Extremum Iudicium (pictura muralis)

Extremum Iudicium

Extremum iudicium est pictura muralis operis tectorii Romae in aedicula Sixtina inter annos 1534 et 1541 a Michaele Angelo Bonarotio picta, qua biblica narratio de extremo iudicio Apocalypsis Ioannis ostentatur. Haec pictura anno 1993 restituta est.


  • Bernadine Barnes, "Aretino, the Public, and the Censorship of Michelangelo's Last Judgment" in Elizabeth C. Childs, ed., Suspended License: Censorship and the Visual Arts (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997) pp. 59–84
  • Bernadine Barnes, "Metaphorical Painting: Michelangelo, Dante, and the Last Judgment" in Art Bulletin vol. 77 (1995) pp. 64–81
  • James A. Connor, The Last Judgment: Michelangelo and the Death of the Renaissance. Novi Eboraci: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. ISBN 978-0-230-60573-2
  • Marcia Hall , ed., Michelangelo’s Last Judgment. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2005). ISBN 0-521-78002-0
  • A. Leader, "Michelangelo’s Last Judgment: The Culmination of Papal Propaganda in the Sistine Chapel" in Studies in Iconography vol. 27 (2006) pp. 103–56
  • Loren Partridge, Michelangelo, The Last Judgment: A Glorious Restoration. Novi Eboraci: Abrams, 1997. ISBN 0-8109-1549-9
  • Mark W. Roskill, Dolce's Aretino and Venetian Art Theory of the Cinquecento''. Novi Eboraci: New York University Press, 1968. Nova ed.: University of Toronto Press, 2000