura di Kathryn Davis, 2021)
- Donald Barthelme, Collected Stories (a cura di Charles McGrath, 2021)
- Elizabeth Spencer, Novels & Stories: The Voice at the Back Door / The Light in the Piazza / Knights and Dragons / Stories (a cura di Michael Gorra, 2021)
- O. Henry, 101 Stories (a cura di Ben Yagoda, 2021)
- S. J. Perelman, Writings (a cura di Adam Gopnik, 2021)
- Ray Bradbury, Novels & Story Cycles: The Martian Chronicles / Fahrenheit 451 / Dandelion Wine / Something Wicked This Way Comes (a cura di Jonathan R. Eller, 2021)
- Virginia Hamilton, Five Novels: Zeely / The House of Dies Drear / The Planet of Junior Brown / M.C. Higgins, the Great / Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush (a cura di Julie K. Rubini, 2021)
- John Edward Williams, Collected Novels (a cura di Daniel Mendelsohn, 2021)
- W.E.B. Du Bois, Black Reconstruction (a cura di Eric Foner e Henry Louis Gates Jr., 2021)
- Elizabeth Samet (a cura di), World War II Memoirs: The Pacific Theater (2021)
- Rachel Carson, The Sea Trilogy: Under the Sea-Wind / The Sea Around Us / The Edge of the Sea (a cura di Sandra Steingraber, 2021)
- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, All the Sad Young Men and Other Writings 1920-1926 (a cura di James L. W. West III, 2022)
- John Updike, Novels 1986-1990 (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2022)
- Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior, China Men, Tripmaster Monkey, and Other Writings (a cura di Viet Thanh Nguyen, 2022)
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Novels, Stories and Poems (a cura di Alfred Bendixen, 2022)
- Gary Snyder, Collected Poems (a cura di Jack Shoemaker e Anthony Hunt, 2022)
- Frederick Douglass, Speeches and Writings (a cura di David W. Blight, 2022)
- Bruce Catton, The Army of the Potomac Trilogy (a cura di Gary W. Gallagher, 2022)
- Ray Bradbury, The illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories (a cura di Jonathan R. Eller, 2022)
- Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima / Tortuga / Alburquerque (a cura di Luis Alberto Urrea, 2022)
- Oscar Hijuelos, The Mambo Kings and Other Novels (a cura di Lori Marie Carlson-Hijuelos e Laura P. Alonso-Gall, 2022)
- Don DeLillo, Three Novels of the 1980s: The Names / White Noise / Libra (a cura di Mark Osteen, 2022)
- Norman Mailer, The Naked and the Dead and Selected Letters 1945-1946 (a cura di J. Michael Lennon, 2023)
- John Updike, Novels 1996-2000 (a cura di Christopher Carduff, 2023)
- James G. Basker e Nicole Seary (a cura di), Black Writers of the Founding Era (2023)
- Bernard Malamud, Novels and Stories of the 1970s and 80s (a cura di Philip Davis, 2023)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Collected Poems (a cura di Harold Bloom, 2023)
- Charles Portis, Collected Works (a cura di Jay Jennings, 2023)
- Geoffrey O'Brien (a cura di), Crime Novels: Five Classic Thrillers 1961-1964 (2023)
- Geoffrey O'Brien (a cura di), Crime Novels: Four Classic Thrillers 1964-1969 (2023)
- Adrienne Kennedy, Collected Plays and Other Writings (a cura di Mark Robinson, 2023)
- Joanna Russ, Novels and Stories (a cura di Nicole Rudick, 2023)
- Don DeLillo, Mao II / Underworld (a cura di Mark Osteen, 2023)
- William Faulkner, Stories (a cura di Theresa M. Towner, 2023)
- Tyina L. Steptoe (a cura di), Jim Crow: Voices from a Century of Struggle: Part One, Reconstruction to the Red Summer (2024)
- Jimmy Breslin, Essential Writings (a cura di Dan Barry, 2024)
- Helen Keller, Autobiographies and Other Writings (a cura di Kim E. Nielsen, 2024)
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Five Novels (a cura di Brian Attebery, 2024)
- Walker Percy, The Moviegoer and Other Novels 1961-1971 (a cura di Paul Elie, 2024)
- Wendell Berry, Port William Novels and Stories: The Postwar Years (a cura di Jack Shoemaker, 2024)
Antologie speciali
- Writing New York: A Literary Anthology (a cura di Philip Lopate, 1998)
- American Sea Writing: A Literary Anthology (a cura di Peter Neill, 2000)
- Baseball: A Literary Anthology (a cura di Nicholas Dawidoff, 2002)
- Writing Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology (a cura di David L. Ulin, 2002)
- Americans in Paris: A Literary Anthology (a cura di Adam Gopnik, 2004)
- American Writers at Home (a cura di J.D. McClatchy, con fotografie di Erica Lennar, 2004)
- American Movie Critics: An Anthology From the Silents Until Now (a cura di Phillip Lopate, 2006)
- American Religious Poems (a cura di Harold Bloom e Jesse Zuba, 2006)
- American Food Writing: An Anthology with Classic Recipes (a cura di Molly O'Neill, 2007)
- True Crime: An American Anthology (a cura di Harold Schechter, 2008)
- Becoming Americans: Four Centuries of Immigrant Writing (a cura di Ilan Stavans, 2009)
- At the Fights: American Writers on Boxing (a cura di George Kimball e John Schulian, 2011)
- Into the Blue: American Writers on Aviation and Spaceflight (a cura di Joseph J. Corn, 2011)
- The 50 Funniest American Writers: An Anthology of Humor from Mark Twain to The Onion (a cura di Andy Borowitz, 2011)
- The Cool School: Writing from America's Hip Underground (a cura di Glenn O'Brien, 2013)
- Football: Great Writing about the National Sport (a cura di John Schulian, 2014)
- Shake It Up: Great American Writing on Rock and Pop from Elvis to Jay Z (a cura di Kevin Dettmar e Jonathan Lethem, 2017)
- Dance in America: A Reader's Anthology(a cura di Mindy Aloff, 2018)
- The Great American Sports Page: A Century of Classic Columns (a cura di John Schulian, 2019)
- American Birds (a cura di Andrew Rubenfeld e Terry Tempest Williams, 2020)
- American Christmas Stories (a cura di Connie Willis, 2021)
- Women's Liberation! Feminist Writings that Inspired a Revolution and Still Can (a cura di Alix Kates Shulman e Honor Moore, 2021)
- The Future Is Female! More Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women (a cura di Lisa Yaszek, 2022)
Serie di poesia
- James Agee: Selected Poems (a cura di Andrew Hudgins, 2008)
- American Sonnets: An Anthology (a cura di David Bromwich, 2007)
- American Wits: An Anthology of Light Verse (a cura di John Hollander, 2003)
- A. R. Ammons: Selected Poems (a cura di David Lehman, 2006)
- John Berryman: Selected Poems (a cura di Kevin Young, 2004)
- The Essential Gwendolyn Brooks (a cura di Elizabeth Alexander, 2005)
- Countee Cullen: Collected Poems (a cura di Major Jackson, 2013)
- Stephen Crane: Complete Poems (a cura di Christopher Benfey, 2011)
- Kenneth Fearing: Selected Poems (a cura di Robert Polito, 2004)
- Stephen Foster & Co.: Lyrics of America's First Great Popular Songs (a cura di Ken Emerson, 2010)
- Ira Gershwin: Selected Lyrics (a cura di Robert Kimball, 2009)
- Kenneth Koch: Selected Poems (a cura di Ron Padgett, 2007)
- Emma Lazarus: Selected Poems (a cura di John Hollander, 2005)
- Amy Lowell: Selected Poems (a cura di Honor Moore, 2004)
- Samuel Menashe: New and Selected Poems (a cura di Christopher Ricks, 2005)
- Edna St. Vincent Millay: Selected Poems (a cura di J.D. McClatchy, 2003)
- Edgar Allan Poe: Poems and Poetics (a cura di Richard Wilbur, 2003)
- Poems from the Women's Movement (a cura di Honor Moore, 2009)
- Poets of the Civil War (a cura di J.D. McClatchy, 2005)
- Poets of World War II (a cura di Harvey Shapiro, 2003)
- Cole Porter: Selected Lyrics (a cura di Robert Kimball, 2006)
- Theodore Roethke: Selected Poems (a cura di Edward Hirsch, 2005)
- Muriel Rukeyser: Selected Poems (a cura di Adrienne Rich, 2004)
- Carl Sandburg: Selected Poems (a cura di Paul Berman, 2007)
- Karl Shapiro: Selected Poems (a cura di John Updike, 2003)
- Anne Stevenson: Selected Poems (a cura di Andrew Motion, 2007)
- Edith Wharton: Selected Poems (a cura di Louis Auchincloss, 2005)
- Walt Whitman: Selected Poems (a cura di Harold Bloom, 2003)
- John Greenleaf Whittier: Selected Poems (a cura di Brenda Wineapple, 2004)
- William Carlos Williams: Selected Poems (a cura di Robert Pinsky, 2004)
- Yvor Winters: Selected Poems (a cura di Thom Gunn, 2003)
- Louis Zukofsky: Selected Poems (a cura di Charles Bernstein, 2006)
Pubblicazioni speciali
- Ilan Stavans (a cura di), Isaac Bashevis Singer: An Album (2004, in cofanetto con i tre volumi di Stories)
- Manny Farber, Farber on Film: The Complete Film Writings of Manny Farber (a cura di Robert Polito, 2009)
- John Updike, Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu: John Updike on Ted Williams (2010)
- Pauline Kael, The Age of Movies: Selected Writings (a cura di Sanford Schwartz, 2011)
- Joe Brainard, The Collected Writings of Joe Brainard (a cura di Ron Padgett, 2012)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars (a cura di Junot Díaz, 2012)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan of the Apes (a cura di Thomas Mallon, 2012)
- Red Smith, American Pastimes: The Very Best of (a cura di Daniel Okrent, 2013)
- Football: Great Writing about the National Sport (a cura di John Schulian, 2014)
- Wilfred Charles Heinz, The Top of His Game: The Best Sportswriting of W.C. Heinz (a cura di Bill Littlefield, 2015)
- President Lincoln Assassinated! The Firsthand Story of the Murder, Manhunt, Trial, and Mourning (a cura di Harold Holzer, 2015)
- String Theory: David Foster Wallace on Tennis (a cura di John Jeremiah Sullivan, 2016)
- My Dearest Julia: The Wartime Letters of Ulysses S. Grant to His Wife (2018)
- Harold Bloom, The American Canon: Literary Genius from Emerson to Pynchon (a cura di David Mikics, 2019)
- Kate Bolick, Jenny Zhang, Carmen Maria Machado e Jane Smiley, March Sisters: On Life, Death, and Little Women (2019)
- Nancy Hale, Where the Light Falls: Selected Stories of (a cura di Lauren Groff, 2019)
- The Peanuts Papers: Writers and Cartoonists on Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the Gang, and the Meaning of Life (a cura di Andrew Blauner, 2019)
- Walt Whitman Speaks: His Final Thoughts on Life, Writing, Spirituality, and the Promise of America, as Told to Horace Traubel (a cura di Brenda Wineapple, 2019)
- American Conservatism: Reclaiming an Intellectual Tradition (a cura di Andrew Bacevich, 2020)
- American Democracy: 21 Historic Answers to 5 Urgent Questions (a cura di Nicholas Lemann, 2020)
- Breece D'J Pancake, The Collected Stories, Fragments, Letters (2020)
- Dolores Hitchens, Sleep with Strangers e Sleep with Slander (2 voll., 2021)
- Molière, The Complete Richard Wilbur Translations (2 voll., 2021)
- Mary Jane Ward, The Snake Pit (2021)
- Richard Wright, The Man Who Lived Underground (2021)
- Edward Hirsch, The Heart of American Poetry (2022)
- Ronald L. Fair, Many Thousand Gone: An American Fable (2023)
- Nancy Hale, The Prodigal Women (2023)
- John A. Williams, The Man Who Cried I Am (2023)
- Jay Parini, Robert Frost: Sixteen Poems to Learn by Heart (2024)
- S. J. Perelman, Cloudland Revisited: A Misspent Youth in Books and Film (2024)
- S. J. Perelman, Crazy Like a Fox (2024)
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