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This page is intentionally written in English so that those who should read it can understand it. A Bot or Robot is a user of this wiki which is a program. Robots are very useful for the maintenance of Wikipedia. Managing interwiki links would not be feasible without bots.
as long as you meet the following requirements:
The reason why is simple: The special page recentchanges allows to filter out changes by bots. This helps a lot. Violating any of the above rules would make that filter useless. These are no real restrictions, so please abide by these rules. Thank you. |
Die Sigg he is in English jeshrivve. Dii se lesse un vershtonn sulle, künne dat nommalerwiiß. Ene Bot oder Robot es e Projramm, wadd en äänlijje Roll wi ene Medmaacher shpellt. Ene Bot kam_mer jood bruche för de Wikkipedijas vöran_ze_brenge. Der_oohne hätte_mer allejn_ene Riisenbrassel, Ingerwikilinks en Shußß ze hallde.
Et ejnzijje, wat Do doför dunn mußß:
Wiiso dat? De Söndersigg med de neußte Änderonge kann op Änderunge von dä Botß filtere, se ėn-_un_ußzottiere. Dat hellef onß. Wenn Do Dich nit an uns Räjele hällß, määt de Filtereij keijne Shpaßß mieh un se deijt et nit. Dat schränk Üch üvverhoup nėt_eijn — dröm sidd_esu_joot, un hald_Üch_draan. |
See also — Ußßerdämm
- Sysops — whom to ask for a bot flag — wä mer noh em „Robot“ Fäähnsche froore kann.
- Bot_Aandrääsh — archive of bot flage requests — De äleedishte Froore noh em „Robot“ Fäähnsche.
- Wikipedia:Bootschaff — the Ripuarian Embassy page.
- Wikipedia:Interwiki Links
- DotNetWikiBot Framework
- Unß Wat mier för Botß känne — official bot list — offizjäll aanjemëlldt alß Bot en de Wikkipedia fö de ripoarėshe Shprooche.
- Saachjrupp:Wikipedia:Medmaacher es ene Bot — list of user pages of bots both having and not having a bot flag — de Metmaachersigge fun de Bots met un oohne Fäähnsche.
- Special:ListGroupRights — user rights in this Wikipedia — de müjjelesche Rääschte för Metmaacher en de Wikipedia.
- MediaWiki:Manual:User rights — software documentation on user rights — de Wiki-ßoffwäer ier Handbooch övver de Metmaacher-Rääschte (op Änglesch)