
Wengi Wengi Mati George A. Romero (1968) dianggep minangka leluhur zombie fiksi budaya modern

Zombi ( Prancis Haiti : zombi , Haitian Creole ) Menika satunggaling tokoh fiksi undead corporeal revenant digawe liwat reanimation saka mayit . Zombi umume ditemokake ing karya genre horor lan fantasi . Istilah kasebut asale saka cerita rakyat Haiti, ing endi zombie minangka badan mati sing reanimasi liwat macem-macem cara, umume sihir . Gegambaran modern babagan reanimasi saka wong sing mati ora mesthi nyakup sulap nanging asring nggunakake metode fiksi ilmiah kayata operator, radiasi, penyakit mental, vektor, patogen, parasit, kacilakan ilmiah, lsp. [1] [2]

Tembung Inggris "zombie" pisanan direkam ing taun 1819, ing sejarah Brasil dening pujangga Robert Southey, kanthi bentuk "zombi". Kamus Inggris Oxford menehi asal tembung kasebut dadi Afrika Kulon lan mbandhingake karo tembung Kongo nzambi (dewa) lan zumbi utawa nzumbi ( jimat ). Sawetara panganggit uga mbandhingake karo tembung Kongo vumbi (mvumbi) (memedi, males, mayit sing isih nahan jiwa), (nvumbi) (awak tanpa nyawa). [3] [4] [5] Kamus (2) -Krabu -basa Kamus saka Kamus Portugis taun 1903 nemtokake tembung nzumbi sing ana gandhengane karo jiwa, [6] dene kamus liya-liya Kamus-Portugis nemtokake minangka "semangat sing kudune ngumbara ing bumi kanggo nyiksa wong urip". [7] Salah sawijining buku pisanan sing mbukak budaya Barat menyang konsep zombie voodoo yaiku WB Seabrook 's The Magic Island (1929), sawijining akun narasi sing sensasional saka narator sing nemoni kultus voodoo ing Haiti lan gerakane sing wis diuripake maneh.

Versi anyar zombie, beda karo sing diandharake ing folklor Haitian, muncul ing budaya populer sajrone paruh pungkasan abad kaping-20. Juru Zombi wis digambar umumé saka George A. Romero 'film s Night saka Living Dead (1968), [8] kang sebagéyan inspirasi dening Richard Matheson novel I Am Legend (1954). [9] [10] Tembung zombie ora digunakake ing Night of the Living Dead, nanging mengko ditrapake kanggo para penggemar. [11] Sawise film zombie kayata Dawn of the Dead (1978) lan video musik Michael Jackson yaiku Thriller (1983), genre kasebut ilang sawetara taun.

Pungkasan taun 2000-an lan 2010-an katon humanisasi lan romantisme archetype zombi, kanthi zombie-zombie kasebut terus digambarake minangka kanca lan tresna marang manungsa . Conto sing penting yaiku film Warm Bodies and Zombies, novel American Gods dening Neil Gaiman, Generation Dead by Daniel Waters, lan Bone Song dening John Meaney, film animasi Corpse Bride, seri TV Pushing Daisies lan iZombie, lan manga / novel / anime seri Sankarea: Katresnan sing Ora Bakal Mati lan Apa Iki Zombie? Ing konteks iki, zombie asring dianggep minangka pendhapat kanggo klompok diskriminasi sing berjuang kanggo kesetaraan, lan hubungan romantis manungsa-zombie ditafsirake minangka kiasan kanggo pembebasan seksual lan ngilangi tabu (amarga zombie tundhuk kepinginan liar lan bebas saka sosial konvènsi). [12] [13] [14] [15]

John A. Russo nggambarake zombie ing Wengi Wengi sing Mati


Pratuduh rujukan

  1. Maçek III, J. C. (15 June 2012). "The Zombification Family Tree: Legacy of the Living Dead". PopMatters.
  2. Deborah Christie, Sarah Juliet Lauro, èd. (2011). Better Off Dead: The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human. Fordham Univ Press. kc. 169. ISBN 978-0-8232-3447-9.
  3. Peter Laws, The Frighteners: Why We Love Monsters, Ghosts, Death & Gore, Icon Books, 2018
  4. William Graham Lister Randles, L’ancien royaume du Congo des origines à la fin du XIXe siècle, Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2013
  5. Doris L Garraway, The Libertine Colony: Creolization in the Early French Caribbean, Duke University Press, 2005
  6. Pereira Do Nascimento, Jose (1903). Diccionario Portuguez-Kimbundu. Huilla : Typographia da Missão.
  7. de Assis Junior, A. Diccionario Portuguez-Kimbundu. Luanda Argente, Santos.
  8. Maçek III, J. C. (15 June 2012). "The Zombification Family Tree: Legacy of the Living Dead". PopMatters.
  9. Deborah Christie, Sarah Juliet Lauro, ed. (2011). Better Off Dead: The Evolution of the Zombie as Post-Human. Fordham Univ Press. p. 169. ISBN 0-8232-3447-9, 9780823234479.
  10. Stokes, Jasie. "Ghouls, Hell and Transcendence: The Zombie in Popular Culture from 'Night of the Living Dead' to 'Shaun of the Dead'". Brigham Young University. Dibukak ing 2016-02-03.
  11. Savage, Annaliza (15 June 2010). "'Godfather of the Dead' George A. Romero Talks Zombies". Wired. Dibukak ing 2 October 2011.
  12. Szanter, Ashley; Richards, Jessica K. (2017-08-24). Romancing the Zombie: Essays on the Undead as Significant 'Other'. McFarland. ISBN 9781476667423.
  13. McGlotten, Shaka; Jones, Steve (2014-08-26). Zombies and Sexuality: Essays on Desire and the Living Dead. McFarland. ISBN 9780786479078.
  14. George, Sam; Hughes, Bill (2015-11-01). Open Graves, Open Minds: Representations of vampires and the Undead from the Enlightenment to the present day. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9781526102157.
  15. Moreman, Christopher M.; Rushton, Cory James (2011-10-10). Zombies Are Us: Essays on the Humanity of the Walking Dead. McFarland. ISBN 9780786488087.