라이베리아의 국가

라이베리아의 국가는 모두 라이베리아에 만세를(영어 : All Hail, Liberia, Hail!)이다. 후에 대통령을 역임한 대니얼 베시얼 워너 (Daniel Bashiel Warner)가 작사, 옴스티드 루카 (Olmstead Luca)가 작곡하였다.

영어 가사

All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
This glorious land of liberty
Shall long be ours.
Though new her name,
Great be her fame,
And mighty be her powers,
And mighty be her powers.
In joy and gladness
With our hearts united,
We'll shout the freedom
Of a race benighted,
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!
All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
All hail, Liberia, hail! (All hail!)
In union strong success is sure.
We cannot fail!
With God above
Our rights to prove,
We will o'er all prevail,
We will o'er all prevail!
With heart and hand our country's cause defending,
We'll meet the foe with valour unpretending.
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God's command!

외부 링크