디스플레이 데이터 채널
디스플레이 데이터 채널(Display Data Channel, DDC)은 디스플레이가 지원되는 디스플레이 모드를 어댑터에 전달할 수 있도록 하고 컴퓨터 호스트가 밝기와 같은 모니터 매개변수를 조정할 수 있도록 하는 컴퓨터 디스플레이와 그래픽 어댑터 간의 디지털 통신을 위한 프로토콜 모음이다.
최신 아날로그 VGA 커넥터와 마찬가지로 DVI 및 디스플레이포트 커넥터에는 DDC용 핀이 포함되어 있지만 DisplayPort는 DVI/HDMI 모드의 옵션인 듀얼 모드 DP(DP++) 기능 내에서 DDC만 지원한다.
이 표준은 VESA(비디오 전자공학 표준위원회)에서 제정되었다.
같이 보기
- Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) Standard, Version 3, 1997, VESA
- VESA Standards FAQ 보관됨 2011-11-08 - 웨이백 머신
- Display interfaces: fundamentals. Bob Myers, Robert L. Myers, Society for Information Display
외부 링크
- Linux
- ddcci-driver-linux: Linux kernel driver supporting backlight control for monitors supporting DDC/CI
- ddccontrol: Linux software which uses DDC/CI to control monitors supporting this protocol (seems to be maintained on github)
- ddcutil: (formerly ddctool) Linux software for querying and changing monitor settings over DDC/CI
- MonitorDarkly: proof of concept for exploiting monitors over vendor-specific DDC/CI extensions
- Windows
- softMCCS: Windows software which uses DDC/CI to control monitors supporting this protocol
- Nicomsoft WinI2C/DDC: Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) which uses I2C and DDC/CI protocols to control monitors (removed from support, downloadable ZIP files don't contain application)
- Monitorian: Open source application that uses DDC/CI to change brightness from an icon in the Task Bar
- Twinkle Tray: similar to Monitorian
- Win10_BrightnessSlider: similar to Monitorian
- winddcutil: an open source Windows implementation of the ddcutil Linux program for querying and changing monitor settings, such as brightness and colour levels.
- Mac
- DisplayBuddy: a Mac app for control of display functions
- NativeDisplayBrightness: a minimal DDC luminosity app for Mac OS X
- ddcctl: an open source tool for querying and changing monitor settings over DDC/CI
- MonitorControl: an open source tool for mac which uses DDC/CI to control monitors supporting this protocol
- BetterDisplay: a macOS menubar app with custom resolutions, XDR/HDR extra brightness, DCC brightness/contrast/colours/volume adjustments, dummy displays, picture in picture, display overrides.
- Lunar: an open source app that uses DDC to sync a Mac's primary display brightness and contrast with external monitors