

FM-2030 (Bruxellis 15 Octobris 1930Novi Eboraci 8 Iulii 2000), fuit auctor, professor, philosophus transhumanisticus, futurista, consultans, et athleta Olympicus.[1] Natus est Fereidoun M. Esfandiary (Arabice فریدون اسفندیاری). Transhumanista innotuit libro Are You a Transhuman?: Monitoring and Stimulating Your Personal Rate of Growth in a Rapidly Changing World, anno 1989 divulgato. Praeterea, nonnullos libros fictionis scripsit nomine F. M. Esfandiary.

Vegetarianus omnem per vitam erat, dicebatque se aliquid non edere cui fuerat mater.[2] De suo loco in historia dixit, "Homo sum saeculi vicensimi unius qui saeculo vicensimo casu institutus est. Profundam futuri nostalgiam colo."[3] Docuit in Nova Schola, Universitate Californiensi Angelopoli, et Universitate Internationali Floridae.[1] Consultans corporatus operam societatibus Lockheed et J.C. Penney dedit.[1] Mutationi technologicae maxime studebat.

Opera divulgata

Non fictio


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Martin, Douglas (11 Iulii 2000). "Futurist Known as FM-2030 Is Dead at 69". The New York Times .
  2. Chamberlain, Fred (hieme 2000). "A Tribute to FM-2030". Alcor Life Extension Foundation .
  3. Anglice: "I am a 21st century person who was accidentally launched in the 20th. I have a deep nostalgia for the future" (Nichols 2000).


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