Gideon Mantell

Wikidata Gideon Mantell
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Gideon Mantell: imago
Gideon Mantell: imago
Nativitas: 3 Februarii 1790; Lewes
Obitus: 10 Novembris 1852; Londinium
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum
Nomen nativum: Gideon Algernon Mantell


Genitores: Thomas Mantell;
Coniunx: Mary Ann Mantell
Proles: Walter Baldock Durrant Mantell


Sepultura: West Norwood Cemetery

Gideon Algernon Mantell (Lewes in oppido natus die 3 Februarii 1790; mortuus Londinii die 10 Novembris 1852) fuit chirurgus et palaeontologus. Filius sutoris Methodistae, propter religionem e scholis publicis exclusus, privatim in oppido nativo et apud patruum Westburiae educatus est. Tiro apud chirurgum hanc artem didiscit. Magister anno 1811 apud Regium Collegium Chirurgorum receptus, ipse chirurgus ab eodem anno Lewes in oppido, ab 1833 Brightoniae, ab 1838 in suburbio Londiniensi Clapham operam dedit.

Puer iuvenisque mineralia et fossilia quaesitabat. De geologia aevi praesertim Cretacei comitatuum Sussexiae et Surregiae, de palaeontologia animalium exstinctorum eiusdem aevi libros et symbola composuit museumque fossilium apud se congerebat. Opus huius generis primum, The Fossils of the South Downs (1822) sub patronatu regio prodit. Necessitate tam otii quam pecuniarum semper vexatus, collectum palaeontologicum anno 1838 Museo Britannico vendidit.

Genera et species palaeontologicas, quas alii eruditi mox sub dinosauriis ordinaturi erant, ille primus descripsit: Iguanodon (1825), Mosasaurus hoffmanni (1829 p. 207, cf. 1822 pp. 242-246),[1] Hylaeosaurus armatus (1833),[2] Regnosaurus northamptoni (1848 (a)),[3] Pelorosaurus (1850 (a)).


Iguanodon: dentes a Gideone Mantell descripti (1825 tab. 14)
Pelorosaurus conybeari: humerus a Gideone Mantell descriptus (1850 (a) tab. 21)
Leptopleuron lacertinum, a Gideone Mantell sub synonymo Telerpeton elginense descriptum (1852 (cum Brickenden) tab. 4)
  • 1822 : The fossils of the South Downs, or Illustrations of the geology of Sussex Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1831 : A narrative of the visit of their most gracious Majesties William IV and Queen Adelaide to the ancient borough of Lewes Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1833 : The geology of the South-East of England Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1838 : The wonders of geology, or A familiar exposition of geological phenomena vol. 1 vol. 2
  • 1844 : The medals of creation, or First lessons in geology, and in the study of organic remains Vol. 1-2 apud Hathi Trust
    • 2a ed. 1854 (editore T. Rupert Jones) : The medals of creation, or First lessons in geology, and the study of organic remains vol. 1 vol. 2
  • 1845 (sine nomine auctoris) : Memoirs of the life of a country surgeon Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1846 : Thoughts on animalcules, or A glimpse of the invisible world revealed by the microscope Textus apud Internet Archive
    • 2a ed., 1850 : The invisible world revealed by the microscope, or Thoughts on animalcules Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1847 : Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1849 : Thoughts on a pebble; or, A first lesson in geology Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1850 : A pictorial atlas of fossil remains, consisting of coloured illustrations selected from Parkinson's "Organic remains of a former world" and Artis's "Antediluvian phytology" Textus apud Internet Archive
  • 1850 (auctore principali E. W. Brayley) : A topographical history of Surrey vol. 1 vol. 2 vol. 3 vol. 4 vol. 5
  • 1851 : Petrifactions and their teachings, or A hand-book to the gallery of organic remains of the British Museum Textus apud Internet Archive
Symbola selecta


  1. "†Mosasaurus hoffmanni Mantell 1829 (mosasaur)" apud Fossilworks; Earle E. Spamer, Edward Daeschler, L. Gay Vostreys-Shapiro, A Study of Fossil Vertebrate Types in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1995) (pp. 128-129 apud Google Books)
  2. "Mantell and the Armored Dinosaurs" apud BHL Blog
  3. "†Regnosaurus northamptoni Mantell 1848 (ornithischian)" apud Fossilworks


  • Thomas George Bonney, "Mantell, Gideon Algernon" in Dictionary of National Biography edd. Leslie Stephen, Sidney Lee. 63 voll., 3 voll. suppl. (Londinii, 1885-1901 ~)
  • Eric Buffetaut, "Mantell, Cuvier, Buckland and the identification of Iguanodon: a contribution based on unpublished annotations by Mantell" in Oryctos vol. 2 (1999) pp. 101-109
  • E. Cecil Curwen, ed., The journal of Gideon Mantell, surgeon and geologist, covering the years 1818-1852. Londinii: Oxford University Press, 1940
  • Dennis R. Dean, "A bicentenary retrospective on Gideon Algernon Mantell, 1790–1852" in Journal of Geological Education vol. 30 (1990) pp. 434–43
  • Dennis R. Dean, Gideon Algernon Mantell: a bibliography with supplementary essays. Delmar Novi Eboraci, 1998
  • Dennis R. Dean, Gideon Mantell and the Discovery of Dinosaurs. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-521-42048-2 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • Dennis R. Dean, "Mantell, Gideon Algernon" in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography edd. H. C. G. Matthew, Brian Harrison (Oxonii: Oxford University Press, 2004) Situs venalis
  • P. Taquet, "Cuvier-Buckland-Mantell et les dinosaures" in E. Buffetaut, J. M. Mazin, E. Salmon, edd., Actes du symposium paléontologique Georges Cuvier [Montbeliard, 1982] (1983) pp. 475–94
  • T. G. Vallance, "Gideon Mantell, 1790–1852: a focus for study in the history of geology at the Turnbull Library" in Royal Society of New Zealand Bulletin vol. 21 (1984) pp. 91–100
  • Rob Walker, "Gideon Mantell: forgotten man who discovered the dinosaurs" in The Guardian (3 Februarii 2019)

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Lexica biographica:  • IPNI • Deutsche Biographie