Miracula panum

Fuga in Aegyptum (supra) et miraculum quinque panum duorumque piscium (infra) saeculo fere IX in cruce exarata oppidi Moone in Hibernia

Miracula panum[1] (ita compendiose nuncupata) duo in evangeliis descripta sunt, videlicet:

  • Miraculum quinque panum duorumque piscium quibus quinque milia hominum pranderent (Matth. 14.13-21; Marc. 6.31-44; Luc. 9.12-17; Ioann. 6.1-14)
  • Miraculum quattuor panum paucorumque piscium (Matth. 15.32-39; Marc. 8.1-9)


  1. "Alii etiam propter miracula panum sequebantur eum" (p. 70 apud Google Books)


  • Jouette M. Bassler, "The Parable of the Loaves" in Journal of Religion vol. 66 (1986) pp. 157-172 JSTOR
  • G. H. Boobyer, "The Eucharistic Interpretation of the Miracles of the Loaves in St. Mark's Gospel" in Journal of Theological Studies n. s. vol. 3 (1952) pp. 161-171 JSTOR
  • J. R. C. Cousland, "The Feeding of the Four Thousand Gentiles in Matthew? Matthew 15:29-39 as a Test Case" in Novum Testamentum vol. 41 (1999) pp. 1-23 JSTOR