
1616년에 출판된 Every Man in His Humour의 표지[1]
조슈아 레이놀즈가 그린 데이비드 개릭의 크리티 초상화.

십인십색》은 1598년 영국 극작가 벤 존슨의 희곡이다. 원제는 《Every Man in His Humour》이다. 이 희곡은 각각의 주인공이 지나친 유머나 강박 관념에 의해 내용이 전개되는 "유머 코미디" 장르에 속한다.


  1. There was no separate printing in 1616; the title page reproduced appears to be a divisional title from the so-called 'third issue' of the "Works" of 1616; copies of this were 'made up' substantially later with some of the sheets printed from a later setting of the type, it is a leaf of this very much later setting, not the 1616 issue, that is the subject of the reproduction. See W.W. Greg, 'A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration,' III, p. 1070-3(¹) and "Studies in Bibliography" 30:75–95.

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