Sistem pandulu


Sistem pandulu iku péranganing sistem indra kang agawé organisme bisa ndeleng. Sistem pandulu nafsiraké informasi saka cahya kanggo represèntasi donya ing saubengé awak. Mata minangka piranti utama sistem iki.


  • David Hunter Hubel (1989), Eye, Brain and Vision. New York: Scientific American Library.
  • David Marr (1982), Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.
  • R.W. Rodiek (1988). "The Primate Retina". Comparative Primate Biology Vol. 4 of Neurosciences. (H.D. Steklis and J. Erwin, editors.) pp. 203–278. New York: A.R. Liss.
  • Matthew Schmolesky, The Primary Visual Cortex Archived 2004-12-29 at the Wayback Machine.
  • Martin J. Tovée (1996), An introduction to the visual system. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-48339-5 (References, pp. 180–198. Index, pp. 199–202. 202 pages.)
  • Andreas Vesalius (1543) De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Workings of the Human Body)
  • Torsten Wiesel and David Hubel (1963), "The effects of visual deprivation on the morphology and physiology of cell's lateral geniculate body". Journal of Neurophysiology 26, 978-993.

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