Ska Keller

Ska Keller
Genys 22 Du 1981 Edit this on Wikidata
Guben Edit this on Wikidata
Kenedhlogeth Almayn, German Democratic Republic Edit this on Wikidata
Galwesigeth politeger, kerghynedhor Edit this on Wikidata
Soodh esel Senedh Europa, esel Senedh Europa, esel Senedh Europa Edit this on Wikidata
Pries Markus Drake Edit this on Wikidata
Gwiasva Edit this on Wikidata

Franziska Maria "Ska" Keller (genys 22 mis Du 1981) yw politeger a Almayn ha'n esel a'n Eurosenedh rag an pastell-vro Almayn a-dhia 2009.[1] Esel Keffrysyans 90/An Gwyrdhyon ha'n Parti Gwer Europa yw.

A-dhia mis Kevardhu 2016 dhe mis Gwynngala 2022, Keller yw keslewydh a'n bagas Gwyrdhyon/Keffrysyans Rydh Europa y'n Eurosenedh.[2][3] Keller o sewys gans Terry Reintke.[4]


  1. Bianka Kraft (4 mis Gwynngala 2009), People and Politics # Series 'Women In Politics': Ska Keller – From a Green Perspective # 04.09.2009, Deutsche Welle (yn Sowsnek), kyrghys 23 mis Me 2022
  2. Ska Keller, Heinrich Böll Stiftung (yn Sowsnek), kyrghys 23 mis Me 2022
  3. Ska Keller resigns as Greens' co-leader in the European Parliament, The Brussels Times (yn Sowsnek), 14 mis Gwynngala 2022, kyrghys 22 mis Hedra 2022
  4. Ugo Realfonzo (14 mis Hedra 2022), Terry Reintke becomes new Greens/EFA President in European Parliament, The Brussels Times (yn Sowsnek), kyrghys 22 mis Hedra 2022