ISO 3166-2:FR

ISO 3166-2:FRISO 3166-1로 부호화된 모든 나라의 주요 행정 구역의 이름의 부호를 정의하는, 국제 표준화 기구에 의해 출판된 ISO 3166 표준의 일부인 ISO 3166-2프랑스 항목이다.

현재 프랑스의 경우 ISO 3166-2 코드는 다음의 행정 구역을 대상으로 정의되어 있다:

현재 코드


코드 행정구역 이름 행정구역 분류
FR-ARA 오베르뉴론알프 metropolitan region
FR-BFC 부르고뉴프랑슈콩테 metropolitan region
FR-BRE 브레타뉴 metropolitan region
FR-CVL 상트르발드루아르 metropolitan region
FR-20R 코르스 metropolitan collectivity with special status
FR-GES Grand-Est metropolitan region
FR-GP 과들루프 overseas region
FR-GF 프랑스령 기아나 overseas region
FR-HDF 오드프랑스 metropolitan region
FR-IDF 일드프랑스 metropolitan region
FR-MQ 마르티니크 overseas region
FR-YT 마요트 overseas region
FR-NOR Normandie metropolitan region
FR-NAQ 누벨아키텐 metropolitan region
FR-OCC 옥시타니 metropolitan region
FR-PDL 페이드라루아르 metropolitan region
FR-PAC 프로방스알프코트다쥐르 metropolitan region
FR-RE 레위니옹 overseas region


코드 행정구역 이름 행정구역 분류 지역
(since 2016)
(before 2016)
FR-01 앵 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA V
FR-02 엔 (데파르트망) metropolitan department HDF S
FR-03 알리에 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA C
FR-04 알프드오트프로방스주 metropolitan department PAC U
FR-06 알프마리팀주 metropolitan department PAC U
FR-07 아르데슈 metropolitan department ARA V
FR-08 아르덴 (데파르트망) metropolitan department GES G
FR-09 아리에주 (데파르트망) metropolitan department OCC N
FR-10 오브 (데파르트망) metropolitan department GES G
FR-11 오드 (데파르트망) metropolitan department OCC K
FR-12 아베롱 (데파르트망) metropolitan department OCC N
FR-67 바랭주 metropolitan department GES A
FR-13 부슈뒤론주 metropolitan department PAC U
FR-14 칼바도스 (데파르트망) metropolitan department NOR P
FR-15 캉탈 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA C
FR-16 샤랑트주 metropolitan department NAQ T
FR-17 샤랑트마리팀주 metropolitan department NAQ T
FR-18 셰르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department CVL F
FR-19 코레즈 (데파르트망) metropolitan department NAQ L
FR-2A 코르스뒤쉬드주 metropolitan department 20R H
FR-21 코트도르주 metropolitan department BFC D
FR-22 코트다르모르주 metropolitan department BRE E
FR-23 크뢰즈 (데파르트망) metropolitan department NAQ L
FR-79 되세브르주 metropolitan department NAQ T
FR-24 도르도뉴 (데파르트망) metropolitan department NAQ B
FR-25 두 (데파르트망) metropolitan department BFC I
FR-26 드롬 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA V
FR-91 에손주 metropolitan department IDF J
FR-27 외르주 metropolitan department NOR Q
FR-28 외레루아르 metropolitan department CVL F
FR-29 피니스테르주 metropolitan department BRE E
FR-973 프랑스령 기아나 overseas department GF
FR-30 가르주 metropolitan department OCC K
FR-32 제르스 (데파르트망) metropolitan department OCC N
FR-33 지롱드주 metropolitan department NAQ B
FR-971 과들루프 overseas department GP
FR-2B 오트코르스주 metropolitan department 20R H
FR-31 오트가론주 metropolitan department OCC N
FR-43 오트루아르주 metropolitan department ARA C
FR-52 오트마른주 metropolitan department GES G
FR-05 오트잘프주 metropolitan department PAC U
FR-70 오트손주 metropolitan department BFC I
FR-74 오트사부아주 metropolitan department ARA V
FR-65 오트피레네주 metropolitan department OCC N
FR-87 오트비엔주 metropolitan department NAQ L
FR-68 오랭주 metropolitan department GES A
FR-92 오드센주 metropolitan department IDF J
FR-34 에로 (데파르트망) metropolitan department OCC K
FR-35 일에빌렌 metropolitan department BRE E
FR-36 앵드르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department CVL F
FR-37 앵드레루아르 metropolitan department CVL F
FR-38 이제르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA V
FR-39 쥐라 (데파르트망) metropolitan department BFC I
FR-40 랑드 (데파르트망) metropolitan department NAQ B
FR-42 루아르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA V
FR-44 루아라틀랑티크 metropolitan department PDL R
FR-45 루아레주 metropolitan department CVL F
FR-41 루아레셰르 metropolitan department CVL F
FR-46 로트주 metropolitan department OCC N
FR-47 로테가론 metropolitan department NAQ B
FR-48 로제르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department OCC K
FR-49 메네루아르 metropolitan department PDL R
FR-50 망슈 metropolitan department NOR P
FR-51 마른주 metropolitan department GES G
FR-972 마르티니크 overseas department MQ
FR-53 마옌 (데파르트망) metropolitan department PDL R
FR-976 마요트 overseas department YT
FR-54 뫼르트에모젤 metropolitan department GES M
FR-55 뫼즈 (데파르트망) metropolitan department GES M
FR-56 모르비앙주 metropolitan department BRE E
FR-57 모젤주 metropolitan department GES M
FR-58 니에브르 metropolitan department BFC D
FR-59 노르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department HDF O
FR-60 우아즈 (데파르트망) metropolitan department HDF S
FR-61 오른주 metropolitan department NOR P
FR-75 파리 (프랑스) metropolitan department IDF J
FR-62 파드칼레주 metropolitan department HDF O
FR-63 퓌드돔주 metropolitan department ARA C
FR-64 피레네자틀랑티크주 metropolitan department NAQ B
FR-66 피레네조리앙탈주 metropolitan department OCC K
FR-974 레위니옹 overseas department RE
FR-69 론 (데파르트망)[1] metropolitan department ARA V
FR-71 손에루아르주 metropolitan department BFC D
FR-72 사르트 (데파르트망) metropolitan department PDL R
FR-73 사부아 (데파르트망) metropolitan department ARA V
FR-77 세네마른 metropolitan department IDF J
FR-76 센마리팀주 metropolitan department NOR Q
FR-93 센생드니주 metropolitan department IDF J
FR-80 솜 (데파르트망) metropolitan department HDF S
FR-81 타른주 metropolitan department OCC N
FR-82 타른에가론 metropolitan department OCC N
FR-90 테리투아르 드 벨포르 metropolitan department BFC I
FR-94 발드마른주 metropolitan department IDF J
FR-95 발두아즈주 metropolitan department IDF J
FR-83 바르 (데파르트망) metropolitan department PAC U
FR-84 보클뤼즈 (데파르트망) metropolitan department PAC U
FR-85 방데 (데파르트망) metropolitan department PDL R
FR-86 비엔주 metropolitan department NAQ T
FR-88 보주 (데파르트망) metropolitan department GES M
FR-89 욘주 metropolitan department BFC D
FR-78 이블린주 metropolitan department IDF J


코드 행정 구역 이름 행정 구역 분류
FR-CP 클리퍼턴섬 dependency
FR-NC 누벨칼레도니 overseas collectivity with special status
FR-PF 프랑스령 폴리네시아 overseas collectivity
FR-BL 생바르텔레미 overseas collectivity
FR-MF 생마르탱 overseas collectivity
FR-PM 생피에르 미클롱 overseas collectivity
FR-TF 프랑스령 남방 및 남극 지역 overseas territory[2]
FR-WF 왈리스 푸투나 overseas collectivity

ISO 3166-1에 포함된 행정구역

코드 행정구역 이름 알파-2 코드 ISO 3166-1 영어 이름 ISO 3166-1 프랑스어 이름 ISO 3166-2 코드
FR-BL 생바르텔레미 BL Saint Barthélemy Saint-Barthélemy ISO 3166-2:BL
FR-GF 프랑스령 기아나 GF French Guiana Guyane française ISO 3166-2:GF
FR-GP 과들루프 GP Guadeloupe Guadeloupe ISO 3166-2:GP
FR-MF 생마르탱 MF Saint Martin (French part) Saint-Martin (partie française) ISO 3166-2:MF
FR-MQ 마르티니크 MQ Martinique Martinique ISO 3166-2:MQ
FR-NC 누벨칼레도니 NC New Caledonia Nouvelle-Calédonie ISO 3166-2:NC
FR-PF 프랑스령 폴리네시아 PF French Polynesia Polynésie française ISO 3166-2:PF
FR-PM 생피에르 미클롱 PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon ISO 3166-2:PM
FR-RE 레위니옹 RE Réunion Réunion ISO 3166-2:RE
FR-TF 프랑스령 남방 및 남극 지역[2] TF French Southern Territories Terres australes françaises ISO 3166-2:TF
FR-WF 왈리스 푸투나 WF Wallis and Futuna Wallis-et-Futuna ISO 3166-2:WF
FR-YT 마요트 YT Mayotte Mayotte ISO 3166-2:YT

같이 보기


  1. The FR-69 code in ISO 316-2 still covers the department of Rhône as it was before 1 January 2015 when it was split in two parts, one of which is no longer a department but a métropole with specific status. Still, the Métropole de Lyon and the new department of Rhône are administratively managed by the French state as a single circonscription départementale (departmental constituency) that keeps the old department code.
    Where distinction is needed, INSEE uses 69 to cover the new circonscription départementale du Rhône for the state-controlled administration in its préfecture (covering the whole former département du Rhône before January 2015), and assigned new codes for the two separate local collectivities: 69D for the new (smaller) département du Rhône, and 69M for the new Métropole de Lyon.
  2. The overseas territorial collectivy of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (Terres australes et antarctiques françaises in French) is also administratively covering (as one of its districts) the 아델리랜드 claimed by France in the Antarctic, but it is also part of the Antarctic and normally not covered by the ISO 3166-1 TF code or ISO 3166-2 FR-TF code, but by the ISO 3166-1 AQ code. The French Southern Lands (Terres australes françaises in French) are referring to only 3 of the 5 districts in the overseas territorial collectivity, excluding the claimed district in the Antarctic and the district of en:Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean (Îles Éparses de l'Océan Indien). Some applications used by other countries than France or international organizations may or may not include the two contested districts, but most of them include the Scattered Islands, including the ISO 3166 standard itself.

외부 링크