길뚝개꽃족 | ||
길뚝개꽃(Anthemis arvensis) | ||
생물 분류ℹ️ | ||
계: | 식물계 | |
(미분류): | 속씨식물군 | |
(미분류): | 진정쌍떡잎식물군 | |
(미분류): | 국화군 | |
목: | 국화목 | |
과: | 국화과 | |
아과: | 국화아과 | |
족: | 길뚝개꽃족 Anthemideae Cass., 1819 | |
모식종 | ||
길뚝개꽃속(Anthemis L.) | ||
[출처 필요] | ||
속 | ||
길뚝개꽃족(----族, 학명: Anthemideae 안테미데아이[*])은 국화아과의 족이다.[1] 약 111속에 1,800여 종을 포함하고 있다. 전 세계적으로 분포한다.
하위 분류
- 글레비오니스아족(Glebionidinae Oberpr. & Vogt)[2]
- 마거리트속(Argyranthemum Webb)
- Heteranthemis Schott
- Ismelia Cass.
- 길뚝개꽃아족(Anthemidinae (Cass.) Dumort.)[3]
- 길뚝개꽃속(Anthemis L.)
- 쑥국화속(Tanacetum L.)
- Cota J.Gay
- Gonospermum Less.
- Lugoa DC.
- Nananthea DC.
- Tripleurospermum Sch.Bip.
- 레우칸테몹시스아족(Leucanthemopsidinae Oberpr. & Vogt)[4]
- Castrilanthemum Vogt & Oberpr.
- Hymenostemma Kunze ex Willk.
- Leucanthemopsis (Giroux) Heywood
- Prolongoa Boiss.
- 불란서국화아족(Leucantheminae K.Bremer & Humphries)[5]
- 불란서국화속(Leucanthemum Mill.)
- Chlamydophora Ehrenb. ex Less.
- Chrysanthoglossum B.H.Wilcox, K.Bremer & Humphries
- Coleostephus Cass.
- Glossopappus Kunze
- Mauranthemum Vogt & Oberpr.
- Plagius L'Hér. ex DC.
- Rhodanthemum B.H.Wilcox, K.Bremer & Humphries
- 산톨리나아족(Santolininae Willk.)[6]
- 캐모마일속(Chamaemelum Mill.)
- Cladanthus Cass.
- Mecomischus Coss. ex Benth. & Hook.f.
- Rhetinolepis Coss.
- Santolina L.
- 쑥아족(Artemisiinae Less.)[7]
- 국화속(Chrysanthemum L.)
- 솔인진속(Ajania Poljakov)
- 실쑥속(Filifolium Kitam.)
- 쑥속(Artemisia L.)
- 키큰산국속(Leucanthemella Tzvelev)
- Ajaniopsis C.Shih
- Arctanthemum (Tzvelev) Tzvelev
- Artemisiella Ghafoor
- Brachanthemum DC.
- Cancrinia Kar. & Kir.
- Crossostephium Less.
- Delwiensia W.A.Weber & R.C.Wittmann
- Elachanthemum Y.Ling & Y.R.Ling
- Glebionis Cass.
- Hippolytia Poljakov
- Hulteniella Tzvelev
- Kaschgaria Poljakov
- Mausolea Bunge ex Poljakov
- Neopallasia Poljakov
- Nipponanthemum (Kitam.) Kitam.
- Seriphidium (Besser ex Less.) Fourr.
- Sphaeromeria Nutt.
- Stilpnolepis Krasch.
- Turaniphytum Poljakov
- Adenoglossa B.Nord.
- Athanasia L.
- Eriocephalus L.
- Hymenolepis Cass.
- Lasiospermum Lag.
- Leucoptera B.Nord.
- 오스미톱시스아족(Osmitopsidinae Oberpr. & Himmelr.)[9]
- Osmitopsis Cass.
- 우르시니아아족(Ursiniinae K.Bremer & Humphries)[10]
- Ursinia Gaertn.
- 유럽단추쑥아족(Cotulinae Kitt.)[11]
- 유럽단추쑥속(Cotula L.)
- Adenanthellum B.Nord.
- Hilliardia B.Nord.
- Hippia L.
- Inezia E.Phillips
- Leptinella Cass.
- Lidbeckia P.J.Bergius
- Schistostephium Less.
- Soliva Ruiz & Pav.
- Thaminophyllum Harv.
- 족제비쑥아족(Matricariinae Willk.)[12]
- 족제비쑥속(Matricaria L.)
- 톱풀속(Achillea L.)
- Anacyclus L.
- Heliocauta Humphries
- Leucocyclus Boiss.
- Otanthus Hoffmanns. & Link
- 펜트지아아족(Pentziinae Oberpr. & Himmelr.)[13]
- Cymbopappus B.Nord.
- Foveolina Källersjö
- Marasmodes DC.
- Myxopappus Källersjö
- Oncosiphon Källersjö
- Pentzia Thunb.
- Rennera Merxm.
- 피마스페르뭄아족(Phymasperminae Oberpr. & Himmelr.)[14]
- Eumorphia DC.
- Gymnopentzia Benth.
- Phymaspermum Less.
- 한델리아아족(Handeliinae K.Bremer & Humphries)[15]
- Allardia Decne.
- Handelia Heimerl
- Lepidolopsis Poljakov
- Microcephala Pobed.
- Pseudohandelia Tzvelev
- Richteria Kar. & Kir.
- Sclerorhachis (Rech.f.) Rech.f.
- Tanacetopsis (Tzvelev) Kovalevsk.
- Trichanthemis Regel & Schmalh.
- Xylanthemum Tzvelev
- 분류 불확실(incertae sedis)
- Aaronsohnia Warb. & Eig
- Brocchia Vis.
- Cancriniella Tzvelev
- Daveaua Willk. ex Mariz
- Endopappus Sch.Bip.
- Heteromera Pomel
- Inulanthera Källersjö
- Lepidolopha C.Winkl.
- Lepidophorum Neck. ex DC.
- Lonas Adans.
- Nivellea B.H.Wilcox, K.Bremer & Humphries
- Opisthopappus C.Shih
- Otospermum Willk.
- Phalacrocarpum Willk.
- Poljakanthema Kamelin
- Poljakovia Grubov & Filatova
- Pseudoglossanthis Poljakov
- Tridactylina Sch.Bip.
- Ugamia Pavlov
- Tzvelevopyrethrum Kamelin
계통 분류
다음은 2002년 파네로와 펑크(Panero & Funk)의 연구에 기초하고[16] 2014년 갱신된 국화과의 계통 분류이다.[17][18][19]
국화아과 |
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- ↑ Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de. Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts 88: 192–193. 1819.
- ↑ Oberprieler, Christoph & Vogt, Robert Martin. Willdenowia 37(1): 106. 2007. doi:10.3372/wi.37.37104
- ↑ Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Florula belgica, opera majoris prodromus, auctore ... 69. 1827.
- ↑ Oberprieler, Christoph & Vogt, Robert Martin. Willdenowia 37(1): 104. 2007. doi:10.3372/wi.37.37104
- ↑ Bremer, Kåre & Humphries, Christopher John. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Botany) 23(2): 136. 1993.
- ↑ Willkomm, Heinrich Moritz. Prodromus Florae Hispanicae 2: 76. 1870.
- ↑ Lessing, Christian Friedrich. Linnaea 5: 2. 1830.
- ↑ Lindley, John. Nomenclator Botanicus 1(1): 323. 1872.
- ↑ Oberprieler, Christoph & Himmelreich, Sven. Willdenowia 37(1): 94. 2007. doi:10.3372/wi.37.37104
- ↑ Bremer, Kåre & Humphries, Christopher John. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Botany) 23(2): 91. 1993.
- ↑ Kittel, Baldwin Martin. Taschenbuch der Flora Deutschlands (ed. 2) ed. 2: 609. 1844.
- ↑ Willkomm, Heinrich Moritz. Prodromus Florae Hispanicae 2: 92. 1870.
- ↑ Oberprieler, Christoph & Himmelreich, Sven. Willdenowia 37(1): 99. 2007. doi:10.3372/wi.37.37104
- ↑ Oberprieler, Christoph & Himmelreich, S.. Willdenowia 37(1): 99. 2007.
- ↑ Bremer, Kåre & Humphries, Christopher John. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Botany) 23(2): 108. 1993.
- ↑ Panero, J.L.; Funk, V.A. (2002). “Toward a phylogenetic subfamilial classification for the Compositae (Asteraceae)”. 《Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash.》 115: 909–922.
- ↑ Panéro, José J.; Freire, Susana E.; Ariza Espinar, Luis; Crozier, Bonnie S.; Barboza, Gloria E.; Cantero, Juan J. (2014). “Resolution of deep nodes yields an improved backbone phylogeny and a new basal lineage to study early evolution of Asteraceae”. 《Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution》 80 (1): 43–53. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2014.07.012. 2017년 1월 3일에 확인함.
- ↑ Zhi-Xi Fu; Bo-Han Jiao; Bao Nie; Tiangang Gao (2016). “A comprehensive generic‐level phylogeny of the sunflower family: Implications for the systematics of Chinese Asteraceae”. 《Journal of Systematics and Evolution》 54 (4): 416–437. doi:10.1111/jse.12216. 2017년 1월 23일에 확인함.
- ↑ Funk, Vicki A.; Fragman-Sapir, Ori (2009). 〈22. Gymnarrheneae (Gymnarrhenoideae)〉. V.A. Funk; A. Susanna; T. Stuessy; R. Bayer. 《Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of Compositae》 (PDF). Vienna: International Association for Plant Taxonomy. 327–332쪽. 2016년 12월 27일에 확인함.