
Ethnopoetica est ratio textuum poesis oralis vel perfunctionum narrativarum (i.e. eruditio verbalis) scribendorum quae versibus poeticis, versibus, et stanzis utitur (contra paragraphos orationis solutae) ad formalia et poetica perfunctionis elementa capienda quae aliter in textibus scriptis amissa sint. Finis ullius textus ethnopoetici est monstrare quo modo artes unicorum actorum oralium aestheticum eorum perfunctionum pretium intra eorum praecipuos culturae contextus amplificant. Inter scholasticos magni momenti qui rationem ethnopoeticam evolverunt sunt Hieronymus Rothenberg, Dionysius Tedlock, et Dell Hymes. Ethnopoetica habetur subdisciplina ethnologiae, anthropologiae, folkloristicae, stylisticae, linguisticae, et studiorum litterarum et translationis.


  • Blommaert, Jan. 2007. “Applied Ethnopoetics.” Narrative–State of the Art, ed. Michael G. W. Bamberg, 215–224. Amstelodami: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Benjamins Current Topics Series, 595215.
  • Denzin, Norman K. 1997. Interpretive ethnography: ethnographic practices for the 21st century. Thousand Oaks, Californiae: Sage Publications. ISBN 0803972989, ISBN 0803972997.
  • Dupont, Florence. 2007. L’ethnopoétique : un nouvel espace de recherches. Lutetiae: Diffusion des savoirs ENS.
  • Hymes, Dell H. 1981. "In vain I tried to tell you": essays in Native American ethnopoetics. Studies in Native American Literature, 1. University of Pennsylvania publications in conduct and communication. Philadelphiae: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 0812278062.
  • Hymes, Dell H. 1996. Ethnography, linguistics, narrative inequality: toward an understanding of voice. Londinii et Bristolii Pennsylvaniae: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0748403477, ISBN 0748403485.
  • Hymes, Dell H. 2003. Now I know only so far: essays in ethnopoetics. Lincolniae: University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 0803224079; ISBN 0803273355.
  • Mendoza, Kenneth. 1993. Talking books: ethnopoetics, translation, text, ed. cum praefatione ab Eitel Timm. Columbiae Carolinae Meridianae: Camden House. ISBN 187975178X.
  • Quick, Catherine. 1999. Ethnopoetics. Folklore Forum 30(1/2):95–105.
  • Sammons, Kar, et Joel Sherzer, eds. 2000. Translating native Latin American verbal art: ethnopoetics and ethnography of speaking. Vasingtoniae: Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1560989378.
  • Tedlock, Dennis. 1972. Finding the Center: Narrative Poetry of the Zuñi Indians. Novi Eboraci: Dial Press.
  • Tedlock, Dennis. 1983. The spoken word and the work of interpretation. Philadelphiae: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 0812278801.
  • Tedlock, Dennis. 1999. Finding the Center: The Art of the Zuni Storyteller. Ed. 2a. Lincolniae: University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 0803244398.
  • Tedlock, Dennis. Syllabus. English 699: Ethnopoetics. Colleges of Arts and Sciences, University at Buffalo.
  • Toelken, Barre. 2003. The Anguish of Snails: Folklife of the West, vol. 2, ed. Barre Toelken et William A. Wilson. Logan: Utah State University Press.

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