Gulielmus Harveus
Res apud Vicidata repertae:

Nativitas: 1 Aprilis 1578; Folkestonum
Obitus: 3 Iunii 1657; Roehampton
Patria: Anglia
Obitus: 3 Iunii 1657; Roehampton
Patria: Anglia
Genitores: Thomas Harvey; Joan Halke
Coniunx: Elizabeth Browne
Coniunx: Elizabeth Browne
Gulielmus Harvaeus[1] vel Gulielmus Harvey (natus William Harvey in Folkestone die 1 Aprilis 1578; mortuus infarctu cordis die 3 Iunii 1657) fuit medicus Anglicus, qui anatomiae et physiologiae pertitus et anno 1628 motum apparatus circulatorius sanguinis in libro Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus primum descripsit.

- 1628. Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus
- 1651. De Generatione
- Butterfield, Herbert (1957). The Origins of Modern Science (revised ed.). New York: The Free Press
- Gregory, Andrew (2001). Harvey's Heart, The Discovery of Blood Circulation. Cambridge, England: Icon Books
- Harvey, William (1889). On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. London: George Bell and Sons
- Harvey, William; Translated by Kenneth J. Franklin. Introduction by Dr. Andrew Wear (1993). The Circulation of the Blood and Other Writings. London: Everyman: Orion Publishing Group. ISBN 0-460-87362-8
- Harris, Paul (2007). William Harvey, Folkestone's Most Famous Son. Folkestone: Lilburne Press
- Kearney, Hugh (1971). Science and Change 1500 - 1700. New York: McGraw-Hill
- Mitchell, Silas Weir (1907). Some Memoranda in Regard to William Harvey, M.D.
- Munk, William (1878). The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Vol. I (2nd ed.). London. pp. 124 – 146
- Rapson, Helen (1982). The Circulation of the Blood. London: Frederick Muller
- Singer, Charles (1959). A History of Biology (third, revised ed.). London: Abelard-Schuman
- Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain) (1913). Portraits of Dr. William Harvey. London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press
- Willis, Robert (translator) (1847). The Works of William Harvey. London: Sydenham Society
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