Antiquitas classica

Antiquitas classica est spatium antiquitatis quod in regionibus Mediterraneo mari adiacentibus fere a saeculo VIII a.C.n. ad nostrae aetatis saeculum VI intercessit. Eo tempore artes litteraeque Graecorum et Romanorum florebant et late propagabantur. Inde a saeculo II a.C.n. potestas Romana extra Italiae fines crescit et denique per multas terras Europae, Africae Septentrionalis, Asiaeque Mediae valebat.
Nexus interni
- Beavis, Ian C. 1988. Insects and other invertebrates in classical antiquity. Exeter, Devon: University of Exeter. ISBN 0859892840.
- Boatwright, Mary T., Daniel J. Gargola, et Richard J. A. Talbert. 2004. The Romans: From village to empire. Novi Eboraci et Oxoniae: Oxford Univ. Press
- Bugh, Glenn. R., ed. 2006. The Cambridge companion to the Hellenistic world. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
- Burkert, Walter. 1992. The Orientalizing revolution: The Near Eastern influence on Greek culture in the early Archaic age. Conv. Margaret E. Pinder et Walter Burkert. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard Univ. Press.
- Erskine, Andrew, ed. 2003. A companion to the Hellenistic world. Malden Massachusettae et Oxoniae: Blackwell.
- Flower, Harriet I. 2004. The Cambridge companion to the Roman Republic. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
- Garnsey, Peter. 1999. Food and society in classical antiquity. Cantabrigiae et Novi Eboraci: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521641829, ISBN 0521645883.
- Green, Peter. 1990. Alexander to Actium: The historical evolution of the Hellenistic age. Berkeleiae: University of California Press. ISBN 0520056116.
- Grinin L. E. 2008. Early State in the Classical World: Statehood and Ancient Democracy. In Hierarchy and Power in the History of civilizations: Ancient and Medieval Cultures, ed. L. E. Grinin et al, 31–84. Moscuae. Early State in the Classical World.
- Hornblower, Simon. 1983. The Greek world 479–323 BC. Londinii et Novi Eboraci: Methuen.
- Kallendorf, Craig W., ed. 2007. A Companion to the Classical Tradition. Malden Massachusettae: Blackwell.
- Kinzl, Konrad, ed. 2006. A companion to the Classical Greek world. Oxford and Malden Massachusettae: Blackwell.
- Murray, Oswyn. 1993. Early Greece. Ed. 2a. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.
- Potter, David S. 2006. A companion to the Roman Empire. Malden Massachusettae: Blackwell
- Rhodes, Peter J. 2006. A history of the Classical Greek world: 478–323 BC. Blackwell History of the Ancient World. Malden Massachusettae: Blackwell.
- Rosenstein, Nathan S., et Robert Morstein-Marx, eds. 2006. A companion to the Roman Republic. Oxoniae: Blackwell.
- Shapiro, H. Alan, ed. 2007. The Cambridge companion to Archaic Greece. Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World. Cantabrigiae et Novi Eboraci: Cambridge University Press.
- Shipley, Graham. 2000. The Greek world after Alexander 323–30 BC. Londinii: Routledge.
- Walbank, Frank W. 1993. The Hellenistic world. Ed. retractata. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674387260.