Felicia Day

Felicia Day
Jidayikbûn28ê hezîrana 1979an(1979-06-28) (45 salî)
Salên çalak2001- roja me

Kathryn Felicia Day ( jdb. 28ê hezîranê 1979) [1] lîstikvaneke amerîkan e, Herwes Nivîsera rêzefîlma ye jî û xebat kirya di karên weka (series web The Guild e li (2007-2013) ).


Sal Xelat (Award Show) Kategorî
2009 1st Streamy Awards Best Female Actor in a Comedy Web Series
Best Ensemble Cast in a Web Series (shared with the rest of the cast)
Best Writing in a Comedy Web Series
2010 2nd Streamy Awards Best Female Actor in a Comedy Web Series
Best Ensemble Cast in a Web Series (shared with the rest of the cast)
Best Writing in a Comedy Web Series
2012 Inaugural IAWTV Awards Best Writing (Comedy)
Best Female Performance (Comedy)
2013 2nd Annual IAWTV Awards Best Writing (Non-Fiction)
3rd Streamy Awards Best Writing – Comedy
Best Guest Appearance
2017 Behind the Voice Actors Awards Best Female Vocal Performance in a Television Series in a Guest Role

Jiyana kesane

Roja 3 Januaryile 2017, Day di medya civakî de ragihand ku ew di çend hefteyan de ducanî bû û li benda keçikek ye.[2] Wê jidayikbûna keça xwe li 30.1. 2017 ragihand.[3]

Fîlolojî û xebatên din


Sal navên filmû xebatan Rol
2001 Strings
2003 Delusional
Backslide Maddie
2004 The Mortician's Hobby Tiffany
Bring It On Again Penelope
Final Sale Felicia
2005 Short Story Time Felicia
2006 God's Waiting List Trixie
2007 Splitting Hairs Sugar Girl
2008 Prairie Fever Blue
Dear Me Pipsy
2010 Red: Werewolf Hunter Virginia Sullivan
2011 Rock Jocks Alison
2014 Lust for Love Mary
2017 We Love You, Sally Carmichael! Sarah


  1. ^ Felicia's College Resume, Archive of "utexas.edu/~felicia/personal.html"
  2. ^ Day, Felicia (3 kanûna paşîn 2017). "She's coming in about three weeks so I guess I should announce this and stuff". Facebook. Roja gihiştinê 12 adar 2019.
  3. ^ Day, Felicia (30 kanûna paşîn 2017). "Calliope Maeve has arrived! She is currently wearing a "Bard in Training" onesie. #LessThanThree <3(And yes that is a baby low jack on her ankle. Hospitals don't mess around anymore)". Facebook. Roja gihiştinê 12 adar 2019.