生誕 |
1930年9月12日 リトアニア, カウナス |
死没 |
マサチューセッツ州, ケンブリッジ |
国籍 | リトアニア系アメリカ人 |
研究機関 |
(機関) ハーバード大学 シカゴ大学 |
研究分野 | 計量経済学 |
母校 |
シカゴ大学 (Ph.D.) カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 (B.S.) |
影響を 受けた人物 |
アーノルド・ハーバーガー セオドア・シュルツ |
影響を 与えた人物 |
ロバート・バロー G. S. Maddala |
実績 | 理論および応用計量経済学 |
受賞 | ジョン・ベイツ・クラーク賞 (1965年) |
ツヴィ・グリリカス(Hirsh Zvi Griliches、1930年9月12日 - 1999年11月4日)はアメリカの経済学者。ハーバード大学教授。新技術の伝播、研究開発の役割、特許制度、教育等を含む技術革新の経済学における貢献で知られる。
彼の1957年に書いた博士論文“Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change”は、新種のトウモロコシの種がロシスティック曲線に沿って伝播していくことを示した。このような新技術の普及過程は後に様々な技術に応用できる事が示され、それまで経済学者が外生的に扱っていた技術進歩の分析に焦点が当たることとなった。
彼の技術革新への関心は、後に彼を 経済成長論における全要素生産性の実証分析に向かわせた。デール・ジョルゲンソンらと共に行った一連の論文で、彼は生産性の上昇における技術の果たす役割についての分析・検討を行った。
- 原著論文
- "Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change," Econometrica, October 1957, Vol. 25(4), 501-522
- "Research Cost and Social Returns: Hybrid Corn and Related Innovations," Journal of Political Economy, October 1958, vol. LXVI(5) 419-431. Reprinted with corrections in Eicher and Witt, eds, Agriculture in Economic Development, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1964
- "Hybrid Corn and the Economics of Innovation," Science, l32, 275-280, July 29, 1960.
- "A Note on Serial Correlation Bias in Estimates of Distributed Lags," Econometrica, January 196l, Vol. 29(1), 65-73.
- "Hedonic Price Indexes for Automobiles: An Econometric Analysis of Quality Change," The Price Statistics of the Federal Government, National Bureau of Economic Research, General Series no. 73, New York: NBER, 196l, 173-196.
- "On an Index of Quality Change,"(with I. Adelman), Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 196l, Vol. 56, 535-548.
- "The Sources of Measured Productivity Growth: U.S. Agriculture, 1940-1960." Journal of Political Economy, 81(4), 331-346.
- "The Determinants of Investment Revisited," (with N. Wallace), International Economic Review, September 1965, Vol. 6(3), 3ll-329.
- "The Explanation of Productivity Change" (with D. Jorgenson), Review of Economic Studies, July 1967, Vol. XXXIV(3), 249-283.
- "Distributed Lags: A Survey," Econometrica, January 1967, Vol. 35(1) 16-49.
- "Errors-in-the-Variables Bias in Nonlinear Contexts," (with V. Ringstad), Econometrica, March 1970, Vol. 38(2), 368-370.
- "Education, Income, and Ability," (with W. Mason), Journal of Political Economy, May 1972, Vol. 80(3) Part II, S74-Sl03.
- "Issues in Growth Accounting: A Reply to Edward F. Denison", and "Final Reply" (with D. Jorgenson), Survey of Current Business, special issue, The Measurement of Productivity, May 1972, Vol. 52, (5), Part II, 3l-111.
- "Sibling Models and Data in Economics: Beginnings of a Survey," Journal of Political Economy, October 1979, vol. 87(5), Part 2, S37-S64.
- "R&D and The Productivity Slowdown," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the AEA, May 1980, vol. 70(2), 343-348.
- "Wages, Schooling and IQ of Brothers and Sisters: Do The Family Factors Differ?" (with J. Bound and B.H. Hall) International Economic Review, February 1986, 27(1), 77-l05.
- "The Search for R&D Spillovers," The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 94, 1992, Supplement 29-47.
- "Introduction" to Output Measurement in the Service Sectors, Z. Griliches (ed), NBER, Studies in Income and Wealth, Volume 56, 1992, pp.1-22.
- "Consumer Prices, the Consumer Price Index, and the Cost of Living" (with M.J. Boskin, E.R. Dulberger, R.J. Gordon, and D.W. Jorgenson), Journal of Economic Perspectives 12(1), Winter 1998, 3-20.
- 書籍
- "Research Expenditures and Growth Accounting," in B.R. Williams, ed., Science and Technology in Economic Growth, London: Macmillan, 1973, 59- 95.
- Technology, Education and Productivity: Early Papers with Notes to Subsequent Literature, New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988
- R&D and Productivity: The Econometric Evidence, University of Chicago Press, 1998.
- Practicing Econometrics: Essays in Method and Application, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998.
- "Production Functions: The Search for Identification" (with Jacques Mairesse), in Practicing Econometrics: Essays in Method and Application, Cheltenham, UK: Elgar, 1998.
- "Price Indexes for Medical Care Goods and Services" (with E. Berndt, D. Cutler, R. Frank, J. Newhouse, J. Triplett), in Medical Care Output and Productivity, Chicago University Press, forthcoming 1999.
- R&D, Education and Productivity: A Retrospective, Harvard University Press, 2000.
- Zvi Griliches' homepage
- Obituary published in the Harvard Gazette
- Obituary on the University of California website
- A Biographical Memoir by Marc Nerlove
- Zvi Griliches on Diffusion, Lags and Productivity Growth …Connecting the Dots by Paul A. David
- In Memoriam: Zvi Griliches, 1930-1999 by Manuel Trajtenberg and Ernst R. Berndt
- A tree of Zvi Griliches's students, postpocs, coauthors, and their students