Adam Smith
- ÁKanggo panggunan séjé mangga mirsani Adam Smith (disambiguasi)
Adam Smith | |
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Lair/Miyos | 5 Juni 1723 Kirkcaldy, Sekotlan |
Tilar donya/Séda | 17 Juli 1790 Edinburgh, Sekotlan |
John Adam Smith (5 Juni 1723 – 17 Juli 1790), ya iku sawijining filsuf bangsa Sekotlan kang dadi pelopor ngèlmu ékonomi modèren. Karyané kang misuwur ya iku buku An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (dicekak The Wealth of Nations) minangka buku pisanan kang nggambaraké sajarah perkembangan indhustri lan padagangan ing Éropah sarta dhasar-dhasar perkembangan perdagangan bébas lan kapitalisme. Adam Smith dadi salah sijiné pelopor sistem ékonomi Kapitalisme. Sistem ékonomi iki muncul abad 18 ing Éropah Kulon lan ing abad 19 wiwit misuwur ing kana.
Kemakmuran Nagara (Wealth of Nations) lan kang luwih cilik prabawané Téyori Moral Sentimen, wis dadi titik awal kanggo mbela lan ngritik wangun kapitalisme, kang paling wigati sajeroning tulisan Marx lan ékonomi. Amarga kapitalisme laissez-faire sok digayutaké karo kaegoisan kang ora kakontrol, banjur ana obahan anyar kang nekanaké filosofi moral Smith, ya iku kanthi fokus simpati marang manungsa.
Ana uga kontroversi bab asli lan orané Kemakmuran Nagara Smith, sawatara ana kang nyangkal yèn karya Smith mung awujud tambahan biyasa marang karya pemikir kaya David Hume lan Baron de Montesquieu. Lan, akèh téyori-téyori Smith mung nggambaraké trend sajarah ngadoh saka mercantilisme, nuju menyang perdagangan-bébas, kang wus tumuwuh ana ing sawatara dekade, lan wis duwé prabawa kang nyata sajeroning kebijakan pamaréntah. Sanajan mangkono, buku iki ngorganisasèaké pamikir-pamikir kanthi luas, lan tetep dadi sawijining buku kang paling berprabawa lan wigati sajeroning babagan ékonomi nganti saiki.
Pirsani uga: Sajarah Pemikiran Ékonomi
Adam Smith misuwur kanthi téyori ékonomi '"laissez-faire" kang mbiwara perkumpulan ing abad 18 Éropah. Smith percaya marang hak kanggo mengaruhi kemajuan ékonomi diri pribadi kanthi bébas, tanpa dikendalèkaké déning perkumpulan lan/utawa nagara. Téyori iki nganti tekan proto-industrialisasi ing Éropah, lan ngowahi mayoritas kawasan Éropah dadi daerah perdagangan bébas, minangka kemungkinan anané pengusaha. Smith uga misuwur minangka "Bapak Ékonomi".
Nalika yuswa 13 taun, Smith sekolah ing Universitas Glasgow. Ing kana Smith sinau filosofi moral dibimbing déning "wong kang ora éntuk dilalekake" (Smith marabi kaya mangkono) Francis Hutcheson. Ing kéné, Smith ngremabakakake kepenginanane kang kuwat ing kabebasan, akal séhat, lan kebebasan berpendapat. Taun 1740 Smith éntuk bebungah Snell exhibition banjur sekolah menyang Kampus Balliol, Oxford. Smith ninggal universitas iku taun 1746. Ing buku kang kaping V saka The Wealth of Nations, Smith ngomentari babagan kurange instruksi kualitas lan aktivitas intelektual kang sithik cacahé yèn dibandhingake karo Sekotlan. Komentare iku ditujukake marang wong-wong kang diwènèhi bebungah kasugihan saka kampus-kampus Oxford lan Cambridge. Ing kana Smith golèk panjurung saka para profésor, ora dhedhasar kaprigelane kanggo golèk murid. Kasunyatane, wong-wong kang menyaru minangka men of letters uripé bisa luwih ayem tentrem tinimbang mantri ing Church of England.
Karir ing Edinburgh lan Glasgow
Taun 1748 Smith miwiti kuliah umum ing Edinburgh kanthi bimbingan Lord Kames. Sapérangan kuliahe nyinggung retorika lan belles-letters, nanging bakalane Smith bakal njupuk subyek saka "kemajuan dari kesejahteraan," lan bakale, ing tengah utawa pungkasané abad kaping 20, ing pisanan dhèwèké njelasake filosofi ékonomi saka "sistem kang cetha lan prasaja saka kabebasan alamiah".
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"Masalah Adam Smith"
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Karya Besar
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759)
- An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
- Essays on Philosophical Subjects (diterbitkan setelah 1795)
- Lectures on Jurisprudence (diterbitkan setelah 1976)
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Wikicuplik duwé cuplikan ngenani: Adam Smith |
- Liberalisme
- Pratélan pemikir liberal
- Hukum Adam Smith
- Kapitalisme
- Anders Chydenius
- Lihat juga artikel Adam Smith: Pasar dan Individu Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback Machine.
Cathetan lan Réferènsi
- James Buchan. The Authentic Adam Smith: His Life and Ideas (2006)
- Stephen Copley and Kathryn Sutherland, eds. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations: New Interdisciplinary Essays (1995)
- F. Glahe, ed. Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations: 1776-1976 (1977)
- Knud Haakonssen. The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith (2006)
- Samuel Hollander. The Economics of Adam Smith (University of Toronto Press) (1973)
- Muller, Jerry Z. Adam Smith in his Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society. Princeton Univ. Press (1995)
- Muller, Jerry Z. The Mind and the Market: Capitalism in Western Thought. Anchor Books (2002)
- Frederick Rosen, Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill (Routledge Studies in Ethics & Moral Theory), 2003. ISBN 0-415-22094-7
- P. J. O'Rourke. On The Wealth of Nations (Books That Changed the World) (2006)
- Richard F. Teichgraeber. Free Trade and Moral Philosophy: Rethinking the Sources of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1986)
- Cithakan:A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Pranala njaba
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Wikicuplik duwé cuplikan ngenani: Adam Smith |
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Wikisumber gadhah naskah sumber ingkang magepokan kaliyan |
- Umum
- Karyané Adam Smith ing Project Gutenberg
- Biography at the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
- Life of Adam Smith by John Rae, at the Library of Economics and Liberty
- Adam Smith Archived 2007-06-17 at the Wayback Machine. at The Online Library of Liberty Archived 2007-06-08 at the Wayback Machine.
- The Celebrated Adam Smith by Murray N. Rothbard; full text of Chapter 16 of An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Vol. I and II, Edward Elgar, 1995; Mises Institute 2006
- Smith's works Archived 2009-03-21 at the Wayback Machine.
- Brad deLong's Adam Smith page Archived 2005-09-14 at the Wayback Machine.
- The Adam Smith Institute
- Grave of Adam Smith Archived 2006-08-31 at the Wayback Machine. on the Famous Economists Grave Sites Archived 2006-07-06 at the Wayback Machine.
- Adam Smith - Important Scots Archived 2006-08-27 at the Wayback Machine.
- Reflections on Smith's ethicsPDF (129 KiB)
- Adam Smith on the 50 British Pound (Clydesdale Bank) banknote Archived 2018-08-03 at the Wayback Machine.
- "The Betrayal of Adam Smith" by David C. Korten Archived 2010-11-21 at the Wayback Machine.
- Adam Smith - A Primer Archived 2008-02-15 at the Wayback Machine. by Eamonn Butler. Introduction to Smith's work, free download
- Karya
- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Archived 2007-06-21 at the Wayback Machine. at MetaLibri Digital Library (PDF format)
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments Archived 2007-12-21 at the Wayback Machine. at MetaLibri Digital Library
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments at the Library of Economics and Liberty
- The Wealth of Nations at the Library of Economics and Liberty. Cannan edition. Definitive, fully searchable, free online
- The Wealth of Nations, ing Proyèk Gutenberg
- The Wealth of Nations from Mondo Politico Library-full text; formatted for easy on-screen reading
- The Wealth of Nations Archived 2006-09-27 at the Wayback Machine. from the Adam Smith Institute-elegantly formatted for on-screen reading
- Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith Archived 2005-11-26 at the Wayback Machine.. Glasgow edition, 7 volumes at the Online Library of Liberty. Definitive, free online