엘리자베스 퀴블러로스

엘리자베스 퀴블러로스
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
출생 1926년 7월 8일(1926-07-08)
Zürich, Switzerland
사망 2004년 8월 24일(2004-08-24)(78세)
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
주요 업적 Kübler-Ross model
분야 Psychiatry
소속 University of Chicago
영향을 줌 Caroline Myss, Vern Barnet, Bruce Greyson, Sogyal Rinpoche

엘리자베스 퀴블러-로스(Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 1926년 7월 8일 ~ 2004년 8월 24일)는 스위스 출신의 미국의 정신과 의사이자 임종 연구(near-death studies) 분야의 개척자이다. 죽음과 임종에 관하여(On Death and Dying, 1969)를 출간하였고, 분노의 5 단계( five stages of grief) 이론을 처음으로 주장한 인물이다.[1] 그녀는 2007년 미국 국립 여성 명예의 전당(American National Women 's Hall of Fame)에 이름을 올리게 되었다.[2] 20개의 명예 학위를 수여 받았고 1982년 7월까지 대학, 신학교, 의과 대학, 병원 및 사회 복지 기관에서 죽음과 임종에 관련하여 12만 5천명의 학생들을 가르쳤다.[3] 1970년 하바드 대학교에서 죽음과 임종(On Death and Dying.)에 관한 주제에 관하여 인간의 불멸성에 관한 잉거솔 강좌(Ingersoll Lectures on Human Immortality)를 하였다.


  • On Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1969
  • Questions & Answers on Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1972
  • Death: The Final Stage of Growth, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1974
  • Questions and Answers on Death and Dying: A Memoir of Living and Dying, Macmillan, 1976. ISBN 0-02-567120-0.
  • To Live Until We Say Goodbye, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1978
  • The Dougy Letter -A Letter to a Dying Child, (Celestial Arts/Ten Speed Press), 1979
  • Quest, Biography of EKR (Written with Derek Gill), (Harper & Row), 1980
  • Working It Through, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1981
  • Living with Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1981
  • Remember the Secret, (Celestial Arts/Ten Speed Press), 1981
  • On Children & Death, (Simon & Schuster), 1985
  • AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge, (Simon & Schuster), 1988
  • On Life After Death, (Celestial Arts), 1991
  • Death Is of Vital Importance, (Out of Print- Now The Tunnel and the Light), 1995
  • Unfolding the Wings of Love (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1996
  • Making the Most of the Inbetween, (Various Foreign), 1996
  • AIDS & Love, The Conference in Barcelona, (Spain), 1996
  • Longing to Go Back Home, (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1997
  • Working It Through: An Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Workshop on Life, Death, and Transition, Simon & Schuster, 1997. ISBN 0-684-83942-3.
  • The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Scribner), 1997
  • Why Are We Here, (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1999
  • The Tunnel and the Light, (Avalon), 1999
  • Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the Mysteries of Life and Living, with David Kessler, Scribner, 2001. ISBN 0-684-87074-6.
  • On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss, with David Kessler. Scribner, 2005. ISBN 0-7432-6628-5.
  • Real Taste of Life: A photographic Journal

참고 문헌

  • Quest: The Life of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, by Derek Gill. Ballantine Books (Mm), 1982. ISBN 0-345-30094-7.
  • The Life Work of Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and Its Impact on the Death Awareness Movement, by Michèle Catherine Gantois Chaban. E. Mellen Press, 2000. ISBN 0-7734-8302-0.
  • Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: Encountering Death and Dying, by Richard Worth. Published by Facts On File, Inc., 2004. ISBN 0-7910-8027-7.
  • Tea With Elisabeth tributes to Hospice Pioneer Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, compiled by Fern Stewart Welch, Rose Winters and Ken Ross, Published by Quality of Life Publishing Co 2009 ISBN 978-0-9816219-9-9


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