
Helix pomatia

Classis : Gastropoda 
cladus Heterobranchia
clade Euthyneura
cladus Panpulmonata
cladus Eupulmonata
cladus Stylommatophora
grex informalis Sigmurethra 
Superfamilia : Helicoidea 
Rafinesque, 1815

Helicoidea sunt superfamilia molluscorum terrestrium pulmonatorum cladi Stylommatophororum classis Gastropodorum.


Taxinomia 2005

Intra Helocoidea sunt undevicensimae familiae secundum taxinomiam gastropodorum a Bouchet et Rocroi propositam (2005).[1][2]

  • Helicidae
  • Bradybaenidae
  • Camaenidae
  • Cepolidae
  • Cochlicellidae
  • Elonidae
  • Epiphragmophoridae
  • Halolimnohelicidae
  • Helicodontidae
  • Helminthoglyptidae
  • Humboldtianidae
  • Hygromiidae
  • Monadeniidae
  • Pleurodontidae
  • Polygyridae
  • Sphincterochilidae
  • Thysanophoridae
  • Trissexodontidae
  • Xanthonychidae

Secundum autem Hartmut Nordsieck,[3] familia Xanthonychidae (sensu Hausdorf & Bouchet), probabiliter est polyphyletica et ergo in nonnullas familias dividi debet.

Taxinomia 2012

Thompson & Naranjo-García (2012) descripserunt novam familiam Echinichidas, quam in superfamilia Xanthonychoideis posuerunt.[4] Itaque, familia Xanthonychidae ab Helicoideis ad Xanthonychoidea mota est.


  1. Bouchet 2005
  2. G. T. Poppe et S. P. Tagaro, "The new classification of Gastropods according to Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005," Visaya (Feb. 2006), PDF.
  3. Higher classification of the Helicoidea and the molecular analyses of their phylogeny.
  4. F. G. Thompson et E. Naranjo-García (2012), "Echinichidae, a new family of dart-bearing helicoid slugs from Mexico, with the description of a new genus and three new species (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Xanthonychoidea)," Archiv fur Molluskenkunde 141(2):197-208. doi:10.1127/arch.moll/1869-0963/141/197-208. Praevisio.