ブリスベン川(ブリスベンがわ、Brisbane River )はオーストラリア連邦クイーンズランド州南東部を流れる河川である。1823年、ニューサウスウェールズ州総督トーマス・ブリスベンに因んで探検家ジョン・オクスレイにより名付けられた。
- Bulimba Creek
- Breakfast Creek
- Norman Creek
- Oxley Creek
- Moggill Creek
- Bremer River
- Lockyer Creek
- Stanley River
比較的小さい支流:Wolston Creek, Woogaroo Creek,Cubberla Creek, Goodna Creek, Six Mile Creek, Bundamba Creek, Pullen Pullen Creek および Kholo Creek.
- Craig Johnstone. (July 22, 1995). "How we're slowly killing our river". The Courier-Mail - Weekend p. 1
- G Roderick McLeod. 1990. "Some aspects of the History of the Brisbane River". In Peter Davie, Errol Stock, Darryl Low Choy (Ed.), The Brisbane river: a source-book for the future. pp. 191 - 201. Australian Littoral Society in association with the Queensland Museum.
- Wayne Erskine. 1990. "Environmental Impacts of sand and gravel extraction on river systems". In Peter Davie, Errol Stock, Darryl Low Choy (Ed.), The Brisbane river: a source-book for the future. pp. 295 - 302. Australian Littoral Society in association with the Queensland Museum.
- Historical Brisbane River Map - includes photos and information about Brisbane, the Brisbane River, Brisbane bridges and Brisbane suburbs
- History of Brisbane flooding at BOM