Eduardus Thorndike
Eduardus Lee Thorndike (natus Williamsburgi in Massachusetta die 31 Augusti 1874; mortuus Montrose in Novo Eboraco die 9 Augusti 1949) fuit psychologus Americanus, qui paene omnem cursum vitae degit professor in Teachers College Universitatis Columbiae. Sua opera de psychologia comparativa et ratione discendi theoriam connectionismi amplificaverunt, et scientifica psychologiae educationalis fundamenta iacuerunt. Thorndike etiam quaestiones industriales solvit, sicut probationem conductorum. Socius collegii Corporationis Psychologicae, praeses Societatis Psychologicae Americanae anno 1912 fuit.[1][2]
Inspectio a Review of General Psychology anno 2002 edita Thorndike nonum a maximo psychologo saeculi vicensimi citato aestimavit.[3] Theoriam discendi supplementalis et explicationem morum penitus affecit, suá lege effectús fundamentalem legum empiricarum formam in psychologia morum praebente. Sua opera in provinciá psychologiae morum educationem magnopere affecit, ubi lex effectús in classibus scholasticis magni adhuc aesitimatur. Pater quidem psychologiae educationalis late habetur.
Opera selecta
- Educational Psychology (1903)
- Introduction to the Theory of Mental and Social Measurements (1904)
- The Elements of Psychology (1905)
- Animal Intelligence (1911)
- Education Psychology: briefer course. Novi Eboraci: Routledge. ([1913] 1999). ISBN 978-0-415-21011-9.
- The Teacher's Word Book (1921)
- The Psychology of Arithmetic (1922)
- The Measurement of Intelligence (1927)
- Elementary Principles of Education. Cum Arthur L. Gates. Novi Eboraci: Macmillan 1930.
- Human Learning (1931)
- A Teacher's Word Book of the Twenty Thousand Words Found Most Frequently and Widely in General Reading for Children and Young People (1932)
- The Fundamentals of Learning (1932)
- The Psychology of Wants, Interests, and Attitudes (1935)
- The Teacher's Word Book of 30,000 Words. Cum Irving Lorge. (1944)
- "Some Experiments on Animal Intelligence." Science 7 (Ianuarius/Iunius), 1898.
- "Do Fishes Remember?" Science New Series 11, no. 268, 16 Februarius 1900.
- "Mental Fatigue." The Psychological Review 7, 1900.
- "Judgements of Magnitude by Comparison with a Mental Standard." Cum R. S. Woodworth, The Psychological Review 7, 1900.
- "Adaptation in Vision." Science, New Series 14, no. 345, 9 Augusti 1901.
- "Psychology in Secondary Schools." The School Review 10, no. 2, Februarius 1902.
- "The Careers of Scholarly Men in America." The Century Magazine, Maius 1903.
- "Measurement of Twins." The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2, no. 20, 28 Septembris 1905.
- "An Empirical Study of College Entrance Examinations." Science, New Series 23, no. 596, 1 Iunii 1906.
- "Sex and Education." The Bookman 23, Martius/Augustus 1906.
- "Education." The Bookman, October 1906.
- "The Mental Antecedents of Voluntary Movements." The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4, no. 2, 17 Ianuarii 1907.
- "On the Function of Visual Images." The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4, no. 12, 6 Iunii 1907.
- "The Effect of Practice in the Case of a Purely Intellectual Function." The American Journal of Psychology 19, no. 3, Iulius 1908.
- "A Note on the Specialization of Mental Functions with Varying Content." The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6, no. 9, 19 Aprilis 1909.
- "Collegiate Instruction." Science New Series, 31, no. 794, 18 Martii 1910.
- "Repeaters in the Upper Grammar Grades." The Elementary School Teacher 10, no. 9, Maius 1910.
- "The Relation between Memory for Words and Memory for Numbers, and the Relation between Memory over Short and Memory over Long Intervals." The American Journal of Psychology 21, no. 3, Iulius 1910.
- "Practice in the Case of Addition." The American Journal of Psychology 21, no. 3, Iuliud 1910.
- "Testing the Results of the Teaching of Science." The Mathematics Teacher 3, no. 4, Iunius 1911.
- "A Scale for Measuring the Merit of English Writing." Science New Series, 33, no. 859, 16 Iunii 1911.
- "The Measurement of Educational Products." The School Review 20, no. 5, Maius 1912.
- "Educational Diagnosis." Science New Series, 37, no. 943, 24 Ianuarii 1913.
- "Notes on the Significance and Use of the Hillegas Scale for Measuring the Quality of English Composition." The English Journal 2, no. 9, November 1913.
- "An Experiment in Grading Problems in Algebra." The Mathematics Teacher 6, no. 3, Martius 1914.
- "The Failure of Equalizing Opportunity to Reduce Individual Differences." Science New Series, 40, no. 1038, 20 Novembris 1914.
- "The Form of the Curve of Practice in the Case of Addition." The American Journal of Psychology 26, no. 2, Aprilid 1915.
- "The Resemblance of Young Twins in Handwriting." The American Naturalist 49, no. 582, Iunius 1915.
- "Notes on Practice, Improvability, and the Curve of Work." The American Journal of Psychology 27, no. 4, October 1916.
- "On the Function of Visual Imagery and its Measurement from Individual Reports." The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14, no. 14, 5 Iulii 1917.
- "The Understanding of Sentences: A Study of Errors in Reading." The Elementary School Journal 18, no. 2, October 1917.
- "Reliability and Significance of Tests of Intelligence." The Journal of Educational Psychology 11, 1920.
- "The Psychology of the Equation." The Mathematics Teacher 15, no. 3, Martius 1922.
- "A Note on the Failure of Educated Persons to Understand Simple Geometrical Facts." The Mathematics Teacher 14, no. 8, December 1921.
- "The Psychology of Problem Solving." Part II, The Mathematics Teacher 15, no. 4, Aprilis 1922; 15, no. 5, Maius 1922.
- "The Nature of Algebraic Abilities." Part II, The Mathematics Teacher 15, no. 1, Januarius 1922; 15, no. 2, Februarius 1922.
- "The Strength of the Mental Connections Formed in Algebra." The Mathematics Teacher 15, no. 6, October 1922.
- "The Constitution of Algebraic Abilities." The Mathematics Teacher 15, no. 7, November 1922.
- "The Teachable Age." The Survey, 1 Aprilis 1928.
- "Instinct." In Biological Lectures from the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Hole, 1899.
- "The Associative Processes in Animals." In Biological Lectures from the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods Hole, 1899.
Nexus interni
- Effectus coronae
- Ethologia
- Beniaminus D. Wood
- Robertus L. Thorndike
- Cooper, Sunny. 2009. Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology. Lifecircles. Archivum, 29 Iunii 2011.
- Curti, Merle. 1935. The Social Ideas of American Educators.
- Darity, William A. 2008. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Gale. ISBN 978-0-02-865965-7.
- Dewey, Russ. 2007. The Search for Laws of Learning. Thorndike's Puzzle Box.
- Esterhill, Frank J. 2000. Interlingua Institute: A History. Interlingua Institute. ISBN 978-0-917848-02-5.
- Goodenough, Florence L. 1950. "Edward Lee Thorndike: 1874-1949." The American Journal of Psychology 63: 291-301.
- Haggbloom, Steven J., Renee Warnick, Jason E. Warnick, Vinessa K. Jones, Gary L. Yarbrough, Tenea M. Russell, Chris M. Borecky, Reagan McGahhey, John L. Powell III, Jamie Beavers, et Emmanuelle Monte. 2002. "The 100 Most Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century." Review of General Psychology 6 (2): 139–52. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.6.2.139. ISSN 1939-1552.
- Hergenhahn, B. R., et Matthew H. Olson. 2005. An Introduction to the Theories of Learning. Pearson Education. ISBN 978-81-317-2056-1.
- Hergenhahn, B. R. 2009. An Introduction to the History of Psychology. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-495-50621-8.
- Joncich, Geraldine. 1968. The Sane Positivist: A Biography of Edward L. Thorndike. Middletown Connecticutae: Wesleyan University Press. LCCN 68-27542.
- Kentridge, Robert. 2005. Edward Thorndike, puzzle-boxes, and the law of effect. University of Durham. De Thorndike.
- Lynn, Richard. 2001. Eugenics: A Reassessment. Praeger. ISBN 978-0-275-95822-0.
- Saettler, L. Paul. 2004. Evolution of American Educational Technology. IAP. ISBN 978-1-59311-139-7.
- Thorndike, Edward L. 1911. Animal Intelligence. Macmillan. Google Books.
- Thorndike, Edward L. 1913. Educational Psychology Volume II: The Psychology of Learning. Novi Eboraci: Teacher College.
- Thorndike, Edward L. 1932. The Fundamentals of Learning. AMS Press Inc. ISBN 978-0-404-06429-7.
- Thorndike, Robert L. 1991. "Edward L. Thorndike: A Professional and Personal Appreciation." In Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, ed G. Kimble, M. Wertheimer, et C. White. Hilsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Woodworth, R. S. 1950. "Edward Thorndike 1874-1949." Science, New Series 111 (2880): 251. JSTOR 1676976.
- Zimmerman, Barry J., et Dale H. Schunk. 2003. Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions. Lawrence Erlbaum Associate. ISBN 978-0-8058-3682-0.
Nexus externi
- Opera auctore "Eduardus Thorndike" apud reperta
- Works by Edward L. Thorndike, at Hathi Trust
- Edward Thorndike biography
- Classics in the history of Psychology - Animal Intelligence by Thorndike
- Edward L. Thorndike at
- Triglia, A. 2017. "Ley del Efecto de Edward Thordike: la base del conductismo."