This '{tlx}' template documentation is transcluded for all Tlx family templates (Tlx, Tlxc, Tlxm, Tlxw) [edit].Masterpage
{tlx|template|first parameter|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eight|ninth} → {template|first parameter|second|third|fourth|fifth|sixth|seventh|eight|ninth}
Purpose and naming: Mnemonically 'Template list expanded'... after {tl} Template list'
- This template takes another template-name and some associated pipe-tricked (numbered) parameters (or 'pass parameters'), and displays them as an 'example demonstration' of how the template-name template could be coded, literally. Its primary use is in instruction and documentation.
- Specifics: Up to five pass parameters (numbered or nowiki-keywords) for the specified template are displayed as 'placeholders', and over 5 parameters can be displayed using a coded vertical-bar (as in "|..."). A keyword parameter can be used, when tagged as a nowiki-keyword: "<nowiki>siz=10<\nowiki>" with each keyword parameter surrounded by "<nowiki>" tags; see Examples at bottom. For more details, see the this talk page.
- Exceptions: If the intended template lists numerous/keyword parameters, then perhaps this template should really not be used, and just hardcode the usage in double-braces, putting only nowiki-braces "{" to start, such as: "<nowiki>{<\nowiki>Anytemplate |arg1=23 |siz=250px}".
- If given no additional parameters except
'template name' ({1}),
it presents the same as the similar {Tl} macro template -- a blue link nested in curly-braces-- the same as a user would apply the template without parameters, but with a noticably clearer font and spacing on most modern browsers.
- Comparatively, {tl} will not take or display additional parameters, and for minor technical reasons, may preferred for mere listing and referencing in long pages involving a lot of template expansions1.
- Additionally, Tlx will take a 'named' parameter 'SISTER' to link interwiki to other sister projects such as one of these examples: '|SISTER=W:', 'Tlx|SISTER=M:', 'Tlx|SISTER=Q:', 'Tlx|SISTER=S:', allowing documentation or discourse about a template across interwiki boundaries. Small 'front end' Shell or convience templates {tlxw} and {tlxm} are typing-aid templates available at Meta for automatic substitution in discussions about templates on Wikipedia or Meta.
- This usage also applies to interwiki capable template variations
- {Tlxc} -- which links to templates on Wikimedia Commons (The Commons).
- {Tlxm} -- which links to templates on Meta
- {Tlxw} -- which links to templates on Wikipedia
{Tlx} is a generalization of Skantlyn:Tlxw, Skantlyn:Tlxw, etcetera with arguably better readable output. This depends on the browser, but too narrow uses of "{", "|", "}" in conjunction with links can be hard to read.
- {Tlx|template name}
- {Tlx|template name|param}
- {Tlx|template name|1|2|3}
- {Tlx|template name|1|2|3|more}
- {Tlx|template name|param=value}
Up to three placeholders for parameters of the specified template
Code | Result | Remark |
{tlx|x0} | {x0} | |
{tlx|x1|one} | {x1|one} | |
{tlx|x2|one|two} | {x2|one|two} | |
{tlx|x3|1|2|3} | {x3|1|2|3} | |
{tlx|x4|1|2|3|4} | {x4|1|2|3|4} | up to 5 parameters, then ... |
{tlx|x4|1|2|3|4} | {x4|1|2|3|4} | | for more |
{tlx|x1|x=u} | {x1} | = won't work |
{tlx|x1|x=u} | {x1|x=u} | = is okay |
{tlx|x1|x{=}u} | {x1|x=u} | {=} is okay |
{tlx|x1|<nowiki>x=u</nowiki>} | {x1|x=u} | sticky nowiki is okay |
{tlx|x2| |two} | {x2|two} | empty won't work |
{tlx|x2| |two} | {x2| |two} |   is okay |
{tlx|x2| |two} | {x2| |two} | is okay |
{tlx|x2| | two} | {x2| | two} | | is okay |
{tlx|x2| {!} two} | {x2| | two} | {!} is dubious |
{tlx|x2|2=|3=two} | {x2|two} | empty really doesn't work |
{tlx|x2|2=one|two} | {x2|two} | two clobbers 2=one |
{tlx|x2|3=two|2=one} | {x2|one|two} | right to left okay |