Saos sewu pulo

Thousand Island dressing
Thousand Island dressing on a salad
JinisSalad dressing or condiment
Buku masakan: Thousand Island dressing  Médhia: Thousand Island dressing

Saos Ewonan Pulo yaiku dressing lan rempah-rempah salad Amerika adhedhasar mayones sing bisa kalebu minyak zaitun, jus lemon, jus jeruk, paprika, saus Worcestershire, mustar, cuka, krim, saus cabai, tomat puree, saus tomat utawa saos Tabasco . [1] [2]

Uga biasane ngandhut woworan apik disigar, kang bisa kalebu pickles, bawang, mrico lonceng, ijo zaitun, endhog hard-nggodhok, parsley, pimento, chives, papak, utawa disigar perkakas (kayata walnuts utawa chestnut ). [3] [4] [5]

Tampilan jarak cedhak klambi Pulo Ewu ing salad
Klamben sewu pulau digunakake kanggo celup


Pratuduh rujukan

  1. Honberger, Maud Mitchell, èd. (1914). Tried Receipts of Pasadena. kc. 41. OCLC 898435934.
  2. Weaver, Louise Bennett; LeCron, Helen Cowles, èd. (1917). Thousand Island Dressing. A thousand ways to please a husband, with Bettina's best recipes. New York: Britton Publishing Company. kc. 89. OCLC 657073250.
  3. Grimes, Etta (May 1915). "Home Economics: Some choice recipes". The Oregon Countryman. kc. 325. OCLC 42327071.
  4. Woodland, Mrs. F.B. (1919). Hurlbut, Mrs. William D. (èd.). Stevenson Memorial Cook Book. Chicago: Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial Lodging House Association. kc. 75. OCLC 679915543. (Note: 3 different recipes are offered in this book)
  5. Hirtzler, Victor (1919). Thousand Island dressing, for salads. The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book. Chicago: The Hotel Monthly Press, John Willy, Inc. kc. 335. OCLC 682274960.