
Slipknot Rikala Manggung
Pratélan latar wuri
ParabanThe Pale Ones, Meld, Pyg System
SakaDes Moines, Iowa, Amérikah Sarékat
GénreAlternative metal
Nu metal
Mangsa akarya1995 - saiki
LabèlRoadrunner, Nuclear Blast
Sing magepokanStone Sour
To My Surprise
DJ Starscream
Dirty Little Rabbits
The Black Dots of Death
AnggotaSid Wilson
Chris Fehn
Jim Root
Craig "133" Jones
Shawn "Clown" Crahan
Mick Thomson
Corey Taylor
Tilas anggotaJoey Jordison
Anders Colsefini
Greg "Cuddles" Welts
Josh "Gnar" Brainard
Donnie Steele
Paul Gray

Slipknot ya iku band gothik ingkang tampilane, nganggo aliran Nu Metal ingkang asalé saka Des Moines, Iowa. Band iki diwiwiti rikala taun 1995. Résmi ing taun 1999, Slipknot sampun boten gonta-ganti juru main, dadine wiwit magepokan karo: Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Paul Gray, Chris Fehn, James Root, Craig Jones, Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Mick Thomson, lan Corey Taylor. Kanthi taun 2012, band iki uga sampun gadhah album sekawan. Salah sawijining album, Iowa diparingi Grammy Awards magepoki Best Metal Performance kanggo lagu "Before I Forget". Rikala taun 2006, album kalima Slipknot, "All Hope Is Gone" sampun rilis rikala 26 Agustus 2008.[1]


  • (#0) Sid Wilson - turntables (1998–saiki)
  • (#1) Joey Jordison - drums (1995–saiki)
  • (#3) Chris Fehn - custom percussion, backing vocals (1997–saiki)
  • (#4) James Root - gitar (1999–saiki)
  • (#5) Craig Jones - sample, médhia, keyboards (1996–saiki)
  • (#6) Shawn "Clown" Crahan - custom percussion, backing vocals (1995–saiki)
  • (#7) Mick Thomson - gitar (1996–saiki)
  • (#8) Corey Taylor - vokal (1997–saiki)
  • (#9) Donnie Steele - gitar bass (2010–saiki)
Band Slipknot nalika ora nganggo topeng

Mantan anggota

  • Donnie Steele - gitar (1995–1996)
  • Anders Colsefini - vokal, custom percussion (1995–1997)
  • Greg "Cuddles" Welts - custom percussion (1997)
  • Josh "Gnar" Brainard - gitar, backing vocals (1995–1999)
  • Paul Dedrick Gray - gitar bass backing vokals (1995-2010)
  • Achin Divresub- Gitar Rithem (2010-2011)


Studio albums

  • 1996: Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat
  • 1999: Slipknot
  • 2001: Iowa
  • 2004: Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)
  • 2008: All Hope Is Gone
  • 2014: .5: The Gray Chapter
  • 2019: We Are Not Your Kind
  • 2022: The End, So Far
Album Band Slipknot

Live albums

  • 2005: 9.0: Live
  • 2009: 9.0: Live


  • 1999: Welcome to Our Neighborhood
  • 2002: Disasterpieces
  • 2006: Voliminal: Inside the Nine


RIAA certifications


  • Slipknot (Double Platinum, February 2005)
  • Iowa (Platinum, October 2002)
  • Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) (Platinum, February 2005)
  • 9.0: Live (Gold, December 2005)

Videos and DVDs

  • Welcome to Our Neighborhood (Platinum, February 2000)
  • Disasterpieces (Quadruple Platinum, November 2005)
  • Voliminal: Inside the Nine (Platinum, February 2007)

Nominasi Grammy Awards

  • "Wait and Bleed" - Best Metal Performance, 2001 (Nominasi)[2]
  • "Left Behind" - Best Metal Performance, 2002 (Nominasi)[3]
  • "My Plague" - Best Metal Performance, 2003 (Nominasi)[4]
  • "Duality" - Best Hard Rock Performance, 2005 (Nominasi)[5]
  • "Vermilion" - Best Metal Performance, 2005 (Nominasi)[5]
  • "Before I Forget" - Best Metal Performance, 2006 (Pemenang)

Pejahe Paul Gray

Paul Gray utawa Paul Dedrick Gray iku bassist ing Slipknot. Piyambake uga diarani The Pig iku dadi bassist nomèr 2 (#2) ing celukan saka band. Déning nalika labuh 24 Mèi 2010, piyambake pejah. Paul pejah ing kamar hotèl Town Place Suites Hotèl ing sajrone kamar 431, iong kutha Johnston, Iowa, nagari Amérikah Sarékat[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13].

Pranala njaba


  1. Arnopp 2012, kc. 40–41 dipununduh 4 Oktober 2012
  2. D'Angelo, Joe (2001-02-16). "Slipknot Working On Album As They Ponder Grammys, Touring". Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2009-02-21. Dibukak ing 2007-12-16.
  3. "Slipknot's Paul Gray: "I Know System Of A Down Will Win Grammy"". 2002-02-27. Dibukak ing 2007-12-16.
  4. "Grammy Awards Nominees Announced!". 2003-01-07. Dibukak ing 2007-12-16.
  5. a b "Metallica, Cradle Of Filth, Motorhead Among Grammy Nominees "". 2004-12-07. Dibukak ing 2007-12-16.
  6. Lawler, Joe. Hulsebus, Lars L. (May 24, 2010). "Slipknot bassist Paul Gray found dead at Urbandale hotèl". The Des Moines Register. Diarsip saka sing asli ing July 29, 2012. Dibukak ing 5 Fèbruari 2013.{cite web}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. "WOI: Pills, syringe found next to Slipknot bassist Paul Gray's body". 25 May 2010. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 21 January 2013. Dibukak ing 5 February 2013.
  8. "Slipknot Bassist Paul Gray Found Dead in Hotèl". Billboard. 24 May 2010. Dibukak ing 5 Fèbruari 2013.
  9. Slipknot Bassist Paul Gray Found Dead FMQB, May 24, 2010
  10. "Slipknot Band Member Found Dead At Hotèl". KCCI-TV. 2010-05-24. Dibukak ing 5 Fèbruari 2013.
  11. "Slipknot's Paul Gray dies:". Dibukak ing 5 Fèbruari 2013.
  12. "Slipknot bassist Paul Gray dead -". Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2010-05-29. Dibukak ing 5 Fèbruari 2013.
  13. "Slipknot bassist Paul Gray found dead in hotèl room". May 24, 2010. Dibukak ing 5 Fèbruari 2013.[pranala mati permanèn]