Pallywood (Arab: باليوود Bālīwūd; Ivri: פאליווד ), asale saka kata "Palestina" lan "Hollywood", yaiku istilah manipulasi media sing dilakoni dening pihak Palestina lan nagara Wetan Tengah liyane kanggo ngatiboke pihak Israel.[1][2] sajumlah conto sing diarani meninangka Pallywood menika Insiden Muhammad al-Durrah lan Kontroversi foto Perang Lebanon 2006 (uga diarani "Hizbollywood" utawa "Hezbollywood").[3][4]
Istilah iki digawe dening Richard Landes, minangka tindak lanjut saka filem dokumenter daring sing digawe dening dheweke karo judhul Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources.[5][6]
- ↑ Ben-David, Calev (10 Oktober 2007). "Between the Lines: Caught in the Mohammad al-Dura crossfire". Jerusalem Post. Dibukak ing 31 Maret 2015.
- ↑ Schleifer, Ron; Snapper, Jessica (2015-01-01). Advocating Propaganda – Viewpoints from Israel: Social Media, Public Diplomacy, Foreign Affairs, Military Psychology, and Religious Persuasion Perspectives (ing basa Inggris). Sussex Academic Press. ISBN 9781782841609.
- ↑ 'Im Zweifel für den Zweifel,' Der Tagesspiegel 2006-08-09
- ↑ 'Caught in the Mohammad al-Dura crossfire, oleh Calev Ben-David, The Jerusalem Post, 12 Oktober 2007.
- ↑ Cambanis, Thanassis. "Some Shunning The Palestinian Hard Stance" The Boston Globe, 6 September 2005
- ↑ "Media are Hamas's main strategic weapons, says visiting US historian". JPost. 28 Agustus 2015.
Wacaan tambahan
- "Second", website of Richard Landes with films and analysis from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Landes, Richard. "Al-Durah: What happened? Archived 2007-07-05 at the Wayback Machine. (video).
- Gordon, Philip H. & Tasponar, Omer. "Why France shouldn't legislate Turkey's past," The New Republic, October 30, 2006.
- Kaplan, Lee. "Some PLO doctored photos: A visit to 'Pallywood'", Canada Free Press, May 28, 2006.
- Kaplan, Lee. "Pallywood revisited: A new fake atrocity by the PLO", Canada Free Press, June 24, 2006.
Pranala jaba
- History of Pallywood Archived 2006-01-11 at the Wayback Machine. on
- Al Dura - What Really Happened? HonestReporting video
- "PALLYWOOD - Palestinian Media fraud Industry" Archived 2010-08-11 at the Wayback Machine.