Scream Awards 2009

Voce principale: Scream Award.

La cerimonia ha avuto luogo sabato 17 ottobre 2009 al Greek Theater di Los Angeles.

The Ultimate Scream

Best Horror Movie

Best Science Fiction Movie

Best Fantasy Film

Best TV Show

Best Horror Actress

Best Horror Actor

Best Fantasy Actress

Best Fantasy Actor

Best Science Fiction Actress

Best Science Fiction Actor

Best Supporting Actress

Best Supporting Actor

Breakout Performance-Female

Breakout Performance-Male

Best Cameo

Best Ensemble

Best Director

Best Foreign Movie

Best Sequel

Best F/X

Scream Song of the Year

Best Villain

Best Superhero

Best Scream-Play

Most Memorable Mutilation

Fight-to-the-Death Scene of the Year

Holy Sh!t! Scene of the Year

Best Comic Book Movie

Best Comic Book Artist

Best Comic Book

Best Comic Book Writer

Altri premi

Collegamenti esterni

  • Sito ufficiale, su URL consultato l'8 settembre 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale il 2 novembre 2009).