Pratélaning pak statistik

Piranti alus Statistika iku program komputer mligi kanggo analisis statistika

Sumber kabuka (Open source)

gretl is an example of an open source statistical package
  • ADMB –non-linear statistik modeling dhedhasar C++ kang migunakaké automatic differentiation.
  • Bayesian Filtering Library
  • Chronux – kanggo neurobiological time series data
  • DAP – Gabtiné SAS
  • ELKI a software framework for development of data mining algorithms in Java.
  • Fityk – nonlinear regression software (GUI lan command line)
  • gretl – gnu regression, econometrics and time-series Library
  • JAGS – Just another Gibbs sampler (JAGS) is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) developed by Martyn Plummer. It is similar to WinBUGS.
  • JHepWork – Java-based statistical analysis framework for scientists and engineers. It includes an advanced IDE and Jython shell.
  • JMulTi
  • Octave – programming language (very similar to Matlab) with statistical features
  • Mondrian (software) - data analysis tool using interactive statistical graphics with a link to R.
  • OpenBUGS
  • OpenEpi – A web-based, open source, operating-independent series of programs for use in epidemiology and statistics based on JavaScript and HTML
  • OpenMx – A package for Structural equation modeling running in R.
  • Orange, sawijining piranti alus machine learning lan bioinformatics
  • Ploticus – piranti alus kanggo gawé manéka grafis saka data mentah
  • PSPP – Gantiné SPSS
  • R – A free implementation of the S language.
  • R Commander – GUI interface for R
  • RapidMiner, a machine learning toolbox
  • Rattle GUI – GUI interface for R
  • Scilab – uses GPL compatible CeCILL license
  • Statsmodels - a scikits for statistics and econometrics, written in Python based on numpy and scipy
  • SciPy (a Python library for scientific computing) contains the stats sub-package which is partly based on the venerable |STAT (a.k.a PipeStat, formerly UNIX|STAT) software
  • Shogun, an open source Large Scale Machine Learning toolbox that provides several SVM (Support Vector Machine) implementations (like libSVM, SVMlight) under a common framework and interfaces to Octave, Matlab, Python, R
  • Simfit – Simulation, curve fitting, statistics, and plotting
  • SOCR
  • SOFA Statistics – a desktop GUI program focused on ease of use, learn as you go, and beautiful output.
  • Statistical Lab – R-based and focusing on educational purposes
  • Weka is also a suite of machine learning software written at the University of Waikato.
  • Xlisp-stat
  • Yxilon

Domain umum

  • Demetra+
  • CSPro
  • Epi Info
  • X-12-ARIMA


  • BV4.1
  • GeoDA
  • WinBUGS – Bayesian analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
  • Winpepi – package of statistical programs for epidemiologists
  • WinIDAMS
  • Plainstat - free statistical programs for Mac


  • Aabel – Graphic display and plotting of statistical data sets
  • ADAPA – batch and real-time scoring of statistical models
  • Angoss
  • ASReml – for restricted maximum likelihood analyses
  • BMDP – general statistics package
  • CalEst – general statistics and probability package with didactic tutorials
  • Data Applied – for building statistical models
  • DPS – comprehensive statistics package
  • EViews – for econometric analysis
  • FAME – a system for managing time series statistics and time series databases
  • FinMath - A .NET numerical library containing descriptive statistics, distributions, factor analysis, regression analysis and many others.
  • GAUSS – programming language for statistics
  • GenStat – general statistics package
  • GLIM – early package for fitting generalized linear models
  • GraphPad InStat – Very simple with lots of guidance and explanations
  • GraphPad Prism – Biostatistics and nonlinear regression with clear explanations
  • IMSL Numerical Libraries – software library with statistical algorithms
  • JMP – visual analysis and statistics package
  • LISREL – statistics package used in structural equation modeling
  • Maple – programming language with statistical features
  • Mathematica – programming language with statistical features
  • MATLAB – programming language with statistical features
  • MedCalc – for biomedical sciences
  • Mentor – for market research
  • Minitab – general statistics package
  • MLwiN – multilevel models (free to UK academics)
  • NCSS – general statistics package
  • NMath Stats – statistical package for .NET Framework
  • O-Matrix – programming language
  • OriginPro – statistics and graphing, programming access to NAG library
  • Partek – general statistics package with specific applications for genomic, HTS, and QSAR data
  • Primer-E Primer – environmental and ecological specific.
  • PV-WAVE – programming language comprehensive data analysis and visualization with IMSL statistical package
  • Q research software – quantitative data analysis software for market research
  • Quantum – part of the SPSS MR product line, mostly for data validation and tabulation in Marketing and Opinion Research
  • RATS – comprehensive econometric analysis package
  • SAS – comprehensive statistical package
  • SHAZAM – comprehensive econometrics and statistics package
  • SigmaStat – for group analysis
  • SOCR – online tools for teaching statistics and probability theory
  • Speakeasy – numerical computational environment and programming language with many statistical and econometric analysis features
  • SPSS – comprehensive statistics package
  • Stata – comprehensive statistics package
  • Statgraphics – general statistics package
  • STATISTICA – comprehensive statistics package
  • STATIT – comprehensive statistical package
  • StatXact – package for exact nonparametric and parametric statistics
  • Systat – general statistics package
  • S-PLUS – general statistics package
  • Unistat – general statistics package that can also work as Excel add-in
  • The Unscrambler (free-to-try commercial Multivariate analysis software for Windows)
  • WINKS – Statistical Data Analysis and Graphs from TexaSoft – a general statistics package designed for scientific data analysis
  • XploRe


  • Analyse-it – add-on to Microsoft Excel for statistical analysis
  • Sigma Magic - add-on to Microsoft Excel for statistical analysis designed for Lean Six Sigma
  • SigmaXL – add-on to Microsoft Excel for statistical and graphical analysis
  • SPC XL – add-on to Microsoft Excel for general statistics
  • SUDAAN – add-on to SAS and SPSS for statistical surveys
  • XLfit add-on to Microsoft Excel for curve fitting and statistical analysis
  • XLSTAT add-on to Microsoft Excel for statistics and multivariate data analysis
  • Stats Helper – add-on to Microsoft Excel for descriptive statistics and Six Sigma


Pranala njaba

Cithakan:Statistical software