Euryale ferox

Euryale ferox: tabula e Curtis's Botanical Magazine (1812)

Ordo : Nymphaeales 
Familia : Nymphaeaceae 
Genus : Euryale 
Species : E. ferox 
Euryale ferox 

Euryale ferox (binomen a Ricardo Antonio Salisbury anno 1805 statutum) est planta aquatica familiae Nymphaeacearum aevo praehistorico in paludibus Europae et Asiae occidentalis, nostro tempore in Asia orientali et australi endemica. Propter semina edulia (sed aegre recuperabilia) atque sicut planta ornamentalis colitur.

Palaeontologi semina fossilia in terris Poloniae reppererunt.[1] Archaeobotanistae homininos aevo Acheulio iuxta vadum Iacob in Palaestina habitantes,[2] hominesque locos Tianluoshan, Hemudu et Kuahuqiao in Serica aevo Neolithico frequentantes ad cibum colligisse.[3]


  1. Sobolewska (1970)
  2. Goren-Inbar et al. (2014)
  3. Dorian Q. Fuller, Ling Qin, Yunfei Zheng, Zhijun Zhao, Xugao Chen, Leo Aoi Hosoya, Guo-Ping Sun, "The Domestication Process and Domestication Rate in Rice: Spikelet Bases from the Lower Yangtze" in Science vol. 323 (2009) pp. 1607-1610


Fontes antiquiores
  • 1330 : Hu Si-hui, Propria ad mensam Imperatoris principia (Paul D. Buell, Eugene N. Anderson, edd. et interprr., A Soup for the Qan: Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Szu-hui's Yin-shan cheng-yao [Londinii: Kegan Paul, 2000] vide indicem p. 677)
  • S. Das, P. Der, U. Raychaudhuri, N. Maulik, D. K. Das, "The effect of Euryale ferox (Makhana), an herb of aquatic origin, on myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury' in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry vol. 289 (2006) pp. 55-63. PMID 16628469
  • R. N. Dutta, S. N. Jha, U. N. Jha, "Plant contents and quality of makhana (Euryale ferox)" in Plant and Soil vol. 96 (1986) pp. 429-432 JSTOR
  • Naama Goren-Inbar, Yoel Melamed, Irit Zohar, Kumar Akhilesh, Shanti Pappu, "Beneath Still Waters - Multistage Aquatic Exploitation of Euryale ferox (Salisb.) during the Acheulian" in Internet Archaeology (2014)
  • A. Jain, H. B. Singh, P. B. Kanjilal, "Economics of Foxnut (Euryale ferox Salisb.) cultivation: a case study from Manipur in North eastern India" in Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources vol. 1 (2010) pp. 63-67
  • Vidyanath Jha, A. N. Kargupta, R. N. Dutta, U. N. Jha, R. K. Mishra, K. C. Saraswati, "Utilization and conservation of Euryale ferox Salisbury in Mathila (North Bihar), India" in Aquatic Botany vol. 39 (1991) pp. 295-314 Epitome
  • Yasuro Kadono, Edward L. Schneider, "The Life History of Euryale ferox Salisb. in Southwestern Japan with Special Reference to Reproductive Ecology" in Plant Species Biology vol. 2 (1987)
  • Neetu Kumari, S. R. K. Singh, S. K. Jha, S. B. Choudhary, "Accelerating Socio-economic Condition of Women through Makhana Cultivation in Bihar" in Indian Research Journal of Extension Education vol. 14 (2014) pp. 102-104
  • R. N. Mandal, G. S. Saha, N. Sarangi, "Harvest and processing of Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisb.) – a unique assemblage of traditional knowledge" in Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge vol. 9 (2010) pp. 684–688
  • S. Miki, "Nymphaeaceae remains in Japan, with new fossil genus Eoeuryale" in Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics vol. 11 (1960) pp. 63–78
  • R. K. Mishra, V. Jha and P.V. Dehadrai, edd., Makhana. Novi Dillii: Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture, 2003
  • Richard Anthony Salisbury in Annals of Botany vol. 2 (1805) p. 74
  • Maria Sobolewska, "Euryale ferox Salisb. in the Pleistocene of Poland" in Acta Palaeobotanica vol. 11 (1970) pp. 13–20

Nexus externi

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