
外人がいじん[ɡai(d)ʑiɴ]; "outsider", "alien", "Non-Japanese")は外国人や非日本人に対して使われる日本語の語。この語は漢字2字、外(がい、「そと」)と人(じん、「ひと」)からなる。外国、外車といった語も同様に構成される。国籍人種民族などの日本で一般的な概念をまとめて指す。

その単語が否定的あるいは軽蔑的な意味を持つようになったと感じている人もいれば[1][2][3][4][5][6]、中立、あるいは肯定的だと主張する人もいる[7][8][9][10]外国人がいこくじん[ɡaikokɯꜜ(d)ʑiɴ]; "foreign-country person")は、日本政府やメディアで広く使われている、より中立的でいくぶん正式な言葉である。



Assembling arms where there are no gaijin[note 1]

ここでいう外人とは、部外者[12][13]や潜在的な敵を指す。別の初期の参考文献である二条良基の連理秘抄(c. 1349)では、友人ではなく、見知らぬ人である日本人を指すために使われている。の演目鞍馬天狗では、旅僧の姿に召使いが反対する場面がある。

A gaijin doesn't belong here, where children from the Genji and Heike families are playing.








While the term itself has no derogatory meaning, it emphasizes the exclusiveness of Japanese attitude and has therefore picked up pejorative connotations that many Westerners resent.
Mayumi Itoh (1995)[3]


外人は西洋文学やポップカルチャーによく登場する。題名にもなっている小説としては、マーク・オルデンのGaijin(ニューヨーク:アーバーハウス (1986年))、ジェームズ・メルヴィルのGo gently, gaijin(ニューヨーク:St.Martin's Press、1986年)、ジェームズ・カーカップのGaijin on the Ginza(ロンドン:チェスタースプリングス (1991年))、ジェイムズ・クラヴェルのガイ=ジン(ニューヨーク:デラコルテプレス、1993)、やニック・ロウの同名の歌もある。長編映画のタイトルでは、チズカ・ヤマザキのGaijin – Os Caminhos da Liberdade(1980)とGaijin - Ama-me como Sou(2005)や、Fumi InoueのGaijin(2003)などの短編アニメのタイトルがある。






  1. ^ The 13th-century pronunciation of the characters 外人 is debated; it may have been kotobito (ことびと), udokihito (うどきひと) or gwaijin (ぐゎいじん). The spelling gaijin is used here for continuity.


  1. ^ a b Wetherall, William (1983). “Foreigners in Japan”. Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. 2. Tokyo: Kodansha. pp. 313–4. http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/yosha/minorities/Foreigners_in_Japan.html 
  2. ^ a b Buckley, Sandra (2002). “Gaijin”. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture. Taylor and Francis. pp. 161–2. ISBN 0-415-14344-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=tOaHI25bn-kC&pg=PA161&dq=Gaijin 
  3. ^ a b c Itoh, Mayumi (Summer 1996). “Japan's abiding sakoku mentality - seclusion from other countries - Economic Myths Explained”. Orbis (Foreign Policy Research Institute / JAI Press Inc.) 40 (3). http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0365/is_n2_v40/ai_18338848. 
  4. ^ a b De Mente, Boye Lafayette (1994). Japanese Etiquette & Ethics In Business. McGraw-Hill Professional. pp. 159. ISBN 0-8442-8530-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=r6obHAmRKesC&pg=PA159&dq=Gaijin+superior 
  5. ^ a b Hsu, Robert (1993). The MIT Encyclopedia of the Japanese Economy. MIT Press. pp. 195. ISBN 0-8442-8530-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=0RS0CGUaef8C&pg=PA195&lpg=PA195&dq=gaijin+derogatory 
  6. ^ a b Wetherall, William; de Vos, George A (1976). “Ethnic Minorities in Japan”. In Veenhoven, Willem Adriaan; Crum Ewing, Winifred. Case Studies on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: A World Survey. Stichting Plurale. pp. 384. ISBN 90-247-1779-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=wh3ZUWExDEcC&pg=PA364&dq=Gaijin+offensive&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&sig=l1Ma9GglEYYFvNe1eup2lVkgusA#PPA364,M1 
  7. ^ a b Kitahara, Michio (1989). Children of the Sun: the Japanese and the Outside World. Sandgate, Folkestone, England: Paul Norbury Publications. pp. 117, 516. "For example, gaijin literally means a 'person from outside', namely a foreigner, and that means 'Caucasian'. To describe a Japanese person in this manner is a compliment to him or her. To be 'similar to a foreigner' (gaijin-no youna) means to be similar to a westerner, and this too, is a compliment." 
  8. ^ a b Lie, John (2000). “The Discourse of Japaneseness”. In Douglass, Mike; Roberts, Glenda Susan. Japan and Global Migration: Foreign Workers and the Advent of a Multicultural Society. Routledge. pp. 75. ISBN 0-415-19110-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=foRpFBUtl3YC&pg=PA70&lpg=PA70&dq=The+Discourse+of+Japaneseness+and+Foreign+Workers&source=web&ots=ytgO6oo95c&sig=Ksz5HfKYRv2gRe8OfQg-6BBwMck#PPA75,M1 
  9. ^ a b c Befu, Harumi (2001). Hegemony of Homogeneity: An Anthropological Analysis of Nihonjinron. Trans Pacific Press. p. 76. ISBN 1-876843-05-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=91s4n07d4p4C&pg=PA76&dq=Gaijin+racial "In the generic sense, [Gaijin] refers to all foreigners; but in daily usage it designates only Caucasians—that is, those foreigners who are worthy of admiration in some respects"
  10. ^ a b Koshiro, Yukiko (1999). Trans-Pacific Racisms and the U.S. Occupation of Japan. Columbia University Press. p. 114. ISBN 0-231-11348-X. https://books.google.com/books?id=uRogiEX4SXgC&pg=PA114&dq=Gaijin+euphemism 
  11. ^ 高木, 市之助; 小沢正夫; 渥美かをる; 金田一春彦 (1959) (Japanese). 岩波書店. p. 123. ISBN 4-00-060032-X 
  12. ^ A. Matsumura (ed.), 大辞林, (p. 397, 9th ed., vol. 1). (1989). 東京: 三省堂. "がいじん【外人】② そのことに関係のない人。第三者。「外人もなき所に兵具をととのへ/平家一」"
  13. ^ A. Matsumura (ed.), 大辞泉, (p. 437, 1st ed., vol. 1). (1998). 東京: 小学館. "がいじん。【外人】② 仲間以外の人。他人。「外人もなき所に兵具をととのへ」〈平家・一〉"
  14. ^ M. Yamaguchi et al. (eds.), 新漢語辞典, (p. 282, 2nd ed., vol. 1). (2000). 東京: 岩波書店. "【外人】② 局外者。他人。「源平両家の童形たちのおのおのござ候ふに、かやうの外人は然るべからず候」"
  15. ^ a b https://www.sendaicci.or.jp/date/contents/22-04sendaijoka.pdf
  16. ^ 正法眼蔵随聞記 (1235-1238):[...]衆中ニ具眼ノ人アリテ、外國人トシテ大叢林ノ侍者タランコト、國ニ人ナキガ如シト難ズルコトアラン、尤モハヅベシ
  17. ^ 鳩舌或問 (1838): されとこれらの事情は容易に外国人に知らせし事ならねは
  18. ^ a b c Gottlieb, Nanette (2005). Language and Society in Japan. Cambridge University Press. pp. 117–8. ISBN 978-0-521-53284-6  "Gaikokujin is uncontroversial and simply means a person who does not hold Japanese citizenship; it is the more common contracted version that has been the subject of irritated complaint: people may be pointed at by children and have the word gaijin either shouted or whispered though this is much less common in Japan today than it was thirty years ago. At a deeper level, though, it is the connotation of exclusion and oddity that irks, particularly when the term is combined with the adjective hen na to mean 'peculiar foreigner,' a term once often heard on Japanese television shows. The term gaijin itself is included these days by most broadcasters on their list of terms best avoided."
  19. ^ Japan Statistics Bureau, accessed 8 December 2007 Archived December 25, 2007, at the Wayback Machine.
  20. ^ Lee, Soo im (2006). Japan's Diversity Dilemmas: Ethnicity, Citizenship, and Education. iUniverse. p. 102. ISBN 0-595-36257-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=Nz4PwYOgtzgC&pg=PA102&lpg=PA102&dq=gaijin+racially+different+groups 
  21. ^ Reischauer, Edwin O. (1981). Japan: the Story of a Nation. Alfred A. Knopf. p. 255. https://archive.org/details/japanstoryofnati0000reis_x8b9 
  22. ^ Wilkinson, Endymion (1980). Japan versus Europe: a History of Misunderstanding. London: Penguin Books. p. 126 
  23. ^ Koshiro, Yukiko (1999). Trans-Pacific Racisms and the U.S. Occupation of Japan. Columbia University Press. p. 254. ISBN 0-231-11348-X. https://books.google.com/books?id=CaeyOTMMjPYC&pg=PA254&dq=Gaijin+definition 
  24. ^ a b c Lie, John (1999). Multiethnic Japan. Harvard University Press. p. 20. ISBN 0-674-01358-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=3aGeH0keCGUC&pg=PA173&dq=Gaijin+racist 
  25. ^ Creighton, Millie (1997). “Soto Others and Uchi Others: Imaging racial diversity, imagining homogeneous Japan”. In Weiner, Michael. Japan's Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity. Routledge. pp. 212. ISBN 0-415-13008-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=rfncuTnJVwgC&pg=RA1-PA211&dq=and+Uchi+Others:+Imaging+racial+diversity&lr=&sig=fb9xunoXzxuHqEPTRzjHxNo8H_g 
  26. ^ a b Tsuda, Takeyuki (2003). Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland: Japanese Brazilian Return. Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-12838-X. https://books.google.com/books?id=vag8SDzg4iQC&pg=RA1-PA372&dq=Designated+majority+Brazilians+as+Gaijin 
  27. ^ Suzuki, Jiro; Sakamoto, Mickey (1976). “Discrimination against foreigners of Japanese descent in Japan”. In Veenhoven, Willem Adriaan; Crum Ewing, Winifred. Case Studies on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: A World Survey. Stichting Plurale. pp. 274. ISBN 90-247-1779-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=3up_wO0Hzu8C&pg=PA275&dq=gaijin+prestige&sig=KhFOQR1kzRkVVDmOGrNMyUMLBQw#PPA273,M1 
  28. ^ Meredith Stuart, Paul (1987). Nihonsense. Tokyo: The Japan Times, Ltd.. pp. 3–5  "Not all foreigners are gaijin to Japanese and quite a few natives of Japan are gaijin. There is a logic to this mess, but it is hardly logical. It is true that 'American' (Amerikajin) is a synonym for gaijin for many Japanese. At one time, at least when the U.S. auto industry was undisputed leader of world autodom, the term connoted awe and respect."
  29. ^ Wada, Minoru (20 June 1994). “Education behind the scenes”. The Daily Yomiuri: 9. 
  30. ^ Thomas Dillon, "Born and raised a 'gaijin', Japan Times, December 24, 2005
  31. ^ Sugihara, Kaoru; Allan, John Anthony (1993). Japan in the Contemporary Middle East. Routledge. p. 150. ISBN 0-415-07521-1. https://books.google.com/books?id=nLDnxdGuN4sC&pg=PA150&dq=Gaijin+Xenophobia 
  32. ^ Whiting, Robert (2004). The Meaning of Ichiro. Warner Books. pp. 152. ISBN 0-446-53192-8. https://books.google.com/books?id=9X3Pw_gKqPQC&pg=PA152&dq=gaijin+second+world+war 
  33. ^ バイデン米政権、「エイリアン」一掃へ 法律文に浸透、トランプ氏は好んで使用”. CNN (2021年1月22日). 2021年1月17日閲覧。