Chronos (geologia)
Chronos geologicus, qui et chronozona stratigraphica, est gradus aevorum geochronologicorum. Gradus superior est aetas geologica qui et stadium stratigraphicum. Post inquisitiones Axel Blytt et Rogerii Sernander,[1] recentius e vestigiis paludis Lethrensis in Dania confirmatas,[2] series Holocaena in chronozonas quinque ordinari solet, videlicet Praeboreale ab anno fere 11 700 a.p., Boreale ab 10 000, Atlanticum (in "Atlanticum anterius" et "Atlanticum plenum" divisum) ab 9000 et 8000, Subboreale ab 5800, Subatlanticum ab 2500.
- A. Blytt, Essay on the immigration of the Norwegian flora. 1876
- F. Gradstein, J. Ogg, A. Smith, edd., A Geologic Time Scale 2004. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2004 Textus
- Jan Mangerud, "The chronostratigraphical subdivision of the Holocene in Norden: a review" in Striae vol. 16 (1982) pp. 65-70
- Jan Mangerud et al., "Quaternary Stratigraphy of Norden, a proposal for terminology and classification" in Boreas vol. 3 (1974) pp. 109–126
- N. Schrøder, L. Højlund Pedersen, R. Juel Bitsch, "10,000 Years of Climate Change and Human Impact on the Environment in the Area Surrounding Lejre" in Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies vol. 3 no. 1 (2004)
- R. Sernander, "On the evidence of post-glacial changes of climate furnished by the peat mosses of northern Europe" in Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhaldlinger vol. 30 (1908) pp. 365-478
Nexus externi
- International Chronostratigraphic Chart variis linguis edita
- Michael A. Murphy, Amos Salvador, "Chronostratigraphic Units" (2009)