토마토 퓌레

토마토 퓌레

토마토 퓌레(Tomato purée)는 토마토의 순수한 즙만을 갈아 만든 조미료이다.

토마토 페이스트, 토마토 퓌레, 토마토 소스의 차이점은 일관성이다. 토마토 퓌레는 소스보다 농도가 진하고 향이 더 깊다.[1][2]

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  1. Barbara Ann Kipfer (2012). 《The Culinarian: A Kitchen Desk Reference》. 561쪽. The differences between tomato paste, tomato purée, and tomato sauce are texture and depth of flavor (the thicker the consistency, the deeper the flavor). 
  2. Sudheer, K.P. & V.Indira (2007). 《Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops》 7. 163쪽. The product is very similar to tomato puree except that the solid concentration is more. Tomato paste is the product obtained by removal of peel and seeds from tomatoes, followed by concentration of juice by evaporation under vacuum.