Magna commutatio biotorum Americana
Magna commutatio biotorum Americana,[1] Anglice Great American biotic interchange, Hispanice Gran intercambio biótico americano, ex illis migrationibus orta est quae post constitutionem pontis terrestris Panamensis inter continentes Americanas evenerunt. Ita species animalium olim australes septentrioni versus speciesque boreales austro versus propagatae sunt.
Corollarium est magnum schisma Americanum[2] (Great American schism): subito enim, motu eodem, divisio facta est inter biota marina tropicalia maris Caribaei oceanique Pacifici, usque id aevum coniuncta, quae deinde separatim evolvere coeperunt.
Tempus commutationis et schismatis incerte datur: eruditi plures epocha Pliocaena exeunte, abhinc annorum circiter 2 700 000, statuunt.
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- ↑ Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.
- Generalia et geologica
- C. D. Bacon et al., "Biological evidence supports an early and complex emergence of the Isthmus of Panama" in PNAS vol. 112 (2015) pp. 6110–6115 DOI
- S. Cody et al., "The Great American Biotic Interchange revisited" in Ecography vol. 33 pp. 326-332
- Egbert G. Leigh, Aaron O'Dea, Geerat J. Vermeij, "Historical biogeography of the Isthmus of Panama" in Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society vol. 89 (2014) pp. 148-172 Situs venalis
- Aaron O'Dea et al., "Formation of the Isthmus of Panama" in Science Advances vol. 2 (Augusto 2016)
- Francis G. Stehli, S. David Webb, edd., The Great American Biotic Interchange. Novi Eboraci: PLenum Press, 1985
- De avibus
- K. P. Johnson, J. D. Weckstein, "The Central American land bridge as an engine of diversification in New World doves" in Journal of Biogeography vol. 38 (2011) pp. 1069-1076 DOI
- J. F. McLaughlin et al., "Comparative phylogeography reveals widespread cryptic diversity driven by ecology in Panamanian birds" (2023) apud BiorXiv
- B. T. Smith, J. Klicka, "The profound influence of the Late Pliocene Panamanian uplift on the exchange, diversification, and distribution of New World birds" in Ecography vol. 33 (2010) pp. 333-342 DOI
- De apibus
- Charles D. Michener, "Bees of Panama" in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History vol. 104 (1974) pp. 1-175
- Charles D. Michener, "Biogeography of the bees" in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden vol. 66 (1979)
- Joseph S. Wilson, Olivia Messinger Carril, Sedonia D. Sipes, "Revisiting the Great American biotic interchange through analyses of amphitropical bees" in Ecography vol. 37 (2014) pp. 791-796
- De mammalibus
- Alberto Luis Cione et al., The Great American Biotic Interchange: a South American perspective. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015
- De plantis
- Alwyn H. Gentry, "Neotropical Floristic Diversity: Phytogeographical Connections Between Central and South America, Pleistocene Climatic Fluctuations, or an Accident of the Andean Orogeny?" in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden vol. 69 (1982) pp. 557-593 JSTOR
- De biotis marinis
- Laurel S. Collins, Ann F. Budd, Anthony G. Coates, "Earliest evolution associated with closure of the Tropical American Seaway" in PNAS vol. 93 (1996) pp. 6069-6072
Nexus externi
- Leonidas Brikiatis, "Evidence for a Recent Formation of the Isthmus of Panama 0.6 Mya" (2021) apud ResearchSquare