Libri americani de I tre investigatori

Voce principale: I tre investigatori.

Elenco di libri

Serie I tre investigatori

Romanzo Autore Anno
1 Il castello del terrore (The Secret of Terror Castle)
2 Il pappagallo balbuziente (The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot)
3 La mummia sussurrante (The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy)
4 Il fantasma verde (The Mystery of the Green Ghost)
5 Il tesoro scomparso (The Mystery of the Vanishing Treasure)
6 L'isola dello scheletro (The Secret of Skeleton Island)
7 L'occhio di fuoco (The Mystery of the Fiery Eye)
8 Il principe e il ragno (The Mystery of the Silver Spider)
9 L'orologio che urla (The Mystery of the Screaming Clock)
10 La caverna del diavolo (The Mystery of the Moaning Cave) William Arden
11 Il teschio parlante (The Mystery of the Talking Skull) Robert Arthur
12 L'amuleto d'oro (The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow)
William Arden
13 Il gatto sciancato (The Secret of the Crooked Cat)
14 Il drago raffreddato (The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon) Nick West
15 L'aquila scarlatta (The Mystery of the Flaming Footprints) M. V. Carey
16 Il leone nervoso (The Mystery of the Nervous Lion) Nick West
17 Il canto del serpente (The Mystery of the Singing Serpent) M. V. Carey
18 Una strana eredità (The Mystery of the Shrinking House)
William Arden
19 Il diario del marinaio (The Secret of Phantom Lake)
20 Il mostro della montagna (The Mystery of Monster Mountain)
M. V. Carey
21 Lo specchio incantato (The Secret of the Haunted Mirror)
22 Gli indovinelli del morto (The Mystery of the Dead Man's Riddle) William Arden
23 Il cane invisibile (The Mystery of the Invisible Dog)
M. V. Carey
24 La miniera abbandonata (The Mystery of Death Trap Mine)
25 Il diavolo danzatore (The Mystery of the Dancing Devil)
William Arden
26 La spada del conquistatore (The Mystery of the Headless Horse) 1977
27 Il bosco delle streghe (The Mystery of the Magic Circle) M. V. Carey
28 Un sosia per Jupiter (The Mystery of the Deadly Double) William Arden
29 Le formiche guerriere (The Mystery of the Sinister Scarecrow) M. V. Carey
30 Duello sotto il mare (The Secret of Shark Reef) William Arden
31 The Mystery of the Scar-Faced Beggar
M. V. Carey
32 The Mystery of the Blazing Cliffs
33 The Mystery of the Purple Pirate William Arden
34 The Mystery of the Wandering Cave Man M. V. Carey
35 The Mystery of the Kidnapped Whale Marc Brandel
36 The Mystery of the Missing Mermaid M. V. Carey
37 The Mystery of the Two-Toed Pigeon Marc Brandel
38 The Mystery of the Smashing Glass William Arden
39 The Mystery of the Trail of Terror M. V. Carey
40 The Mystery of the Rogues' Reunion Marc Brandel
41 The Mystery of the Creep-Show Crooks M. V. Carey
42 The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock William Arden 1986
43 The Mystery of the Cranky Collector
M. V. Carey
- The Mystery of the Ghost Train [1]

Serie Find Your Fate Mysteries

Romanzo Autore Anno
1 RH1 Case of the Weeping Coffin Megan Stine e H. William Stine 1985
2 RH2 Case of the Dancing Dinosaur Rose Estes 198?
3 RH3 Case of the House of Horrors Megan Stine e H. William Stine 198?
4 RH4 Case of the Savage Statue M.V. Carey 1987

Serie Crimebusters

Romanzo Autore Anno
1 Hot Wheels William Arden
2 Murder to Go Megan Stine e H. William Stine
3 Rough Stuff G.H. Stone
4 Funny Business William MacCay
5 An Ear for Danger Marc Brandel
6 Thriller Diller[2] Megan Stine e H. William Stine
7 Reel Trouble G.H. Stone
8 Shoot the Works William MacCay
9 Foul Play Peter Lerangis
10 Long Shot Megan Stine e H. William Stine
11 Fatal Error G.H. Stone
12 Brain Wash Peter Lerangis
13 High Strung G.H. Stone


  1. ^ Il romanzo non era ancora stato terminato quando la serie venne cancellata impedendone così l'ultimazione e la pubblicazione
  2. ^ Nel Regno Unito il romanzo è stato rintitolato "Hollywood Horror"
  3. ^ Pubblicato solamente in Germania
  4. ^ Kosmos-Katalog - Neuheiten, Frühjahr 2011

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