
西: Facundo: Civilización y Barbarie
著者 ドミンゴ・ファウスティーノ・サルミエント
発行日 1845
ジャンル 伝記、随筆
言語 スペイン語
形態 文学作品
コード ISBN 978-0-520-23980-7
[ ウィキデータ項目を編集 ]

ファクンド――文明と野蛮』(ファクンドぶんめいとやばん、スペイン語原題:"Facundo: Civilización y Barbarie")、または『文明と野蛮:フアン・ファクンド・キロガの生涯』は、1845年、作家でジャーナリスト、そして後に第2代アルゼンチン大統領となったドミンゴ・ファウスティーノ・サルミエント英語版による本。ラテンアメリカ文学の礎石ともいえる作品であり、副題に「文明と野蛮」とあるように、『ファクンド』は19世紀初頭のアルゼンチンに見られる文明野蛮を対比している。文芸評論家のロベルト・ゴンサーレス・エチェバリア英語版はこの作品について、「ラテンアメリカで書かれたありとあらゆる分野の作品の中で、もっとも重要な本」と記している。






サルミエントは、亡命先のチリに滞在していた1845年、当時アルゼンチンに君臨していた独裁者、 フアン・マヌエル・デ・ロサスを攻撃する目的で『ファクンド』を記した。本書は、サルミエントの視点から見たものであり、ロサスや、ラ・リオハの軍人、フアン・ファクンド・キロガ英語版といった男たちに代表されるアルゼンチン文化についての批評であった。サルミエントにとって、ロサスやキロガはカウディーリョ――すなわち、法律ではなく、力を頼みとした者たち――であった。しかしながら、




A series of governors were installed and replaced beginning in 1828 with the appointment of Federalist Manuel Dorrego as the governor of Buenos Aires.[11] However, Dorrego's government was very soon overthrown and replaced by that of Unitarist Juan Lavalle.[12] Lavalle's rule ended when he was defeated by a militia of gauchos led by Rosas. By the end of 1829, the legislature had appointed Rosas as governor of Buenos Aires.[13] Under Rosas's rule, many intellectuals fled either to Chile, as did Sarmiento, or to Uruguay, as Sarmiento himself notes.[14]


Juan Manuel de Rosas's first term as governor lasted only three years. His rule, assisted by Juan Facundo Quiroga and Estanislao López, was respected and he was praised for his ability to maintain harmony between Buenos Aires and the rural areas.[15] The country fell into disorder after Rosas's resignation in 1832, and in 1835 he was once again called to lead the country. He ruled the country not as he did during his first term as governor, but as a dictator, forcing all citizens to support his Federalist regime.[16] According to Nicolas Shumway, Rosas "forced the citizens to wear the red Federalist insignia, and his picture appeared in all public places...  Rosas's enemies, real and imagined, were increasingly imprisoned, tortured, murdered, or driven into exile by the mazorca, a band of spies and thugs supervised personally by Rosas. Publications were censored, and porteño newspapers became tedious apologizers for the regime".[17]


チリへの亡命時に描かれたサルミエントの肖像 フランクリン・ローソン英語版

In Facundo, Sarmiento is both the narrator and a main character. The book contains autobiographical elements from Sarmiento's life, and he comments on the entire Argentine circumstance. He also expresses and analyzes his own opinion and chronicles some historic events. Within the book's dichotomy between civilization and barbarism, Sarmiento's character represents civilization, steeped as he is in European and North American ideas; he stands for education and development, as opposed to Rosas and Facundo, who symbolize barbarism.

Sarmiento was an educator, a civilized man who was a militant adherent to the Unitarist movement. During the Argentine civil war he fought against Facundo several times, and while in Spain he became a member of the Literary Society of Professors.[18] Exiled to Chile by Rosas when he started to write Facundo, Sarmiento would later return as a politician. He was a member of the Senate after Rosas's fall and president of Argentina for six years (1868–1874). During his presidency, Sarmiento concentrated on migration, sciences, and culture. His ideas were based on European civilization; for him, the development of a country was rooted in education. To this end, he founded Argentina's military and naval colleges.[19]


Horses graze on flat scrub land.

After a lengthy introduction, Facundo's fifteen chapters divide broadly into three sections: chapters one to four outline Argentine geography, anthropology, and history; chapters five to fourteen recount the life of Juan Facundo Quiroga; and the concluding chapter expounds Sarmiento's vision of a future for Argentina under a Unitarist government.[20] In Sarmiento's words, the reason why he chose to provide Argentine context and use Facundo Quiroga to condemn Rosas's dictatorship is that "in Facundo Quiroga I do not only see simply a caudillo, but rather a manifestation of Argentine life as it has been made by colonization and the peculiarities of the land".[21]













  1. ^ Ross 2003, p. 17
  2. ^ Ross 2003, p. 18
  3. ^ Ross 2003, p. 17
  4. ^ a b Ball 1999, p. 177
  5. ^ González Echevarría 2003, p. 2
  6. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 13
  7. ^ Rockland 2015, p. 7.
  8. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 107
  9. ^ a b Shumway 1993, p. 84
  10. ^ Ball 1999, p. 173
  11. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 114
  12. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 115
  13. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 117
  14. ^ Sarmiento 2003, p. 229
  15. ^ Shumway 1993, pp. 117–118
  16. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 118
  17. ^ Shumway 1993, p. 120
  18. ^ Mann 1868, p. 357
  19. ^ González Echevarría 2003, p. 10
  20. ^ Ross 2003, p. 18
  21. ^ Sarmiento 2003, p. 38


  • Ball, Kimberly (1999), Facundo by Domingo F. Sarmiento”, in Moss, Joyce; Valestuk, Lorraine, Latin American Literature and Its Times, 1, World Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events That Influenced Them, Detroit: Gale Group, pp. 171–180, ISBN 0-7876-3726-2, https://archive.org/details/latinamericanlit0000moss/page/171 
  • Bravo, Héctor Félix (1990), “Profiles of educators: Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811–88)”, Prospects: The Quarterly Review of Comparative Education (Paris: UNESCO: International Bureau of Education) 20; number 2 (74): 247–256, doi:10.1007/BF02196326 
  • Carilla, Emilio (1955) (スペイン語), Lengua y estilo en el Facundo, Buenos Aires: Universidad nacional de Tucumán, OCLC 2010266 
  • Chang-Rodríguez, Raquel (1988) (スペイン語), Voces de Hispanoamérica: antología literaria, New York: Heinle & Heinle, ISBN 0-8384-1603-9, https://archive.org/details/vocesdehispanoam0000unse 
  • González Echevarría, Roberto (1985), The Voice of the Masters: Writing and Authority in Modern Latin American Literature, Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, ISBN 0-292-78716-2 
  • González Echevarría, Roberto (2003), “Facundo: An Introduction”, in Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 1–16 
  • Ludmer, Josefina (2002), The Gaucho Genre: A Treatise on the Motherland, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, ISBN 0-8223-2844-5 . Trans. Molly Weigel.
  • Lynch, John (1981), Argentine Dictator: Juan Manuel de Rosas 1829–1852, New York, US: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-821129-5 
  • Mann, Horace (1868), “Biographical Sketch of the Author”, in Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants, or, Civilization and Barbarism, New York: Hafner, pp. 276–396 . Book is by Domingo Sarmiento.
  • Martínez Estrada, Ezequiel (1969) (スペイン語), Sarmiento, Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, ISBN 950-845-107-6 
  • Newton, Jorge (1965) (スペイン語), Facundo Quiroga: Aventura y leyenda, Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra 
  • Rockland, Michael Aaron (2015) (英語), Sarmiento's Travels in the U.S. in 1847, Princeton: Princeton University Press, ISBN 9781400870899 
  • Ross, Kathleen (2003), “Translator's Introduction”, in Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism, trans. Kathleen Ross, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 17–26 
  • Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino (2003), Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press (1845発行), ISBN 0-520-23980-6  The first complete English translation. Trans. Kathleen Ross.
  • Shumway, Nicolas (1993), The Invention of Argentina, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, ISBN 0-520-08284-2 
  • Sorensen Goodrich, Diana (1996), Facundo and the Construction of Argentine Culture, Austin: University of Texas Press, ISBN 0-292-72790-9 
  • Weiner, Mark S. (2011), Domingo Sarmiento and the Cultural History of Law in the Americas, Newark, New Jersey: Rutgers Law Review, http://www.rutgerslawreview.com/wp-content/uploads/archive/vol63/Issue3/Weiner.pdf